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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Its here! Ummah Films Season 2 Finale - "Why Islam"

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

I decided to launch the video early :)

If you want to help spread the video to the YouTube viewers, please RATE & COMMENT the video on YouTube, which moves it up the charts. That way, the video reaches more YouTube viewers InshAllah.

Unlike all the rest of the Reminder videos, this is the only one that has no humor in it. The topic is based on a question "Why Islam" so instead of answering many emails on this subject, I decided to answer the question via a video. Now, I didn't laugh my way into this Deen but rather my decision was based on being intellectually convinced so I hope to share somethings that was going through my head and at the same time, explain to the viewers what Islam really is.

The video was based on a lecture that can be found here:

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At July 14, 2007 4:24 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Assalamualayku brother Ali.
Alhamdulillah a very good video and to the point.
May Allah reward you for all your efforts.. Though like you said it wasn't another comedy strip, it was still great and worth watching and inshaAllah will attract both muslims and non muslims alike

Jazakallahu khairan

At July 14, 2007 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOOT WOOT! go baba ali!

At July 14, 2007 4:56 PM, Blogger Mahdi Ahmad said...

As salaamu alaikum,

Good explanation and summation of "why Islam" but to someone who wants answers to the "controversial questions", unfortunately it will be seen as a typical disclaimer.

It seems to be a repeat of the last season's episode that was about how you converted.

Many people ask about the ayaat of Jihad or the marriage to Aisha (ra) and these questions (as well as many others) can be answered intellectually and hence the truth of Islam will be shown, refuting any lie or misconception by the Islamophobes.

That is a video we need...

At July 14, 2007 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu alaikum bro...thanks for your vidoes it was great asusual and even though it wasnt like da rest with the comedy it was great and taught alot mashallah.
jazakallahu khair....
is der a seson 3???

At July 14, 2007 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As salaamu alaikum,

Thank you for another informative video, good stuff ali!

jazakallahu khair

At July 14, 2007 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Go Ali!

Love all your videos.

At July 14, 2007 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Assalaam Alaikum

Ali!!! That was so Beautiful!!! I cried, I really cried! That is exactly the formula I use in my dawa, when in person. Maasha Allah! What a beautiful, really beautiful video, subhan Allah. Thank you so much for sharing that video. May Allah always lead you to that which is Good and bless you in everything you attempt to do....

At July 14, 2007 7:57 PM, Blogger Haleemah said...

Assalamu Alaikum brother,
Alhamduillallah that was great, I have enjoyed all of your videos as they were all funny yet very truthful. May Allah reward you for your efforts. Insha Allah may people see what they are doing wrong and correct themselves and others by these videos. Insha Allah I hope that you can make more they are great. Assalamu Alaikum Haleemah

At July 14, 2007 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

salam alaik. this episode is good. really good. btw, about the episode written by the viewer, will it be in the next season or will it be made exclusively available for the dvd only. i'm from australia. will the dvd be available here too.
p/s: why dont u come to aussie.

At July 14, 2007 10:24 PM, Blogger Salman Naqvi said...

mashAllah again... and as always... I noticed something on Youtube - this will become outdated really fast, but, out of 280 people to see this video, 178 wrote text comments - which is certainly encouraging number wise... I thank Allah for inspiring you to make all these videos.
Salam Alaikum

At July 14, 2007 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

asalamualykum i relli like ur video and the point of it may

At July 14, 2007 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i loved the video...alhamidulllah there are brothers like you that spread teh message...

P.S even though it wasn't comic...it was still REAAAAAAAAAAALY good

At July 14, 2007 11:47 PM, Blogger Ameena Zahid said...

As Salam Alaikum Brother Ali, Alhumdullah my Allah reward you for the messages you provide. This video was great, all your videos are great and the game Mecca to Madina is also great. I to reverted to Islam and it is someone just like you that will bring more to Islam Insha'Allah just with your videos

At July 15, 2007 12:16 AM, Blogger Omar Al Nimer said...

Masha'ALLAH brother, that was the most powerful video ever, every scene was just WOW.. but I do have a comment though, if you could correct it then that would be great, Allah doesn't challenge the humanity to create a book like the Qur'an but a single CHAPTER, and as we know the shortest chapter is only 3 verses. I support you with all my heart brother. Keep it up.

At July 15, 2007 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu'alaikum bro...

May Allah help you to steadfast in religion, and may Allah be pleased with your good deeds..

At July 15, 2007 1:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asalamu alaykum brother Ali

MashAllah you have a simple, yet effective way of putting things...excellent clarity in what you said. Short but sweet, Alhamdulilah.
JazakAllah khairan.
Your sis in Islam Sydra

At July 15, 2007 1:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jazak Allah khayr!! Very beautiful! It really touched my heart!!

At July 15, 2007 1:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks brother,
As you say before Islam is not just honor its responsibility.We must behave as we supposed to do...We must be careful...We shouldnt forget what we represent...these videos always reminded me my responsibilities and ı hope they always will...Thanks for your effort.My best wishes and prays with you and with all muslims..go on!!!

At July 15, 2007 2:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

assalamu'alaikom brother Ali!
May Allah Ta'ala reward you with good for reminding us, It is really unfortunate and saddening to see muslims born in this religion who never know what Islam is all about. the worst thing is they label you as ignorant and innovator when you try to correct traditional practices they associates to islam.

At July 15, 2007 2:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaikum brother Ali,

Alhandurillah the video was very good and it got to the point. It had great quality and made many good points. It is a dawah video for non-muslims and Muslims. InshAllah it brings hidayet to all.

At July 15, 2007 2:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum good work keep it up from esteve :) j/k. very educational .Salaam

At July 15, 2007 3:15 AM, Blogger Qortobah said...

I ask Allah to guide you and make you stead fast on his religion. I understand your motives of dawa but you denied some verses in the Koran regarding to a very sensitive issue .I recommend you to read the Tafsir Ibn-Kathir,Tabari,Qurtubi,etc of the Suratul Anafal,Atawbah and Mohammad. The denial of any verse in the Koran is a kufr.

At July 15, 2007 3:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asalamualykum :)
I think the video was really really good. Its a GOOD thing you adopted a serious note in this one, and the message has gone down well. I will forward this to my non-muslim friends. May Allah give you the reward of every person that 'thinks' after watching this video.
Jazakallah :)

At July 15, 2007 3:55 AM, Blogger Comicsans said...

Salaam alaikum
This is an excellent video, something that all of us and nonmuslims should hear. Summarises the complete and the relevant Islam.
May Allah show every person what is right and what is wrong. Ameen

At July 15, 2007 4:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Was abit disappointed when you said that you wouldn't include any humor... but upon listening to the video I think it was brilliant. A lot of truth spoken. Well done.

More please...

At July 15, 2007 4:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

asalamualaikum brother ali. wat u do is a great thing alhamdulillah. my allah reward you for this action. this video will help muslims and non-muslims for seeing the right way of islam not the twistedversion we see on the media

Jazakallahu khair


At July 15, 2007 4:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asalamu Alaykum
Everytime i see your reminder videos im amazed at your talent, MashaAllah once again you've amazed and inspired me and hopefully others
Jazakallahu Khairan

At July 15, 2007 5:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good video broher I was expecting something with a bit of humour but its good to have something thought provoking. It was a good, simple insight to "why Isalm" and hopefully something that will stop some people from jumping to conclusions. Can't wait till the next video.....with a little bit of humour lol! :-)

At July 15, 2007 5:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalaamu alaik Ali,

JazakAllahu khairan, it's a great video.
Will the DVD be available in Holland too? I'd like to have it :)
May Allah reward you for your good intentions

Salaamu alaikum wa rahmat Allah

At July 15, 2007 5:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salaam my dear brother.
Mashallah - May Allah protect you and enable you to produce many more gems like this

At July 15, 2007 5:48 AM, Blogger Taqiudeen bin Patrick said...

As salaam alaikum Ya Muslaymeen...

Al-Humduulilah well done. Good focus, I was worried this would be a repeat of last year's season finale, but you brought it back and made everything relevant. As for the MARRIAGE of Ayesha, and the Muslim response to VIOLENCE, I hope it will be in upcoming seasons, inshaa Allah, but I don't think they had any place in this video.

Jazack Allahuu Kahir for all the hard work. You look tired, get some rest..inshaa Allah.

At July 15, 2007 5:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know (which you probably don't, but I'll tell you), with all the publicity going around, it is only today (15 july 2007) that I've actually heard about Ummah Films. Yeah, I know!! where have I been??

