Videoblog #1: Funny things at Jummah
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
I was thinking about making a video blog discussing the many topics that Muslims can relate to. I haven't found Muslim blogs on the net that are doing it so I said...I figured to try out this experiment InshAllah. The series of video blogs will be about issues that we may often think about but not necessarily talk about.Please post your comments so I know you're watching. JazakAllah khair
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masha' allah... thats actually very good! props!
Salamun Alikum...
HahaHAHAhah...I laughed so hard at work i think the guy in the next cubical next to mine may have think i am going creazzzyy...That was very good mashallah...simple...funny...short and to the point...nice going back and forth with the different shots and characters...Allahu Akbar...This is an excellent idea as the topic that can be talked are vast...
very good....Wa Salam
As salaamu `alaikum,
I liked how it all came out. Once again, it took us about 2-3 hours with all the editing and filming to do, with Baba Ali doing the writing and of course acting.
I truly see this becoming more and more popular insha Allah, because not only is material presented is relevant, but it is entertaining, funny and most important, it's da`wah.
Insha Allah, there will be more in the future...
ali...this was hilarious...super cool. love you bro
-saad min yemen
JazakAllah kair for all the feedback so far. Although there is some humor to it, I was trying to bring attention to some of the things that we have gone immune to. Sleeping at Jummah? (happens way too often)...cell phone ringing at Jummah...(haha this Friday the brother sitting next to me not only had his cell phone but he actually made a call too..he was whispering..joke!!)..Anyways, I figured if I use humor, we are more likely to remember the points and InshAllah be less likely to do the stuff we have become immune to (and I'm speaking to myself as well)
By the way, doing this whole video thing was very wierd. The only person in the room is Mahdi (Thinking Brother) and since he is a smart brother, most of the time he looks like he is thinking. The drawback is that I have no idea how I'm doing (espeically since this is a "out of the box" idea especially with the style of it and with no reaction (I don't think he laughed once), it was kinda wierd. That's why the comment section on these type of blogs are good.
salam alaikum brother ali, your da man. jazak allah
MashAllah, I was luving it!! I am looking foward to more inshAllah.
ahahahaha awesome, i love it.. gives me something to look forward to every week now :oD
Very funny and informative. I think you are on the right track as far as being educational as well as funny. I think each video should contain valuable information like this. I mean how many people talk during the khutbah... A lot. Now sleeping etc.. is beyond me. May Allah protect us all. Ameen. Keep up the good work.
Baba Ali jaan, Salaam!! Where are you from? This is one of THE most vital things our peers need right now!! May Allah grant you patience and more ideas for future videos!!
You're getting the word out there with such creative videos!!! I'm loving it
Assalam alaikum,
I give Khutbah, and your comments are so true... But alhamduillah, so far in my masjid I didn't see them passing pictures or reading newspapers during the khutbah!
Oh, BTW, I can supply you with some sound bits if you want.
As salamu aleikum,
brother....good stuff..
iam from overseas,staying in Germany.So where can i get some of the T-shirts you are wearing??? :)))))
slm Erkan
mashala that video was have such a great personality.jazakallah and make more videos.
Asalamu alaikum,
That was really funny :) alhamdulillah, and I didn't know about the angels at the doors of the masjid.
JazakAllah khair brother, may Allah help and guide us all, ameen
If only the Imams could see this themselves ..........
Assalamu Allaikum
brother Ali, i seen you on the cover of in focus paper and my cousins were like yeah he has nice website, it is even funnier because i know you, check out, KHANDAAN is #1...
Wow, I was very impressed and it was most amusing. Keep it up.
Keep up the good work.
And continue to represent Islam in this new era which allows us to transfer the message of god and the prophet in so many different ways.
tight! you are my hero bro!
My name is Muhaimen and This film is great.Especially the cells..:D
excellent job brother keep it up!
As-salaamu 'aleikum,
Bro, this is hilarious...and much needed. Keep it up and may Allah give you every single tawfiq.
Salaams bro'
Masha Allah! keep up the good work!
congratz bro
im a malaysian studying in Dublin
Found this very interesting
good job bro
Salam, my name is nadia, 26, paris. Just wanted to tell you "baba ali", go on: i think you have a wonderful"neeya" . That's really cool. Go on; ALLAH hafiz
salam awrALLAHwb
salam brother i invit you to cam see algeria if yu want you welcom you are the best !!!!!!!!
sorry my contact is
That was very good, although i don't think the problem is as bad here in England as it sounds in America. I've been following this for some time now and i finally decided to write, can't wait for the second series, by the way you have a big fan club going in england.
