Ummah Film's 2nd Movie
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Asalamualykum Ummah Films Fans,
We're glad to announce that finally we're moving forward with Ummah Films' second film, alhamdulilah We just in the process of finalizing the script and we have begun our search for the cast and crew.
Stay tuned for more details.
Jazakum Allah Khayran
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Wa alaikum as salaam UF Team! Great news alhamdulillah! Can't wait! Best wishes, will be praying for success in all aspects - enjoy the journey as I am sure you did for "Tomorrow Never Comes."
Wa Alaikum Asalam.
I can't wait!!!
I'm going to tell my whole family, lol.
Wa Alaikum Asalam.
I can't wait!!!
I'm going to tell my whole family, lol.
I was wondering what is the releasing date? And how long did it take you to make the first movie?
Assalamu Alaykum everybody and thank you for your comments...
The answers the questions: Releasing date hasn't been set yet.
As for the first film we've done, it took 5 months to complete.
oh alhamdulillah this is going 2 be so cool. So I'm going 2 tell my friends to watch the film with me in online. I also think this Ummah Films program is a great program that educated the young muslim about Islam. I am very proud of this program. Asalama Alaikum!
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