Halaal concept to a normally haraam field is working great yeah! Good stuff, Great Videos. Looking forward to tell all my friends about it m8. May Allah reward you.

Jazakallahu Khairan

At July 15, 2007 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asalamualikum Brother. Marshallah within these videos you have truly enlightened me and my friends. Thank you so much and mMay Allah reward you and the people you worked with.

Jazalallahu Khairan

At July 15, 2007 6:14 AM, Blogger Taqiudeen bin Patrick said...

As salaam alaikum Baba Ali,

Tell us who is the Shaykh giving the lecture?

Learning Islam

Jazack Allahuu Kahir..

At July 15, 2007 6:47 AM, Blogger zaranine said...

Salam waleikoum brother Ali,

you explain things about islam very well, and i really hope that you will carry on for a season 3. I have a hudge respect for your work, thanks a lot for these videos, that was a good guide to me. May Allah reward you for this smashing work.


At July 15, 2007 7:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

an excellent way 2 end series 2!!
jazakallahu khairan

At July 15, 2007 7:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great video and non muslims would see this as a good explaination of islam inshaallah. your videos are always great i just wish there were some with a sister in it with the sisters side of things!!

At July 15, 2007 7:24 AM, Blogger Habib said...


JazakAllahu khair Ali. Bro Abu Yasmeen, the speaker is Abdur-Raheem Green from the London Central Mosque (aka Regents Park Mosque) - He is responsible for da'wah there.


At July 15, 2007 7:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaikum,

Allahamdullilah, It was very stimulating and non-offensive. It's going to be received warmly from both Muslims and Non-Muslims. May Allah reward you for sharing and may Allah accept your dawah and correct the faith of many by your efforts.


At July 15, 2007 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalam 'alaykum brother Ali,

MashAllah that was DEFFINITELY DEFFINITELY VERY VERY VERY appropriate that you didnt use a comic strip. This issue is deffinitely a serious issue and no doubt you took the best approach towards providing understanding it MashAllah...i rate you bro!! lol I find it amazing how even WITHOUT a comic strip you still keep EVERBODY GLUED to your video!!

MashAllah...keep it up :)


At July 15, 2007 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Bro Ali,
It was truely a reminder to me to be a good muslim..
Jazakallahu khair!
Amy Allah bestow you with the best of both the worlds. Ameen.

At July 15, 2007 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SobHan Allah...This was beautiful,I cried....as a convert myself I felt everything you said ring EXACT....Insha'Allah, I will be forwarding this to some of my Christian relatives....
MAy Allah reward you and Jazak Allah Khairan for that beautiful reminder!

At July 15, 2007 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Salaamu Alaikum,

Another great video, may Allah reward you and keeps you on the right path.

Keep it up.


At July 15, 2007 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As salaamu 'alaykum

Comical or not, your videos always get the point across perfectly. Keep up the good work and always renew your intentions. May Allah reward you.

At July 15, 2007 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaikum,

u kno brother, i totally understand what you were saying, that reminds me of the william paley example, which is, if there was a watch in the desert, someone has had to put it there, as it cannot come out of nowhere. so therefore there has to be someone who made everything, the world, universe and such, as it cannot come out of nowhere or the big bang as the scientist say.
and i dont think the world was made out of stones (idols), or cws or such,
jakakallh, the video was one of your best i must say, i really like the way you become serius when you have to also.
your sister in islam.

At July 15, 2007 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

alhumdulilah brother.....one of the best videos ever....may allah reward you...for ur effort

At July 15, 2007 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalaamu Alaykum,

Great title "Why Islam" actually there's a dawah organization called that and alhumdulillah they have done some serious outreach work.

May Allah SWT reward you immensely on your effort. Ameen.

Wasalaam Walaykum

At July 15, 2007 9:31 AM, Blogger Lunacy Glee said...

This is absolutely amazing.
I'm sure this video will make any non muslim think.
I think this is one of your best videos.

At July 15, 2007 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was really, good, mashallah,and a video that really makes you think, and touches the heart, becuz it clarifies, all the confusion to 8 minutes of clarification.

At July 15, 2007 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only two words--- LOVED IT!

At July 15, 2007 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is True! Islam has answers to everything! Everything!

For example! If I go to a random guy at the street and ask him what the meaning of life is, he wouldn't know. But! If I turned to Islam, I would get the perfect, most logical answer that there ever were.
Alhamdulillah that I was raised muslim.

At July 15, 2007 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing why islam is for you! It was very straight forward and easily understood, it made me think about everything in a different light.

thanks again!

At July 15, 2007 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asalam alikom bro Ali,
i just wanted to say that what you are doing is benefiting so many people and making them more wise. All your vidoes have been great and i loved every single one of them. You have a great personality and you add your own twist to everything and every time the video ends i get so upset because i want to keep watching..Jazak Allah khair..keep up the great work!

At July 15, 2007 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mashaAllah, very breif and very precise, may Allah give you more knowledge and wisdom to carry on changing the hearts and minds Ameen.

At July 15, 2007 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu alaykum. MashAllah it was a very nice video, i think the way u ended the season on a serious note after many comical videos will have an impact on the audience, InshAllah. I would like to wish u success in the world and the hereafter, ameen.
JazakAllah khair for your videos.
Wasalam Aisha

At July 15, 2007 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salams brother,beutyfulllll!

At July 15, 2007 2:23 PM, Blogger Coppermoon said...

Jazakallahu khairan
That was a wonderful video. I have watched all and love the comedy that you put in each one. I feel it does help drive the point home. But it was so nice to see this one, on such a serious subject being done on a serious note. Islam is the most wonderful gift Allah has given us.. May Allah reward you for your efforts.
Please keep these videos going

At July 15, 2007 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamulaikum Bro Ali! I only recently knew about your videos till another sister told me! Alhumdullilah! MASHALLAH a very inspiring video that clarifies all the misconceptions about islam. Very good for non-muslims and also a reminder for all muslims.May Allah bless you and continue to reward you for all your efforts.Ameen
Your Sis In Islam

At July 15, 2007 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamualaykum Brother,

Ive been muslim all of my life and ive all ways loved islam because it was so practical.
It would really be great if you made a video on one of the really controversial issues people look at when they read from things like www.faithfreedominternational.com

At July 15, 2007 3:57 PM, Blogger مرضيه said...

MasyaAllah! Top-Notch baba ali jaan!! jazakaAllah Khayr Khatheeran :)Sums up Islam... :)barakaAllah

At July 15, 2007 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

asalamoalaikum brother ali,
this video is a real eye opener for the one who has gone astray from the right path and a real comforter for on who is on the right path and in difficulty. It was short and sweet and to the point and may Allah make us all great in speech just like you to help defend Allah, our Prophet (saw), and our Deen, inshaAllah ta'ala.

jazakAllah khair

At July 15, 2007 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


mashallah a very good video, if i ever have a problem with a friend who is non-muslim i knw tht i will be sending them THIS video because as a muslim it opened my eyes and im sure it will open many others eyes, jazakumallah for the reminder and may Allah(swt) reward you for ur efforts, ma asalama

At July 15, 2007 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mashallah great work Ali, I've been waiting for this one. Continue this work and Allah will reward you for reminding us. Who is better in speech than one who speaks of Allah?


At July 15, 2007 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Salaamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakataho, Brother Ali. MashAllah, you have stated so simpply everything I have come to know about Islam. It was so practical, logical, to the point, straightforward- it was so...Islam. Your cideo blogs are so great- the are so simple, but they really make such an impact on m life. They say what I feel like saying to others. But Alhumdolilah, Allah SWT has given ou the talent, creativity, strength, and intention that really makes it happen. Jazak Allah Khair, I will remember you in my prayers. The only thing I don't like about this video is that it is the FINALE episode...ALREADY?! I was awaiting the next episode only to find it was a FINALE! Jazak Allah Khairun once again, May Allah Bless you and give you the desire to continue!! -Amina

At July 15, 2007 11:21 PM, Blogger Osama said...

Was a great Video, direct and clear. Interesting that you mentioned "Alhmdullah that Allah showed me Islam before the Muslims", other Muslim converts around the world say the same thing (Yusuf Islam). Keep up the awesome work, and May Allah help you and keep you going with creating these great awesome videos!

At July 15, 2007 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was a great Video, direct and clear. Interesting that you mentioned "Alhmdullah that Allah showed me Islam before the Muslims", other Muslim converts around the world say the same thing (Yusuf Islam). Keep up the awesome work, and May Allah help you and keep you going with creating these great awesome videos!