Muslim brother from England.
Mashallah this is awesome, keep em coming.
Excellent job on sharing the knowledge!!!! Let's hope inshallah the brothers that do not pay attention in jummah, now understand the importance of our deen. Ameen
Very funny man...keep up the good work. May Allah reward you.
mashallah...that was good one bro....from U.S.A. (florida)
yoyo .......watspp pops that was soooo cool man trust me make the person listen to lessons and funny stuff me yoyo ...was sooo good and cool .........
hey yoyoyo mashallah i loved it wow wat a good job i was crazy these 4 hours....mashallah barakallahu feek
so good and cool...mashallahu kan good one bro...
this is hillarious....its a good way to talk about those topics we tend to avoid....masha'allah keep up the good work
thanks alot i love all ur films ....i cant wait till season 2..may Allah swt help you in achieving ur goals......
Assalamu alaikum!
This is hilarious and very well made. The "no-reaction" akwardness didn't show in the video. May Allah SWT reward you for your work!
Mashallah that is outstanding
Jazzakalahukeral Jaza'i brother
masha Allah, you are funny.
Thank you.
I really enjoyed watching it!
LOL!!...wooooo we have our own Ali B!!!that was great brother...very funiii bu most of all educational at the same time! keep it up!
Masha-Allah! I really enjoyed your video and am going to be watching the rest soon! I think you touched on very pertinent issues which are very relevant even to me here in Singapore. May Allah bless you and give you more opportunities for da'wah.
Mashallah!!! I love watching your videos. It's funny and inspiring at the same time. Keep it coming Please!!!
As Salamualaikum
Asalaamu alakum brother...may Allah subhana wa tala protect you and multiple people like you to make da'wa. Concise, beneficial, and humerous...Mashallah!
Lmao! I loved that. It was wonderful. My whole family loved it! Keep up the good work.
salaamz! LOL I loved watching these videos! Mashallah Keep up the good work!!
assalamu aleikum brother
i love your idea of getting islam across to people with a bit of humour, i think it really reaches to the youth
i think there should be more people doing it like you
mashallah .. May Allah swt reward you for your efforts in spreading the message and giving nasiha in such a mashallah clever way :)
mashallah that was brilliant. finally someone has decided that it is ok to be funny and be a muslim. so many times we are afraid to hurt feelings etc but comedy is a good way to pass on the message
Hi, I'm Souleyman from France !
Your blog is very funny and we need more entertainement like yours in the way of Islam ! Keep on entertainig the Ummah !
Salamun Alaikum
I´m Zahra from Germany, my english isn´t so good, but I´d like to say that I alhamdilillah never heard that anyone reads newspaper or passing pictures at Jummah.
The rest was very great. Mashallah!!!!!
lol dat was joka. decent man
salamo3alekom you was great ,hilarious!! good work ill hope you will do more of thies films mashallah jazaka allahshairan
i think its a great endeavour .. i am not a Muslim and for me this is a real learning experience for me ..
keep up the good work
good luck
Asalam Alaikum,
Wow, that is so funny and helpful. I can't believe I didn't know a lot of what was said. Insha allah there's gonna be more to come. That man makes a good point. I love the video! It's sooo hilarious! I bet all my friends would laugh till their head falls off!
ur teeth make my laugh
Asalam Aliakum!
Damn bro, thats funny! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe that u can't do all of that at khutba! Damn! I luved watching that video. Ali bro! That's funny! make more! PLZ! mashallah! I loved it!
salam brothers
that was nice
Asalaamu Alaykum,
This was funny and straight to the point but there are some things I would like to point out.
Why not extend jumah a little longer? I mean I know some people have to go to work or take care of some things.
Also, I know speaking in long pauses is somewhat frustrated but you must understand that the Iman is trying to tell a story and he must be mindful.
Wa Salaams
subhanallah....i just want to let you know that i sincerely appreciate your utilization of technology to get a serious message across. I feel like the muslim ummah in america is losing their sense of identity and reality. It is truly amazing how you capture the faults of our lives as we go through each day not realizing them ourselves. Jazakallah...May these videos serve as a Sadaqa Jariyah for you and May Allah (S) give you the highest place in Jannah so you may smell the sweet scent of the Rasul (S)....ameen.
wow!!! this is such a nice website... I was looking for questions to some of my answers, and i did not know i would be laughing and learning at the same time...thank you so much.
-may Allah reward you for making this site possible...nergess
asalamoualikom frère ali,
j'ame beaucoup tes vidéos, tes rappels sont super et j'aimerais inshallah des sous titres français sur toutes tes vidéos car pour l'instant il y en a que quelques unes sous titrés français, je ne comprends pas très bien l'anglais donc si possible un sous titrage français pour une meilleure compréhension
merci d'avance et surtout une bonne continuation et qu'allah te donne la bonne santé
salam ou'alaikom
lool i'm french and i've just discovered your reminder videos, and for the first time in my life i'm glad i've minored english looool
what you say is soo true !!
Great videos MashAllah! Drop by at
assalaamu alaykum,
Brilliant video as usual mashallah.
May Allah unite the ummah and guide Muslims to the truth and to do Dawah. Ameen.
How about these additional tips:
1. Give the khutba in English.
Believe it or not, too many khateebs spend more than half of the khutba speaking in a language that not everyone at the khutba understands. Speak in the language of the land so everyone can understand.
2. Don't make piety sound impossible.
I just love hearing about all the super-human accomplishments of those who lived before our time and how we will never live up to such standards. Yep... that's a great way to give the community hope (not!). It would be great if the khateeb would connect modern society with the message of Islam so we can get some benefit from the minbar instead of yet another doom-and-gloom message about how far we fall short of his imagenary expectations.
3. Give the khutba in English.
Oh, did I already mention this one...
4. Ground the message in reality.
Whenever I hear stories about how early Muslims suffered far more than Muslims are suffering now, I have to scratch my head and wonder what universe the khateeb has been living in. He must not have a television or watch the news. Muslims are being bombed every single day... BOMBED! Not to mention the dictators who torture them for YEARS! Not to mention the poison (DU) and denial of education, freedoms, etc. Enough of fairyland... ground our khutbas in reality, please.
5. Give the khutba in English.
Oops.. there I go again... I guess it's because the first rule of communication is to "know your audience" and to speak to your audience in their language (which includes culturally). After all, what's the point of "communicating a message" if more than half the people in the room can't understand a single word you are saying?!
6. I'd like a side order of hope with my self-esteem, please.
This goes back to the "doom and gloom" khutbas and the "pinch of reality" every khutba needs. When preparing your khutba, think about what the COMMUNITY needs, not what YOU need or what you FEEL you need to say. Analyse our situation, what we are struggling with and address those topics. For example, we are a minority in America. Perhaps (and this is just a thought) we may need some self-esteem development, especially for the youth, so we can go into the world with confidence (not arrogance).
7. English, please!
Yes, I typed "khutba" in this comment/post. I only do so because I understand that the audience reading this post knows that khutba means "Friday sermon" and khateeb means "the person giving the sermon." So, if you feel that you MUST say something in Arabic, please please please translate it immediately... and keep the non-English portions of your khutba to an absolute minimum (0% would be ideal).
8. Enough with the screaming!
Some khateebs feel that screeming will help drive the message deep into our hearts... but it just gives everyone a headache. People don't like to be yelled at. So, next time you want to be all "fire-brand" and what-not, think about how much of a lasting impact you could have saying something nicely.
9. FOR GOD'S SAKE! Give the khutba in ENGLISH!!!
Yep, just recently I atteneded a khutba that was probably over half given in Arabic... and many in the audience do not even speak Arabic... how much sense does that make?! (hint: none)
10. Take a class in speech communication.
If you are going to give khutbas, then please take a class in speech communication. You will not only be doing yourself a favor, but you will be doing the community a favor. Remember, the khutba is a message. If it's not communicated well and in the language of the people listening to it, it is nothing more than a series of noises bouncing off our ear drums. Benefit comes from understanding, and as the khateeb it is your job to do your best in shaping you message so that it is relevant and easily understood (hint: organized logically so everyone can follow it).
Thank you.