At July 16, 2007 12:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu alaikum,
Mashallah very good...this should be a reminder to all muslims before anyone else...and sometimes, someone needs to be there to tell us the truth straightforward..and that's exactly what you did..Jazakallah

At July 16, 2007 2:47 AM, Blogger jpk265 said...

Salam Alaikom brother Ali.
May Allah reward you for your spreading of the message of Islam. Which is a responsibility upon every Muslim. Jazak Allah Khair!!

At July 16, 2007 5:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salamou alaykoum wa rahmatouallahi wa barakatouh

Mashallah great video worth watching for muslims and non-muslim. jazaka allahou ana koula khayr. May allah reward you in this life and the after liofe inchallah with the best.

At July 16, 2007 6:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welldone, powerful mashAllah. Will we be seeing Season 3 inshAllah?

At July 16, 2007 6:49 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


It doesn't matter where I am, London, Cairo, I always go out of my way to watch these videos.

Excellent summary of Islam...Keep up the good work

Can't wait for Season 3 :-)

At July 16, 2007 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalaam alaikum,
Brother, it was clear and up to the point. Well done. May Allah increase ur good deeds.
I agree with brother mahdi ahmed when he said about making a video about misconceptions relating to jihad and prophet's (saw) marriage to our beloved mother Aisha (ra).
Anyway, this video is quite an introduction to islam and what it is all about.
Great effort.
Jazakallah Khairan

At July 16, 2007 8:02 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

i would just like to hopefully suggest that maybe you wouldn't mind reminding people in your Great video's about how allah tests you in your little daily lives.

jazakallahu khair.

p.s. carry on with the great vids as they are very inspiring. great work baba ali.

At July 16, 2007 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AsSalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah, All I could say was... Alhumdulillah bro, Alhumdulillah. May Allah reward u, bless u and protect u ameen. I have been wathcing ur videos since Ramadan 2006 and I enjoy them all. This one was exceptional also. Well done bro, masha Allah. Keep up the good work and may Allah make this life and the next easy for u ameen.

At July 16, 2007 10:22 AM, Blogger Saira said...

MashaAllah, brother.

That was very profound and eloquent.

But, without diminishing that, I also agree with brother Mahdi Ahmad's comment.

At July 16, 2007 11:06 AM, Blogger abuzekiya said...

as salaam alaykum,
i must say i was deeply touched by the eloquent presentation given by our brother baba ali. by allah, this is one of the very few times i haven't heard such an accurate explaination of islam by one who is not a scholar. this just emphasizes to me the need for all muslims to seek knowledge of our religion, while solidifying this knowledge through implimentation. we need to be an example dear brothers and sisters.
may allaah reward you brother baba ali, i look foward to seeing more videos like this one with a more serious approach to the subject matter.
your brother in islam, justin hasan perez (abu zekiya)

At July 16, 2007 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salaam alaikum borther,

This was a good video, also NON muslim can watch itt and learn from itt. THEY CAN HAVE A good ideA what islam is all about. I think you should do more of these kinda serious videos. ( AND also the funny ones...cuz of those movie we also learn.) KEEP UPP the good work..I wont forget you in my dua's.

Abubaqr Sadieq

At July 16, 2007 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi,i liked this video


At July 16, 2007 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asalamu Alaikum
TAKBIR brother Ali! Allahu Akbar. MashAllah! SubhanAllah. Amazing. Best video yet. 10/10. May Allah SWT bless you and your efforts, may you live a long life and a happy life. Takbir! AllahuAkbar. JizakAllah Kair for your videos. I have learned so much from them!

Allah Hafiz,
Hira Rashid

At July 16, 2007 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalaamu alaikum.

Once again, and excellent video. I hope people watch and learn a lot from it insha allah.


At July 16, 2007 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mashallah Brother it was very well done! I think we all needed that wake up call.

At July 16, 2007 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salaam brother Ali,
What a remarkable video. You nailed down and anybody with common sense, after seeing this video, will separate the practice of Muslims from Islam.

May Allah guide you and all of us through this and other signs.

At July 16, 2007 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Once again your video has given my family and I here in the Channel Islands inspiration to learn more about islam and to try and spread the message. Really liked it that you ended the season on a serious note...but can't wait for Season 3 Insya Allah

Jazakallah Khayran

At July 16, 2007 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaikum ....Great Video May Allah reward you for all the work you do!!!!!!!!!!

At July 16, 2007 10:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

al salamu 3likom

dear brother ali

i am really love what u do and i am interested in doing that with u may i ????

waiting rplys at

At July 16, 2007 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aslam Alekoum

mashAllah this video was awesome. and it is a good little break to be more serious about islam and what it teaches. i think u should have more of these next season inshAllah if you plan on doing a third season. but the comedy is still cool too. Allah ya barikfeek

At July 17, 2007 12:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam aleykom
Very good explanation - interesting, informative and convincing.
May Allah reward you with the best!

At July 17, 2007 3:58 AM, Blogger Huda Ibrahim said...

assalamu alaykum bro Ali,
This is a beautifully laid out piece, very thought provoking...loved the briefness which conveyed alot.
Kinda like precise and to the point.
Masha Allah,I hope Allah uses us for propogating His message Insha Allah.
keep up the good work, laughter and seriousness in equal measure I say.

At July 17, 2007 4:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

al-salaam wa-ala-kum brother Ali!
I really did like that video!
Even as a Muslim it made me think about them so called "Muslim leaders" and Scholars.
Thank You!

At July 17, 2007 5:51 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

salaam. I think that this is one of your best videos as it covers an extremely relevant topic - which is percieved differently in the media. It just goes to show that you dont really need to much humour in your videos! I hope that this video makes people think about why they have been created and what their purpose in life is. May Allah reward you for your hard work. WS

At July 17, 2007 6:15 AM, Blogger Samy said...

AWRB Brother in Islam

Its the first time im postin a reply, and i hope it duz get noticed! Umm i just wanted to say that Masha Allah ur doing a great job, may Allah SWA make u and your team victorious in this world and in the Akhirah!

The only request i have is that next time when u decide to introduce season 3, plz plz plz can u put together a reminder in terms of Marriage ie the marriage of Aisha RA, bcuz alot of ppl (non-muslim and muslim) have pre-misconceptions about the issue, (marriage at such a young age).

I pray to Allah SWA to make you and your team successful in your mission! Ameen

From your sister in Islam,
Sumayyah Tahir - UK

At July 17, 2007 6:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really like your videos. they are funny but this one wasnt. it was helpful and true, like all your videos. you are a very inspiring character and inshallah many people convert to islam.

your brother in islam

At July 17, 2007 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why Islam" was done perfectly mashAllah. Simple and to the point. So many Muslims overburden themselves and new Muslims and potential converts with details of practice which are questionably sunna. We should emphasize the basics, the 5 pillars, and everything else will follow inshaAllah.

I have always thought that it was most important for muslims and non muslims to understand that Islam is based on actions and the way we live our lives as opposed to other more cultural things associated with Islam and Muslims. As a new muslim I always explain Islam in context of the 5 pillars.

I will be sending the link to this film to many of my non muslim friends and family.

I especially liked it when you said "alhamdulillah Allah showed me Islam before he showed me Muslims."

Thank you so much for your time and efforts and may Allah reward you.

At July 17, 2007 7:53 AM, Blogger Kamilah said...

This was very good. I'm putting a lot of these up on my myspace page. Jazak Allah Khair for your efforts.

Kamilah {^_^}

At July 17, 2007 9:59 AM, Blogger Abez said...

JazakAllahuKheir brother Ali, I was wondering how you would sum Islam up in just a few minutes, but you did a good job in addressing the key points and fundamentals of belief.

One idea: could you have followed this video with links for people who are interested in more details about Islam?

At July 17, 2007 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaikum brother

I was very informed by this video, Alhamdulillah. I enjoyed it even though it wasn't a comedy! This one gives across a good message. May Allah reward you for your efforts and increase our knowledge.

At July 17, 2007 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was good but very very dry and same wave length of speech..it's hard sitting for 8 min and listening...you don't need to use comedy but change the tone of your speech. Over all putting Why Islam in 8 min was ok but keep that in mind for your next video.

At July 17, 2007 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

he did follow it with a link:


At July 17, 2007 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



I think this video was short and sweet. We needed to hear this, although it wasn't funny it was informative. Keep it up :) May Allah bless you and your family Ameen.