Anyone who feels my pain can email me at
just want 2 tell u mashallah on ur effort i hope that a friend of mine would convert 2 if you can plz help me do so!!
hi i never was really intresed in islam eventhough i was a muslim (just by name) a friend of mine showed me your site and it really made me think is it worth doing what i do when i know its not allowed i just wanted to say thank-you for showing my wrong ways.
i hope dat u do get rewards for your good deeds- inshallah
Salaamu Alaykum,
I like your video. Allah Ma'ak.
A mosque I attend gives khutbas in three languages, and I am very pleased with that arrangement.
Now, if they could take the door off the hinges which sets at the top of the stairs so that it doesn't slap you down when you're taking your shoes off and someone opens the door to leave...
Assalaama Alaikum, i just want to add that i love your video blog just like everybody else, and please continue. I also want to add that Islam is a beautiful religion, unfortunately, its followers are not and may Allah help the Muslim people by making their faith strong.
salam alaikum. nice keep it up.
Salams Ali! Just like to say that InshAllah u will get reward for all ur videos!
Out of curiosty are u a Sunni of Shia? I know that we should not have this type of divsion between Muslims..but its only a question
dear brother,
please continue... We all benefit from your reminders.
Salaams Ali! You are doing a great job. I saw most of your videos today, and they were really good, Masha-Allah.
But I would like to make a few comments, because I think we are being unfair to the Katheebs, we have to realize that they come from an education system that’s very unlike we get. They don’t have any classes to teach them to present them selves, do they? No classes to teach them to attract a crowd, do they? (We even have separate courses for that). I agree that sometime a Kuthbah can be boring, but not all the time, because the trusties make sure that the Kuthbah is good (at least nowadays). In our area the 4 weeks have been given to 4 Katheebs (They do the Kuthbah every month in the week that’s assigned to them). So it’s interesting every single time.
The people who sleep during Jummah sleep no matter how interesting/boring the Kuthbah is, I think that if you are interested and you actually want to listen to it, u will!! If you sleep it’s your loss. Not the Katheebs.
For example we don’t find all our lectures to be interesting do we? NO. But we make sure that we don’t fall asleep, because if you don’t listen, U FAIL!
I do agree with some of the issues you bring up, like for instance, the Katheeb taking more time. But most of the time you find that the people who complain are those who SLEEP and/or are LATE. Hehe
It’s just what I think.
Still, you are doing a great job brother. May Allah forgive you and all other muslims!! Ameen
Assalam Alaikum!
JazakAllah Khair for your video. It was entertaining and accurate without crossing That Line, so I enjoyed it!! Keep it up brother!
If you could do one how to men and women should interact if introduced that would be great. I'm a sister and get flustered and never know what to do when meeting a friend's husband but I'd like to recognize him if I saw him say at Jumu'ah and was looking for his wife or child!
Salam br. Ali. Keep up the good spirit. You are so good and are presenting your message in an unseen manner, that I like indeed. It's great to see that you have accomplished to get a lot of young peoples attention and sending the message. May Allah bless you and your family Insha'Allah. Peace out from Denmark!
Salaamo alaikum Ali. Masha allah u hav such a good way of pushing out a clear message. The presentatios are excellent, and are very funny and not boring at all!. I always tell my kafir friends, that if they want to see the real islam, look at ummah films. May allah lead you to success and win over the hearts of those who disbelieve.
Wa-Salaam, Rohan from UK
i know wat u're saying wen people interrupt the khutbah. sumtimes i know them too. so i try to tell them kindly after the khutbah was over. that was a funny way to put it. mashallah
must be the 100th time i'm watching this but its still funny and i STILL nod my head in agreement lol
it is so good gazak allaho khern but can you translate them in arabic it helps to spred them to many people like the translation of parent negotiation thanks alot
your brother karim from egypt
haw do you say بحبك فى الله
in english i have no idea
Salaams bro
This is excellent stuff.
Let me jus say, you got a natural talent.
I am going to tell all my mates(uk)about your website.
Bro dats alot of people.
your going to be famous.
keep up the good work loads ppl are enjoying it.not only muslims but non muslims.
Thanks for you time and have put a smile on my face and i am sure on many others.
Jazak Allah Khair you brothers are awesome it's funny a real :) keep it up!
that was classic.. keep it up bro!!
hilarious, especially that part about the pauses and the frustration :D
Very well done! This is informative as well as entertaining...Keep it up bro!
asalamo alikom
hey bro keep the gd work :)
i just known about u today and u now r like my source to know and understand my releigion and god bless u
urs ahmed
jazakallah bro you're really funny lol it's a very good and entertaining way of putting the message through to people may u b rewarded for this!
salaamz x
I have only just saw this but, allow me to tell you brother you are doing a good job infroming all those who are not very well educated in Islam and if they are there is always on or to things you could learn. Another thing is that you made it humrous which caught my attention frist time round.
Jazaklahh brother
Asalamu Alakem,
You crazy man... that was hillarious though. hahahaaha! :) Me and my cousin were watching this video and were cracking up laughing.. Good points though. keep up the good films man. you crazy fool! just playing...
Masha'Allah, I enjoy what you are trying to do may Allah continue to reward your effort and may these reminders be a means toward your Jennah and a to bring the Muslim family to always unite, InshAllah
salam ahleykum;my best friend laetitia who's converted make me discovered ali’s films and all i can say is that it's great.we're french but what you said about american muslims is similar in talk about islam the way i like funny but serious at the same time and you know what you're talking about.I hope more and more people we'll discover you, muslims or not.
masha allah that was so funny good job :)
Asalamo alaikom,, may allah bless you with more knowledge and iman 2 pick up the good work, wa alaikom asalam...
that was really great and i'm sure that every good muslim is proud of you ,jazaka allah kair
That was great
jazak allah kheir
mashallah alek akhi ali. you really know how to say it. im a muslim from the middle east who is very proud of what you have done. im sure that lots of people will convert or will try to improve their ways with islam after seeing those videos.
your humour keeps it interesting!!
KEEP IT UP and jazak allah khair
you will be rewarded inshallah
This is refreshing and fun....
Reminds us to come early for jum'ah prayer....
well done brother it was coolio!!!!!!!
hahaha mashaALLAAAH! YazakaLAAHou 3enna khayral yaza2
As salaamu `alaikum,
I'm just beginning to know the Islam and then I found your's amazing.funny and really interesting,and have answers for some of my questions:)shoukran:)
my name is Munira and i went to the G.P.U. I saw you. you were very funny and you were also speaking the truth when you make these videos. i think that you are very good and i have told my friends about you and your videos.
wa laikum salam.
mashallah soooo good and funny allah yhfzak
Simply not funny.
Rather a guide for people who have no concept of Islam.
Rate you for trying tho.
i just want to congratulate you for the way you use your qualifications even though i understand with difficulty but it enables me to improove in english so happy for having picked up this vidéos al hamdoulillah
AssalamUaLAIKUM rother. I really wish to pray for you along with all ur team for contributing Islam. Wht I most like is ur intentions of just seeking ALLAH blessing and not straight away propagating this beautiful religion in a typical way which many of the ppl do, eventually giving negative impression to others instead of unfolding our religion at the right time n occasion. nehow. good newz for all of u is, it Jummat-ul-mubarak today and i will surely remember all of u in my prays at masjid. JazakAllah Khair
AssalamUaLAIKUM rother. I really wish to pray for you along with all ur team for contributing Islam. Wht I most like is ur intentions of just seeking ALLAH blessing and not straight away propagating this beautiful religion in a typical way which many of the ppl do, eventually giving negative impression to others instead of unfolding our religion at the right time n occasion. nehow. good newz for all of u is, it Jummat-ul-mubarak today and i will surely remember all of u in my prays at masjid. JazakAllah Khair
Good job. Keep up the good work.
Jazakallah Khair
jazakallah kheir bro, just hope that they actually talk about relvant issues such as how muslims sohuld unite in one islamic state...
Thank you very much brother for all that you do for Islam. And i think you would make a very good imam.
assalamo 3alaykom
very very funny..and it is an important issue..u have a sense of humor..
jazak allahu khairan
Assalamualaikum Brother Ali,
I just wanted to thank you for your videos, and changing my life... These videos are great and I cant wait for more! Thank you for bringing some humor into learning about Islam, it's a great approach and as you can see... many people enjoy it!
Jazakallah Khair
So funny ... keep prducing such clips .. ther are realy good.