At July 17, 2007 10:38 PM, Blogger Danna said...

This video was awesome. I actually shed a few tears. It touched something inside of me - probably the TRUTH of it all. People are still so terribly ill informed about Islam and even the name of Allah sets them off, failing to realize that Allah IS the same God as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohamed, peach be unto them all. GREAT video, brother!

At July 17, 2007 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello. i am a "muslim." my parents taught me about islam and i went to arabic school on saturdays. i was never told why to be a muslim but as a child i didnt question what i was told. last year i started questioning the deen. within a few months i became an atheist and didnt believe in anything. i am slowly gravitating back to the deen and i would like to thank you for this great video. it truly got me thinking more deeply and i plan to keep educating myself by reading. i am just looking to be a true believer - in anything - as long as i believe wat i am worshipping (or not worshipping anything at all.)

At July 18, 2007 1:28 AM, Blogger Samia.H said...

Assalaam-u-alaikum brother Ali.
Alhumdulillah, i have had the pleasure to watch all your videos. Mashallah i think they are wonderful. Well done for all your efforts and hard work. May Allah bless you with happiness in this world and the next inshallah. Personally, i think you have brought peace to our hearts. As you have done something that most muslims would never have thought about. What a way to spread Islam in a good and modest way, ALHUMDULILLAH. You have inspired many of us, especially the youngsters mashallah, like my younger brother-9yrs-who watches your videos regularly. Thank you for your time. And keep up the good work. Massalaam.

At July 18, 2007 1:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mashallah this video was great I can imagine non-muslims seeing this and becoming very interested in Islam it is very good for Da'wah. It also strengthens my own Iman Jazakallah

At July 18, 2007 1:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mashallah... i liked the part when u said " al hamdu lilah allah showed me islam before the muslims" woe... keep it up baba !

At July 18, 2007 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

EsSalam Ayleykoum wa Rahmatoullah wa Barakatou

MashaAllah Ali, again a very good video. May Allah swt rewards you inshaAllah.

As you said it was more serious and you are right ! you gave a very good explaination about the nowadays muslim situation which is very good and helpful for people who do not have idea about what is our beautiful religion.

I also agree with Mahdi Ahmed who says that it is a bit a repeat of the last season....but as the season is called Reminders...it is still good to repeat....

If you can do videos about jihad or Aicha ra marriage, yes indeed it is a very good idea....InshaAlla ... but we all know that you are not a sholar so we can understand if you can not

Again BarikaAllah ou fik

Wayleykoum Salam wa Rahmatoullah wa Barakatou


At July 18, 2007 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamoalikum brotheR

Allhamdulillah the video was really owsome keep it up bro n i really appreciate tht u said tht Islam is da st gift...

Jazakallahu khairan

At July 18, 2007 8:26 PM, Blogger inshallahshaheed said...

Dear Baba Ali,

Assalam Alaikum.

I wrote a response to your video entitled, "Baba Ali, it seems you have misunderstood hatred in Islam". I hope we can discuss this inshaa'Allaah.

You can read my response here:


At July 19, 2007 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salaam 3leikom

Its another hit!! May Allah help you to proceed your great work!

Jazakallahu Khairan

At July 19, 2007 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamualaykum brother Ali.
What a greatt video. This makes so much more sense than anything I have seen on tv. I loved it. Go ahead and take a break you deserve it.

Jazakallahu khairan

At July 19, 2007 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al Salaam Alaykum brother Ali,
This was good. To the point, focused and serious as the matter should be addressed... and coming from one who chose Islam because he was convinced not simply a Mulsim by birth

I have fwded the email to my non- Muslim friends who i know are interested to find out in a nutshell what Islam is about. This should be a good, short introduction for those who want to learn more.
Jazaak Allah Kul Kheir


At July 19, 2007 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to know about Islam then don’t study a Muslim, study Islam.
I remember it from a reminder video and that make me to think a lot about it.

At July 19, 2007 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great video. I am a christian living in Canada and I will spread this video as much as i can. Understand the source, not the fanatics. many religions have had or have their fanatics now and in history. We should not judge the whole by some of the negative parts. With over 1 billion Mulsims in the world, why do some people judge by the small percentage of fanatics and not the large percentage of respectful god fearing people?

Keep up the great work.

At July 19, 2007 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalam-u-alaykum bro,

You'r doin a great job, n am sure u'll get a great reward in da akhirah aswell...itz def helpin tonnz of ppl, n a paticularly enjoy ur style of givin da mssg, mashallah. keep up da gd work...n may Allah purify ur niyyah 4 each video that u make.. ur sis in islam =D

At July 19, 2007 11:35 PM, Blogger uzair04 said...

Assalaam alaikum

The video was really good alhumdolilah. It gave a good solution to a few of the big problems we experience as muslims and also gave some things we should improve on ourselves.

At July 20, 2007 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I noticed that you kept repeating the word hatred and people who “twist” Qur’an to promote their “hatred.” So I was worried that you didn’t know much about al-Walaa’ wal Baraa’ah - which is a part of the ‘Aqeedah of every Muslim - and was preaching against it unknowingly! Here is what I want to say regarding it:

1. Negating hatred in its totality is wrong since it is a part of al-Walaa’ wal Baraa’ah (loyalty and disavowal) or also known as loving and hating for the sake of Allah. Therefore, whatever Allah ‘Azza wa Jall loves, then we love it, and whatever He hates, then we hate it; and we do this only for His sake to display the religion and make it apparent what our religion is to the disbelievers and hypocrites.

This might come as a shock to you, but hating all disbelievers is a part of al-Walaa’ wal Baraa’ah because of their Shirk. And Shirk is the only sin that Allah doesn’t forgive. Also, hating all the enemies of Allah Ta’aala that fight this religion (whether through actions or words) is essential to our Imaan. Here are some of the evidences:

Allah ‘Azza wa Jall said regarding Ibraaheem (’alayhis salaam) -

قَدْ كَانَتْ لَكُمْ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ فِي إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَالَّذِينَ مَعَهُ إِذْ قَالُوا لِقَوْمِهِمْ إِنَّا بُرَآءُ مِنْكُمْ وَمِمَّا تَعْبُدُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ كَفَرْنَا بِكُمْ وَبَدَا بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَكُمُ الْعَدَاوَةُ وَالْبَغْضَاءُ أَبَدًا حَتَّى تُؤْمِنُوا بِاللَّهِ وَحْدَهُ

Indeed there has been an excellent example for You In Ibrâhim (Abraham) and those with him, when they said to their people: “Verily, we are free from You and whatever You Worship besides Allâh, we have rejected you, and there has started between us and you, hostility and Hatred for ever, until You believe In Allâh Alone…” (Al-Mumtahinah (60): 4)

So ponder over this statement and notice that Allah has mentioned that what Ibraaheem (’alayhis salaam) said is an excellent example for this Ummah to follow. And notice who the audience of Ibraaheem (’alayhis salaam) is in this aayah; it is his people or nation. They were a nation of Mushrikeen. There was no political motive behind his statement nor was there any element of deception behind it. Rather, it was addressed to them in a very frank statement regarding their Shirk and the [Islamic] attitude that we are supposed to have towards them; and this attitude is one of freedom (i.e., being free from them, their evil Millah, their wretched laws etc.), rejection, and hatred.

And ponder over how the aayah continues till the end:

إِلا قَوْلَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ لأبِيهِ لأسْتَغْفِرَنَّ لَكَ وَمَا أَمْلِكُ لَكَ مِنَ اللَّهِ مِنْ شَيْءٍ

Except the saying of Ibrâhim (Abraham) to his father: “Verily, I will ask for Forgiveness (from Allâh) for you, but I have no power to do anything for You before Allâh.”