It was a bit funny, not as funny as some of your other videos that i've seen. Also i think you should drop the really close close-ups because they look a bit daft. One other thing - it should be Jumu'ah not Jummah. Lots of people can't pronounce it properly and have become immune to it (i just wanted to point that out).
i just watch all of these and not only are they hilarious mashallah but i learnt alot jazakallah
Nice shirt:)
I really can’t buy this person at all. He’s an Iranian who’s not suffered the atrocity those Iranian young boys and girls have suffered and are suffering, having lived his life in America!
That is why he can praise Islam because he has no idea how it feels living under Islamic subjugation as a young person!
If he had had lived his life in Iran, I swear to God or Allah if you prefer as someone who’s been brain-washed by Arabic Culture and not by Real Islam because Arabs are a racist and arrogant nation and their arrogance has been blamed by God even in Koran. That’s why they insist to impose their language and culture to the whole world in the name of Islam whereas according to the real Islamic ideology, Islam is a global religion therefore, you don’t have to become an Arab in order to become a Muslim. You can keep your cultural appearance, name etc. and still be a Muslim but NO… They insist you have to grow a beard right after conversion, choose an “Arabic” name NOT “Islamic Name” because there is no such thing as Islamic Name being Islam a global religion and learn Arabic because you wouldn’t be a Muslim if you don’t pray to God or the Arabic God, Allah, if you don’t speak to him in Arabic! Apparently, God is an Arab and would not understand any language other than Arabic!
This person on the other hand has suffered some frustration in America which is not very hard to see what his frustrations has been! How can I see that?! It’s easy! He’s playing cool, funny, open-minded, even trying to be somewhat sexy! Where has he learned all these things?! To his admission, he’s been hanging out with white Americans and has been drinking, clubbing, chasing girls etc. He obviously has not been received well to his liking and has been disappointed and that’s why he’s become a Islam Lover. He’s fighting back! I think this guy’s so called activities are based on sheer selfish motive; therefore I cannot buy it or hoopla for it!
I really can’t buy this person at all. He’s an Iranian who’s not suffered the atrocity those Iranian young boys and girls have suffered and are suffering, having lived his life in America!
That is why he can praise Islam because he has no idea how it feels living under Islamic subjugation as a young person!
If he had had lived his life in Iran, I swear to God or Allah if you prefer as someone who’s been brain-washed by Arabic Culture and not by Real Islam because Arabs are a racist and arrogant nation and their arrogance has been blamed by God even in Koran. That’s why they insist to impose their language and culture to the whole world in the name of Islam whereas according to the real Islamic ideology, Islam is a global religion therefore, you don’t have to become an Arab in order to become a Muslim. You can keep your cultural appearance, name etc. and still be a Muslim but NO… They insist you have to grow a beard right after conversion, choose an “Arabic” name NOT “Islamic Name” because there is no such thing as Islamic Name being Islam a global religion and learn Arabic because you wouldn’t be a Muslim if you don’t pray to God or the Arabic God, Allah, if you don’t speak to him in Arabic! Apparently, God is an Arab and would not understand any language other than Arabic!
This person on the other hand has suffered some frustration in America which is not very hard to see what his frustrations has been! How can I see that?! It’s easy! He’s playing cool, funny, open-minded, even trying to be somewhat sexy! Where has he learned all these things?! To his admission, he’s been hanging out with white Americans and has been drinking, clubbing, chasing girls etc. He obviously has not been received well to his liking and has been disappointed and that’s why he’s become a Islam Lover. He’s fighting back! I think this guy’s so called activities are based on sheer selfish motive; therefore I cannot buy it or hoopla for it!
that is so true... hahaha
Salamualaikum umma films, I’ve been watching these videos for a while now but I haven’t posted a single comment so I just wanted to say, your doing a great job, may Allah grant you (and your entire team) immense success in this life and the next, may your da'wah prosper and reach the hearts and minds of thousands of Muslims and non-Muslims alike. May Allah shower his blessings and mercy upon you, Ameen. Oh Allah please let the muslims rise again please grant us the enthusiasm and zeal of our predecessors, please grant us strength again, please let all the muslimeen assemble and unite under the banner of Islam 'la ilaaha illallaah...' Ameen.
These videos are wonderful reminders so true and to the point, short and snappy, truly the khutbas in jumma prayers really need to become more appealing and more relevant; they should address the concerns of the youth and remind us of the plight of our brothers and sisters around the world (that are suffering, in war zones and from poverty etc) verily the prophet (pbuh) did say that the Muslims are like one body when a part of the body is hurt then it’s like the whole body is hurt (to the nearest meaning) I think i should peace out now!
i just cant bear of laughing n thinking a deep thought everytime i watch all the vids.. thanx bro!
God Bless!!
Different looking pictures
web designer
amazing job bro... all the best w/ the movie that you are making. may allah help you meet the financial side.
rizwan (your bengali bro living in toronto)
very nice........
Tamil Actor vijay
assalamualakum bro!:)
your videos are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are sooooooooooooo funny!! we cant stop laughing hahahahahahahahahahahaha
and we keep watching them over and over again! cant wait till ur movie comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anusha and Rabel
assalamu alaikum brother,
Marshallah you have done an amazing job on talking about Islam throughout all of your videos. I am happy to see a fellow muslim brother spread the word of Islam without violence and the true way.
from Asif Uddin
in London,England
great work
mash' allah
As Salaamu Alaikum, I watch your vidoes and i think they are very funny, but also true at the same time, masha' allah that u know so much about your deen and that you are attepmting to spread dawah across the internet, as a muslim youth,i see your videos as a way to learn more about our deen,but also making our deen more fun to learn,thank you and have a blessed ramadan,
As Salaamu Alaikum
As Salaamu Alaikum, I watch your vidoes and i think they are very funny, but also true at the same time, masha' allah that u know so much about your deen and that you are attepmting to spread dawah across the internet, as a muslim youth,i see your videos as a way to learn more about our deen,but also making our deen more fun to learn,thank you and have a blessed ramadan,
As Salaamu Alaikum
As salaamu alaikum,
I think your videos are very inspiring and very funny at the same time. Ma sha Allah that you know so much about your deen and attempting to shareDawah across the internet. As a young muslim I am glad to have some funny ways to learn about our deen. Thank you and have a BLessed Ramadan.
As salaam alaikum
Mashallah thats so funny but sooo true. These are excellent video's in teaching the way of Islam to fellow muslims and even converts. I was wondering if there are any videos for non muslims thinking of converting, as it is a complicated and confused stage in their life (for some atleast) so clips by ummah films may help them in their decision.
Jazakhallah khair
Salaam alaikum
Ma shaa allah
continue man, our islam need a men like you
thanks a lot
asalam walikum brother Baba Ali, I saw this video and guest what I am a sister in islam when I went to the masjid for Jumma namaz with my husband and sons and when we were reading the namaz there was a sister behing us sitting down talk so loud! she was so loud she was even louder than the Imam who was leading the jumma namaz and when we finished I truned around and said to her that she was really loud and if she needed to talk she should try to wisper but she turned around that she was wispering at that point i said Allahoakhabar and tuned around waht is wrong with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! may allah forgive all of us and give us all hadiat. Ameen.
mashallah you are a very humerous man. your videos really encourage me to think twice before i do samething alhamdulilah!
good job
slm-alekum Ali
I wana ask you what you think about the splitsing of the Islam. Sunnie/shia and Alevi
I am not good with internet and pc and its verry hard to reach you. if you have msn can you sent it to mine mail becase i need to talk to a open minder like you I have a lot of questions. Alot of people i asked and coudent awnser the questions in turkish dutch and when i lisent to you on youtubbe in Engilsh i understood more ifen mine ENG is verry bad. ALLAH emanet ol Allahin kullu Baba ali
hahaha MASHALLAH thanks for the video may allah bless u and watch over u ameen lol
was it supposed to be funny?
Sorry. i didn't get it.
Thanks for showing giving the Muslims a talk on how to behave at Jummah. Inshallah all will be guided in the right path. Thanks for sharing.
P.S. To the brother that wanted to know what "بحبك فى الله" means in English, it means "I love you for the sake of Allah."
I want to learn to deliver messages like this, this is so easy to accept. May I?
gilig - Indonesia
السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُم بابا عَلي.
شُكْراً جَزيلاً لِكُلّ شَيئ.
هَذا هُوَ مُمْتاز وَنَسْتَطيع أن نَتَعَلَّم مَعَكَ يا أخ مِنَ القَلْب.
أنْتَ مُسْلِم حَقيق وَأُريد أن أَكُن كَما أَنْتَ بابا عَلي.
مَعَ السَّلامة يا بابا عَلي.
حَسّن مِن أمْستَردام.
ماذا تَفْطُر في الصَباح؟ يَعْني تَضْحَك دائماً.