So the excellent example of Ibraaheem (’alayhis salaam) was in his statement of rejection and hatred towards al-Mushrikeen and not his statement of forgiveness for his Mushrik father. Why is this? Allah told us in another aayah:

وَمَا كَانَ اسْتِغْفَارُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ لأبِيهِ إِلا عَنْ مَوْعِدَةٍ وَعَدَهَا إِيَّاهُ فَلَمَّا تَبَيَّنَ لَهُ أَنَّهُ عَدُوٌّ لِلَّهِ تَبَرَّأَ مِنْهُ إِنَّ إِبْرَاهِيمَ لأوَّاهٌ حَلِيمٌ

And [Ibrahîm’s (Abraham)] invoking (of Allâh) for his father’s Forgiveness was Only because of a Promise He [Ibrahîm (Abraham)] had made to Him (his father). but when it became clear to Him [Ibrahîm (Abraham)] that He (his father) is an enemy to Allâh, he dissociated himself from Him. Verily Ibrahîm (Abraham) was Al-Awwah (has fifteen different meanings but the correct one seems to be that He used to invoke Allâh with humility, glorify Him and Remember Him much), and was Forbearing. (At-Taubah: 114)

His father was an enemy of Allah Ta’aala because of his Shirk. Ibn Hazm (rahimahullah) said “Kufr and shirk are the same; every kaafir is a mushrik and every mushrik is a kaafir…” (Al-Fisl, 3/124) Therefore, this applies to the disbelievers in general, and our fighting enemies in specific. And I don’t have to remind you who our fighting enemies are and you shouldn’t be afraid to admit that they are our enemies and the enemies of Allah Ta’aala.

Regarding this al-Walaa’ wal Baraa’ah, pay attention to the following ahadeeth:

أوثق عرى الإيمان الحب في الله والبغض في الله
الراوي: - - خلاصة الدرجة: قوي بمجموع طرقه، وله إسناد آخر حسن في الشواهد والمتابعات، ورجاله ثقات، وفي بعضهم كلام، ولا يضر فيها - المحدث: الألباني - المصدر: النصيحة - الصفحة أو الرقم: 240

“The most powerful knot of Imaan is to love for the sake of Allah and to hate for the sake of Allah.” [Narrator: The summary of the authenticity: Strong through collecting its ways, and it has a Hassan Isnaad (i.e. chain of narrators) if you pursue the Sanad, and its men are trustworthy, although some of them have been spoken about, but this will not affect the Hadeeth. Muhaddith (i.e. the one who said it): Al-Albaanee. Source: Al-Naseehah. Page/Number: 240.]

Imaam Al-Ghazali (rahimahullah) said regarding this hadeeth in his Ihyaa’ ‘Uloom ad-Deen, “Because of this, it is a must that a person have enemies that he hates for Allah’s Sake, just as he has friends and brothers that he loves for Allah’s Sake.”

And here is the other version of this hadeeth:

أوثق عرى الإيمان : الموالاة في الله ، و المعاداة في الله ، و الحب في الله ، و البغض في الله عز وجل
الراوي: عبدالله بن عباس و ابن مسعود و البراء بن عازب - خلاصة الدرجة: صحيح - المحدث: الألباني - المصدر: صحيح الجامع - الصفحة أو الرقم: 2539

The strongest knot of Imaan is: Loyalty for the sake of Allah, enmity for the sake of Allah, love for the sake of Allah and hatred for the sake of Allah, the Most Exalted. [Narrator: ‘Abdullaah bin Abbaas, Ibn Mas’ood, and Al-Baraa’ ibn ‘Aazib. Summary of authenticity: Saheeh. Muhaddith: al-Albaanee. Source: Saheeh Al-Jaami’. Page/Number: 2539]

And pay attention to the statement by ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (radiyallahu ‘anhu),

“By Allah, if I fasted all day without eating, prayed all night without sleeping, spent all of my wealth in the Path of Allah, died the day I died, but, had no love in my heart for those who obey Allah, and no hatred in my heart for those who disobey Allah, none of this would benefit me in the least.” (Ihyaa’ ‘Uloom ad-Deen, 2/195)

We can continue with these statements, but we prefer that you read more about this subject; here are 2 excellent books:

1. Al-Walaa’ wal Baraa’ah according to the ‘Aqeedah of the Salaf by the Shaykh, Muhammad Sa’eed al-Qahtani:

2. Millat Ibraaheem: And the Calling of the Prophets and Messengers and the Methods of the Transgressing Rulers in Dissolving it and Turning the Callers away from it by the Shaykh Abu Muhammad ‘Asim al-Maqdisi

Finally, don’t be deceived by telling yourself, “If we show hatred to all non-Muslims, then how are we supposed to do Da’wah to them?!” This is not what we are saying. Rather, we are referring to what you said regarding showing hatred and we wanted to clear this up by mentioning that hatred for the sake of Allah is a part of this Deen (and anger for other things besides for the sake of Allah is not a part of this Deen). Secondly, when giving Da’wah, you must at least have hatred within your heart (baghdaa) towards the Kaafir; you can still talk nicely to them in your Da’wah, but there are limits of being friendly with them (such as not taking them as your friend, not being intimate with them, not imitating them etc.).

Generally speaking, this al-Walaa’ wal Baraa’ah is for all parts of life; it is not limited to the Da’wah. Our hatred should also be towards the Kuffaar that fight us and kill our people; they are not our allies and we are not their allies. Our hatred should be towards their Shirk, whether it is Religious Shirk, Political Shirk (i.e., Democracy), and so on. Our hatred should be towards evil people, oppressive governments, evil deeds, and so on. And most importantly, our hatred must be towards at-Taaghoot in the form of Governments that rule by man-made laws, and their supporters. Similarly, our support should be towards those objects which Allah loves. For example, Allah has said in more than one place that He loves the Mujaahideen; so we must love them too, even if the government and our Kaafir neighbors hate it.

2. The second thing I wanted to talk about - and this is more brief - is what you said regarding the killing of the disbelievers and how the Kuffaar used to live in the Middle East and are still doing so. The answer to this is that these Kuffaar - as long as the Islamic State was able to reach them (before its destruction in 1924) - were paying the Jizyah, and henceforth, their blood and wealth became protected. That’s why they lived in the Middle East peacefully. As for today, then this is a different matter. If you are referring to the Kuffaar living in Jazeeratul ‘Arab, then this is because of the corruption of the Saudi Government. It was they who allowed over 100,000 US Troops in the Holy land even though Rasoolullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wassallam) said on his deathbed, “Expel the Mushrikeen from Jazeeratul ‘Arab.” That’s why there is resistance against these Kuffaar and those who are now living there.

If you are referring to the Middle East in general, then this is simply because the Shari’ah is not established in these lands; that’s why they are there.

I’m sure you already know that one cannot take modern day examples of the Muslims and say, “This is Islam,” except for some acts. One of these acts that we cannot take as examples of Islam is what is occurring in the Muslim world via the corruption of so-called Muslim Governments such as allying with America against the Mujaahideen, establishing man-made laws, imprisoning and torturing those who want the Shari’ah established and so on. Islam is not a democracy in that sense. One cannot just take examples of the modern Muslim world, look at what the majority are doing and brand it as Islamic. This also applies to the Muslims living in America that are living peacefully.

At July 20, 2007 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the brother who posted the last comment above this one:

hating the actions of the kaffir vs hating the kuffar is two different things. this hatred that you are trying to tell Ali that he should have needs to have some evidence. I completely understand hating the evil actions, including shirk but to hate someone who is ignorant, which can be because he doesn't know any better or hasn't been told anything about Islam doesn't sound right.

I have come across many people like yourself who put themselves in a cirlce and teach to hate everyone but i have yet to see anywhere in the actions of the Prophet that taught such actions.

Please be careful before speaking. Remember, you will be asked about your actions on the Day of Judgment, including such "annonymous" postings on the web.

At July 20, 2007 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalam oe alaikum,

masha Allah video's, keep up the good work. You are reaching a lot of people for the sake of Allah!
Djazaak Allah oe gairan brother..

Assalam oe alaikum..

Your brother in Islam

The Netherlands

At July 20, 2007 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam Allehkum Ali:) This video has to be the best one so far. I really liked how you showed your love for Islam. Inshallah you will have many more inspirational videos to come. Thank You for spreading knowledge for those whom might not know anything about Islam. May Allah be with u now and always:).

At July 20, 2007 10:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ali,

Asalamu Alaykum. My father left us to work in another state, He then came back to file for divorce, he would have lost in the other state, because he had to state why he left, I was only 10 when he left, 11 when he filed for divorce, i am now 12. My mom is having the hardest time. Could you maybe make a video about this or someting to do with this top.

Asalamu alaykum

At July 20, 2007 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops by that i meant topic.
Asalamu alaykum

At July 21, 2007 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalam alaikum Ali,

this video was touching and well done! especially ur arguments regarding science and media misconceptions about Islam. We will inshAllah show this to our Christian step-father who is currently interested in Islam, hoping that he understands it better! thanks a lot Ali, all ur videos are spreading around the world alhamdoulillah!

ur sisters from France

At July 21, 2007 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mashallah nice video, as usual. i wanted to buy the season dvd, but it's sold out. when will more be available???