Asalam walaikum
There are no perfect words to say how great the videos are. MashAllah. Will a world tour be considered as a gud and practical idea for the team? and if you do consider South Africa,please let me know.
man .. you just ROCK :D:D
you are sooo down to eartha dn real and still very very correct and ginuine ...
I move from egypt to new zealand 3 years ago ad discovered how easy is it to forget .. when u don't live around muslims any more ...
Your vidoes ... were always a reminder for me
jazzaka ALLAHO khayran brother .
I really impressed and love it. Good job!!
asalam alekum
mr. ali i would like to inform u that is some contris in the arab gulf the kutbah is read out from a paper nd all the mosques have the same piece of paper tnd the khteeb is not allowed to out of these line where are the kuhtba is geting more boreing every friday
this is so real and it happens everywhere, my father works as a contractor in mozambique and he once told me a hilarious story about khutbah there, it was in arabic and naturally no one understands what the Imam was saying including the Imam himself and my dad was the only one who understands arabic, so at the end of khutbah he was saying Dua for the graet Ottoman Sultan who actually died like 200 years ago he was praying God to give him health and happiness!!!
obviously he had this same khutba for more than 200 years.
(p.s.may i get your autoghram:))just joking:)))
I loved it, it was well hilarious...and so true. It's like you try to listen but you can't help but tune out. Another problem with Khutba's in my mosque is that the khateeb's can't speak proper english or I kinda tune out in both.
love your vids!
DUDE I LOVE U that was hilarious~
DUDE I LOVE U that was hilarious~
How about a suggestion box outside the masjid. Helps people think of issues that are relevant ?
salam bro! nys work. kp it up
JazakALLAH khair ya Akhona Fil Islam!!
May Allah and His help be with you and your partners in this GREAT & Kind work you have started!!!
Please come on FACEBOOK as well!
Thanks & Regards,
A Proud Muslim Pakistani Brother!!
Mansha Allah this guy is doing great. God bless you and all the Muslims around the world.
It was really great !
I haven't seen sth like this before !
you are so creative ..
nice!keep up the good work..alhamdulillah!
Shukran - and here i was thinking this Jumuah practices were only in South Africa... awesome stuff bro :)
This is a truly admirable job what you are doing, bro.
Russia,Kazan Muslims says THANK!!!
My English very bad.but my heart in ISLAM.
Mashallah i watched ur videos Ali and i really liked it.Inshallah may Allah reward u with goods!
that`s the first time i watch your video and i love it too much
Those who talk in Khutba will have to forfiet the good deeds that was generated while attending the Jumar prayers.
So be warned guys, no talking and no communication with others.
yeah dude
i like your style to deliver Islam
very intractive
and straight to the point. add more funny act. he
nice job
keep forward
Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..
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Pirates of the Burning sea
Esselam Alejkum
I love your episodes they teach me more about islam
Very informative and trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I
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Hahahaha....Jazak Allah khyrn, brother.
I am really proud of what u r doing.
Ur brother from Denmark.
i was just asking when is jummah and u pray but forgot ur wudu is it haram and u have to do it again ?
ohh Ali Ali! just like your other bros and sis, i love you man! I like the way you...ehm remind us.
Thanks a bunch!May Allah reward you greatly!
that was very funny and informative at the same time...
Jazakallah... brother Baba Ali...
People like you when you do such efforts, are great inspiration to people like me...
keep up the good work and keep up informing, entertaining and inspiring people...
May Allah make you closer to him...
Good work once again...
But please consider the comment of sister UmmZainab just above my comment....
Sister, I think... he actually meant to tell that usually through internet u don't know what is the reality at first...
Hi Ali, I'm Sara from Kuwait.
I liked what you're doing. Alhamdo le Allah that u become a Muslim. by the way that's mean Allah likes you.
and you are HIILARIOUS!! You made me cry of laughing LOL!
keep up the Good work.
I really enjoy listening to u iam an arabic Muslim and seek for translations for these videos ...Masha Allah
thank you so much brother our local iman really needs these tips and me and my family love all of your videos please make more we really learn because we made many mistakes in the past that we didn't even know about until we saw your video and again thank you
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You are absolutely right Baba Ali... and funny!
The Friday prayer in Islam could not be completed without this speech which has been delivered in Arabic language only.
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