At July 22, 2007 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Islam really is beautiful and what your doing Ali is wonderful. I just wish everyone in this world knew how Islam really is. Being in MAdressa {Islamic school} taught me alot because before that i didn'nt know anything about Islam even though I was muslim sad to say. BUt Allah gave me a chance to learn my religion and become a scholar in Islam. And knowing what I know now even though im not done with my years it is amazing how Islam is. Im not sure if this from a hadeith or its a saying but even if you were to take one drop of water from the ocean we wouldnt even have that much of knowledge compared to Allah. So see how much knowledge Allah has subhanallah.
May Allah reward what you are doing and everyone thats helping you ameen.

At July 22, 2007 9:47 PM, Blogger sousou hussein said...

As salaamu alaikum,

May Allah s.w.t reward you Ali for you have taught me so much as a Muslim born into the religion much of what i thought was to be the true meanings of Islam was a misconception of the teachings of the Quran. Alhamdulilah Allah s.w.t has woken me up to a religion which is the best gift of all even though i was born into it i did not follow it correctly. Ali keep up the excellent work you are spreading the true meaning of Islam and to all my brothers and sisters out there help us spread the word inshAllah so we can all be rewarded Jana as life is a test :) All your videos are great and thank you so much for taking your time to do them and inshAllah their are many more to come. As salaamu alaikum.

At July 23, 2007 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At July 23, 2007 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Jazakallahu khair brother.. Jazakallahu khair..:)

At July 24, 2007 4:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JazakALLAh for the great video
May ALLAh give u reward

At July 24, 2007 4:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salamualaykum, Dear brother Ali,
just wanna say that thank you for all you do for sake of Islam , this last vidio was just what we needed alot of the muslim youth as you said who were riased in a western counties don't realy know "WHY islam" and hope the vidio help them to clearify things know,jaza'aka allah khayra keep the good work&may allah reward you .

At July 24, 2007 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalam Alaikum,
Dear brother in islam, I thank you for your time in making these videos. You have found your calling from Allah I believe. Keep up the good work. Don't stop, we want and need more of these great videos to help us spread islam. Thank you and may Allah give you and your family peace and blessings.

Sister Vicki

At July 24, 2007 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At July 25, 2007 4:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Syukur, and thanks" is all i can say. pray to Allah that you will have what it takes to do more good deeds. and you must know this that you never walk alone.

Jazakallahu khair

Danial Jaafar

At July 25, 2007 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salaamu alaykum brother I think this is a really good video mashallah. It tells muslims and non muslims the truth about Islam and gives you the facts and not others opinions. Even though it wasnt funny i really enjoyed watching it! mashallah bro keep up the hard work! May Allah reward you for your efforts!

At July 25, 2007 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mashallah another great video. You sopke out the true words alhamdulillah. I believe that muslims and nonmuslims should view this video. Even as muslims we have so many misunderstandings.
brother, I am currently volunteering at a masjid that was just built a year ago in my neighborhood. I am going to be a senior in high school and most of my students ar in highschool. So i connect with them easily and also have some difficulty with teaching them certain things about islam. So inshallah i am planing on doing something with them based on this video. Jazakallah Khair.

At July 26, 2007 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamualaykum Brother Ali
I really enjoyed this video and want to say thank you for clearing up misconseptions about Islam.
Insha' Allah it will help many muslims and non-muslims alike to futher their understanding of this wonderful deen!

Alhumdullah for have you do these series.

Jazakalluh Kharan

At July 26, 2007 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the sheikh is definitly Abdur Raheem Green :)

At July 27, 2007 4:17 AM, Blogger cyn said...

you've got a hard work here ALI,wishing you the strength to face all questions asked,you've done very well so far .too many people look at the surface of your words rather then looking beyond them.
thank you for this video,be sure i'll be rating it,and i very much found the same answers and arguments myself while studying islam alone,not on muslims.
audhu billahi minash shaitan nirajeem!
May Allah Subhanu wa ta'Ala keep you under His protection
asslamu aslaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh /khoda hafez

At July 27, 2007 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should be an Imam brother; you don't know how many people you've influenced. Myself being one of them you should be proud of yourself and I wish I could sleep as peacefully as you.

At July 28, 2007 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear, Ali

a small reminder (just in case you forgot) ;)

its in Saheeh Hadeeth, that when you mention prophets names you should also say 'peace be upon them'



At July 28, 2007 10:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Assalamualyayku ya Ali, wallahi you are a very gifted man, ma3shallah! Must say, love the videos and your season finally on Islam was brilliantly done, bravo aliek! I really hope you touch the hearts of a few, Muslim and Nonmuslim alike. Keep up the great work!

At July 28, 2007 10:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At July 29, 2007 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was by far the best film you have done. i get asked about islam many times by some of my non-muslim friends and maybe if i try to explain this to them, they will start thinking like you did and convert. asak

At July 29, 2007 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good movie, my dad likes your work, and its good that your young and young people willl litsen too you, i hope i can one day meet you inshallah

At July 30, 2007 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah,
Splendid and concise breakdown of the true message of Islam. I will inshaAllah make special supplications for you and your team that Allah Most High accepts your sincere effort and join us true muslims in Paradise.
May Allah reward you with good.

At July 30, 2007 1:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Very very good mashaALLAH..Bort tears to my eyes towards the end! u truly r an inspiration bein even a revert (love ur honesty)...May Allah Azwajal make even the born Muslims just like u and the ones like u..ameen....hope 4 Allah 2 give u, me n the ummah a place in Jannah-tul-Firdoas and guide u and improve ur imaan alwayz.take care...Ma'asallam

At July 31, 2007 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


how did you come up with something so simple but so affective. brother these videos are amazing all i want to say is keep up the work. you are smashing it bro

At July 31, 2007 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May Allah reward you for such a video. Allah has his own ways , and Alalh brought you ot islam to do this. My children love your videos.

At July 31, 2007 7:15 PM, Blogger Ab. Hamedd said...

mashalllah it was helpfull

At August 01, 2007 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i need to say that when i watched this video i felt that this world is great for a moment..you are a true inspiration to human life..it feels like god sent you to help those who are searching for the truth..all the best..adela..

At August 02, 2007 10:22 AM, Blogger ريـــانه said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At August 02, 2007 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

Asalamu alaykom wa rahmatu ALLah..

First; I’m from morocco,

And Last night, I find one of your films by coincidence, it’s was « That's not Hijab »

It’s funny but more important it’s so true..

I will tell you something..

me end my mother ..we had the same thots about this new types of hijab .. like“ mickey mouse hijab”

especially when we so Muslim women like you describe.. in TV

my mother always said to me ..what is their problem..haven’t they anyone to tell them ..that’s not hijab !

So last night when I was watching you’re film, I can’t stop laughing.. I called my mother to watch with me
she don’t understand English so I told her what you’re saying
she said: finally someone is telling them ! and by the way , doesn’t he look like your brother !

really my brother look so much like you !
i mean my blood brother of course..

You Know to be honest..
me too.. I wear sometimes clothing which I should not wear

But I’m trying to do better end to practice my religion better..

I watched all the films to day, really your work is amazing

You have a big sense of humour, you meek me laugh, I write this right now with a big smile

But you know the way you are speaking about Islam is a very intelligent way, I’m shore a lot of people well change their minds about Islam by watching you..

End we need that especially after 9/11 end especially in USA..

I’m waiting for new episodes..

So keep up the good work, may ALLAH protect you and bless you..

And if I may say that in Arabic because I ‘m not that good in English..

Ga Alaho Allah fi mizan hasanatik yawma Al keyama

جعله الله في ميزان حسناتك يوم القيامة

At August 02, 2007 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalam U Alaikum
Masha-Allah you've done an excellent job with the videos. May Allah bless you always. And Insha-Allah we hope you continue to make more of these videos, they are a great dawah.
Shukran Jazakallah Khair
Your Sister In Islam

At August 03, 2007 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

salmu alaikoum brother Ali ^^
thank you very much for this video, it really shows the meaning of islam , now if i have any friends asking me about islam , or discussing it with me , at least i can show it to them ^0^
jazak allahou khairan ^^
and keep going with such incredible videos , those who teach about islam =)

At August 03, 2007 10:16 AM, Blogger Carlitos said...

Hello! my name is Carlos, and i have been always interested in learning the truth of religions.

I have studied many of them, and right now i have come across islam.

I believe is a beautiful religion and i have watched many of your videos.

However, i cannot yet believe that there is only ONE way to truth. That islam is the ONLY way.

perhaps i'm wrong, because truth it is not absolute, and that is why i post this comment; because i want to learn.

If, as you said, the Qur'an is the word of God and it cannot have any mistakes, why is people finding these mistakes:


there is a number of contradictions, but i have post them because i WANT to believe in islam, if in fact islam is the truth. So if you have a reply to those mistakes i will be very pleased and greatful with you.

May we all find the truth.

with peace



At August 03, 2007 12:08 PM, Blogger Fatema said...

Wow! You asked fro comments and you certainly got them!
Well, another brilliant video as usual! Alhamdulilah! Your videos are so original and you film them with such humbleness!

At August 03, 2007 12:09 PM, Blogger Fatema said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At August 03, 2007 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another first class video, akhi. As a new muslim, it's truly a pleasure to watch and learn from your videos. Jazakallah khair.

At August 03, 2007 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am so happy you made this video al7amdullah and i agree with everything you said..finally a strong voice speaking the truth.. insha2allah we can spread this message far beyond the internet..

jazakallah 5ayr :)

At August 04, 2007 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that was Superb.. You just say the things exactly the way we need to hear them. To the point my brother! Masha'Allah.. I see lots of wisdom and intellect in your videos, but this one was outstanding. Go on bro. I like it all.

At August 04, 2007 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's a good video, knowledgable, understanding. getting the right point across, helping people.


At August 06, 2007 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At August 06, 2007 7:27 PM, Blogger struggling sister said...

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatulla hi wa barakathu..
i jus wana say that ur vdos r so realistic so it makes people think.
i was introduced 2 them by a practising sister (whilst i was also kinda 'lost') n after reading thru so many books, articles an other valuable resources i can happily say im tryin my hardest 2 b a practicing FULL-TIME muslimah. yh is not eazy in this society n all that im livin with but with more people like yourself inshallah the ummah will grow in number an strength. i hope u get wat im sayn. lol bdw r u comin dwn 2 GPU this year in London?? cos i normally volunterr there n it would b so cool 2 see u there..doin a show or workshop or somthin! n b4 i leave i jus wana say i watchd evry single 1 of your vdos n thumbz up bro i laughd so much i cried...i mean mashallah!!....nw im gna b shown them 2 my family an friendz that r also kinda 'lost' 2 help them out a little...inshallah they will return 2 the truth. please make dua 4 me and my family an my friends 2 become better muslims inshallah..
sister shahnaz frm london
ps. add more interestin stories..theyr interestin lol i luv a gud story (& no u cant make it up lol)

At August 07, 2007 7:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naked truth - simply superb

At August 09, 2007 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

asalamalekum brother
namekhoda mashallah a beautiful video again. im very happy to see a muslim like u among young ppl may allah have his mercy and blessing with u amen :)
khoda hafez

At August 11, 2007 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Ali
Your an intelligent and well observed young man. Alhamduillah your videos are excellent. I am a revert English Man, married to an Indonesian lady.
What pisses me off is RACISM especially when it comes to marriage - those parents who won't let their children marry outside of their race even though they are muslim. That is a real sickness. You should make a point of this in a future video inshallah

At August 14, 2007 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

alhamduulilah good videos and explanations plese can you talk about majour acts of islaam

At August 15, 2007 5:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wazzzzzzzzz up brother ali that was a very good video. you better make some more.

may allah reward you on your efforts and give you the highest jannah.

At August 15, 2007 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam brother another great video mash allah, Im always looking forward for your next video cos they are so knowledgable n enjoyable at the same time. Keep up the good work, although you converted to Islam its sad seeing born muslims not realising what they have, thnx 4 reminding us.

At August 16, 2007 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Salamu Alaykum Ali. Its because of your hard work that clearly understand Islam now, at first I didn't know much of it and I was just relying on the media for all my answers but now since finding out about Islam, the I know now that its actually the media who feed people their scary opinions.

Over the past few days I was thinking about becoming a muslim convert, but since my sis and her friend didn't have a good reaction to it, I decided not to. Because my sis had a bad reaction to it, imagine how my mum and the rest of my family in Uganda would react to it (even though my grandfather is a muslim).

The main reason I wanted to become a muslim was so that me and girlfriend Rahat (but I call her Hattie) so that her parents would approve of me and so that me and Hattie could have a life together. At the moment I do feel that me and Hattie have a strong relationship but it just needs a few changes, like we spend quality time a college but it just not enough, like I wanna spend weekends and college holidays with her (well many of you know what I mean). What's even worse is that her parents are already getting all judgmental about me like i'm Freddy from A Nightmare on Elm Street, and they haven't even met me yet.

But bad part about all of this is that Hattie is muslim and so are her parents, but I get the feeling that these parents seem to love their culture more than they love Allah because they even told Hattie that they would find someone for her to marry, now not only is this a threat to our relationship but also not so good in the eyes of Allah. Do her parents realise that they will be accountable for their actions and that I could hold them accountable on the Day of Judgment.

Many of you are probably wondering why I my other name (which is my nickname) 'Metalic Islamic' well let me break this down for you. Metalic symbolises my metalhead personality (i've been listening to metal for 2 years) and Islamic basically symbolises my Islamic beliefs. But this is also the reason why I also feel that someone like me in Islam wouldn't look right, because someone who is so in to metal, being a muslim at the sametime, like people would be so confused and I don't think that metal and Islam go hand in hand with each other.

But if I got the chance to embrace any religion again, it would be Islam

JazakAllahKhair for reading my comment
And As Salamu Alaikum

At August 17, 2007 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good to hear the findings of an honest man's search. You're exactly right that our faith needs to be rooted in evidence. I too have sought out evidence and answers, but came to a different conclusion. You say that the Quran is a book that is too amazing to have been written by humans. But I have discovered the Bible to be even more amazing. The number of fulfilled prophecies, the unity of thought among dozens of authors over hundreds of years, the archeological evidence that supports the historical claims, and the benefit I've seen in my own life from applying the Bible, it has won me over.

You say that Islam is misunderstood both by Muslims and Non-Muslims. I say the same thing about my faith. Many people have labeled themselves Christians but have not followed God, but many who do not follow Jesus have seen a misrepresented version of what we believe and the powerful truth behind it.

At this point I think you and I would be at a stand off. You are convinced you have the truth, but so am I. We can encourage each other to look at the Quran and Bible honestly, but if I came to the Quran (and I do) I would read it with a skeptical eye looking for why it's not true. You can judge your own thoughts, but I bet that if you read the Bible you would approach it with the same skepticism.

Do either one of us have enough faith to question everything we believe and return to take an honest look at two highly unusual books that have captured the attention of the world? Or are we content to hold firmly to our beliefs until the day we die and discover if we were right or not as we stand before God?

At August 17, 2007 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu aleikom,

Macha'Allah, I see that I'm not the only one who admires your work and who finds a great pleasure ind watching your videos. As usual your words are convincing and you make people think some thoughts that they wouldn't have thought if they hadn't got reminded. Keep up the good work!


At August 17, 2007 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

asalamualikum... mashallah this video really touched me the most of all videos...well not the most but very much mashallah keep doing what ur doing! and i hope u come to tampa again to talk!!! =)asalamualaikum

At August 18, 2007 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyable, informative, and comforting. May Allah keep you on the straight path and reward you Paradise.

At August 18, 2007 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu alaykum!
You are doing a very important thing just by speaking for several minutes...Inshallah that would make someone think.
Thank you!

At August 19, 2007 4:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you so much Ali for all your videos...they are incredible...please continue...it's a great way to find out so many things about Islam. I'm a n orthodox, but I'm very interested in everything concerning Islam and listening to you makes me so happy because I can understand more and more about Islam. Keep on doing what you do.

At August 19, 2007 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mashAllah, your videos are great. they really have changed me as a Muslim. thank you so much.

At August 20, 2007 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

slamalla alaykm brother ali
your video working is great
I ASK MY GOD to help you and increase peoples like you

your brother
Fawzy alhmady

At August 21, 2007 6:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am only 11 but your videos make lot of sense and my The creator reward you well

At August 22, 2007 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mashallah that was a great video to end an amazing series. May Allah bless you and ummah films and may he make it easier for you to make more of these films and help us all to spread this beautiful message. Ameen

At August 23, 2007 4:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alsalam aleikoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh,

Jezak Allah khair for your effort brother. May Allah reward you in Dunia and Akhera.

I really liked all your videos and I will send the link of your site to my contact list.

I would like to see one day you offer us season 3, en shaa Allah.

Fe amaan Allah... Aisha (Barcelona-Spain)

At August 23, 2007 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaikum brother Ali,

It takes guts to publicly state your belief in Islam and the reasons for your belief, and you did that in an eloquent and beautiful way.

Regarding brother Mahdi Ahmad's comment about the need to reply to many misconceptions about Islam, I believe that it's true. But I also believe that there are many Islamic sites out there that actually do reply convincingly to these attacks on Islam.

If you were to dedicate your time to reply to all attacks on Islam, I think you'll need to dedicate 10 seasons for this purpose alone!

There's a lecture of Sheikh Yasir Qadhi that makes a very important point on the first and foremost point a Muslim should make when replying to these attacks. It's called "Perfect Justice in Islam: Debunking the Male Bias Myth". Even though the topic might seem very familiar, I guarantee that the response used by Sheikh Wasir Qadhi is very unique and goes to the heart of the issue and could be used in replying to every other attack on Islam.

The followoing is a link to the first part, and from there on you could find the rest of the parts [total of 5 parts]:


May Allah bless you, brother Ali, and reward you in this life and in the Hereafter.

At August 24, 2007 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok here are my two cents on this video.
1) "Islam teaches that there is only one God ..." - Christianity also teaches the same thing, the holy trinity has nothing to do with 3 Gods; they are all in the same. However, unlike Islam Christians don't have to say at the end that "....that Jesus is his prophet". I think that Allah is regarded as the supreme God and Prophet Muhammad is regarded as only a "Prophet" a messenger if you will but not a God then why do we have to recite his name, instead of just reciting Allah's name?
2) "....Muslim one who submits to God" - this is where Christianity is different, we are given a choice and are asked to have faith in Lord Jesus Christ from our own free will. There is no "submission" involved but love for your creator and faith.
3)"....pray 5 times a day" - why? I mean why only 5 times day, why not 4, 3, 2, 1 or 6 or more? Why does it have to be dictated how many times to can praise and worship your Lord? You said that most religions are like a "textbook" religion where we follow the book blindly and not know exactly what it means. Well don't you think Islam is definitely a "book based religion", pray 5 times a day, pray facing a certain direction, etc.? In my opinion there is definitely a mediator in Islam, and it's the current version of holy Qur’an itself. As for charity, even Christians have to give one tenth of their earnings for the needy person that is what is used by churches all around the world as a benevolence fund, whether they actually do it or not is up to them.
4) ".... no discrimination... women must be honored and respected ...animals have a right in Islam" - Why do you have denominations like Shiite, Sunni, etc? Women get discriminated the most. Answer this when a good Muslim man dies he goes to paradise, where there a I think 40 virgins are waiting for him, what happens when a good Muslim woman dies and goes to paradise? Does she get 40 virgins too? Or does she get asked to go to the women section of the paradise and "submit"? As for the animals, why is there discrimination against the pig?
5) ".... 5 - 8 millions Muslims live in the US" - maybe they couldn't take the effects of Islam in their own country and had to look for a better life elsewhere? Yes Christians and Jews live in Muslim parts of the world but they do so under constant fear. There are underground movements where Christians gather and worship the Lord as it's against the law to practice their religion in open air. These are the people that have the true belief and are willing to risk their well beings, wealth, jobs and their very life just so they can praise “him”. Christian nations on the other hand teach tolerance and allow any race or religion to practice their faiths. That is why people such as you can be on YouTube and be heard and debated. You are right that the Muslims here don't commit atrocities in the name of God here, but they don't condone it either, I am sure when 911 occurred many Muslims were hurt by the incident but majority of them (here) also thought to themselves "America got what it deserved" and my friend that is the problem. Well people do judge other people based on their actions or reactions and if you don’t oppose the attacks of innocent people in the name of God then people will automatically think that you are with the “terrorists” or are one of them even though you don’t say anything about it.
Through Christ ONLY can one be saved. It's not too late I urge you all please to accept him as your Lord and savior and the gates of heaven will never close for you. The reward shouldn’t be “40 virgins” but the chance of being with your Lord and savior your father. I know this post will probably be deleted or won’t even make it on your site, but if you do read it you should really ask yourself “Why Islam?” when the correct path to God is “Christianity”.

At August 25, 2007 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MashaAllah great video, you were a bit quick but nonetheless it was very informative and very proper.

May Allah reward you for your efforts.


At August 25, 2007 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i recently converted and have found trouble explaining why to my family and friends. im going to show them this video so that inshallah they will understand. beautiful and simple.

At August 25, 2007 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamualikum Brother Ali
I love your videos, You make everything so interesting and informative at the same time. Infact i think i watched all your videos in one day, Cant wait for more!! :)
Keep up the good work!

At August 28, 2007 2:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asalamu Alaikum Brother Ali

I watched your "Why Islam" video today and it's true, I've experienced the whole "Islam being judged by the actions of Muslims".....Alhamdullilah you found Islam by using your brain and your heart and InshAllah Allah will guide others as he has guided you. Both Muslims and non-Muslims are learning alot about Islam through your videos.

Allah Hafiz

Me Myself (From Facebook)

At August 28, 2007 2:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asalamu Alaikum Brother Ali

I watched your "Why Islam" video today and it's true, I've experienced the whole "Islam being judged by the actions of Muslims".....Alhamdullilah you found Islam by using your brain and your heart and InshAllah Allah will guide others as he has guided you. Both Muslims and non-Muslims are learning alot about Islam through your videos.

Allah Hafiz

Me Myself (From Facebook)

At August 28, 2007 2:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asalamu Alaikum Brother Ali

I watched your "Why Islam" video today and it's true, I've experienced the whole "Islam being judged by the actions of Muslims".....Alhamdullilah you found Islam by using your brain and your heart and InshAllah Allah will guide others as he has guided you. Both Muslims and non-Muslims are learning alot about Islam through your videos.

Allah Hafiz

Me Myself (From Facebook)

At August 28, 2007 8:11 PM, Blogger hani said...

I can't help but notice the very long comment that was posted by the Anonymous about him opposing Islam with Christianity. I couldn't find a way to reply to that individual, there's no link, so I decide to comment back. When you read the Anonymous's comment, DO NOT DELETE IT. Keep it on the board. We shoud accept criticism. You see, people think too much. Many Muslims and non-Muslims tend to believe that Islam is a kind of program or a spiritual manual that you need to follow step by step blindly in order to reach your goal in life. Now, Ali, you have given us a GREAT introduction on why you became a Muslim and what Islam really is in one breath. If you noticed that the Anonymous is trying to emphasize five points from your video, Ali. There could be more than five things, who knows? But if someone was to give an introduction on Christianity, how many points would you think Muslims AND non-Muslims would try to prove wrong? Now, I'm not trying to attack anyone at all, for this is not how a Muslim should treat the people of the book. We all were sent the same messages, and we all were created by the same God. But why do we all try to dispute religious matters when there is nothing to prove wrong?? I know for a FACT that the Qur'an is THE PERFECT book. It is not a book that was entitled to a specific culture, and to order them to follow a different rule than other monothiestic religions do. NO! The Qur'an is the book of the universe! I'm not saying this from a Muslim's point of view, I'm saying this from a universal point of view because everything that is written in the Qur'an is TRULY happening as we speak!! If you think you can prove the Qur'an wrong then go ahead! Good luck returning empty handed!
The Anonymous was pointing out why Muslims add "and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah" when we testify...okay, why wouldn't we?! We all know that Muhammad IS the seal of the prophets, why wouldn't we mention Muhammad? I mean, the Christians mention Jesus more than they mention God! They say that Jesus is the ONLY way to salvation and Justice and you to learn to ACCEPT HIM ONLY as your LORD and SAVIOR and no one else! You see, Muhammad carried out the ultimate message from God and he deserves to be mentioned and remembered in our hearts and minds, and so does Jesus (pbuh) and Moses (pbuh), and Abraham (pbuh), and all the messengers. We have to respect ALL the prophets EQUALLY, they were ALL human, and they were ALL sent the same message. Muhammad is the last of them, and he IS the prophet of God.
Submitting to the will your Lord is all what religion is about. There isn't a religion that doesn't tell you to submit your will to God, every religion tells you to submit your will to God, and to love Him, to thank Him, and to pray to Him for the life He gave us. We also have free will to do so, and justice will be served in the end. It's simply to believe that He is your Lord and He is the Creator of all things. And by doing so, you need to pray five times a day...now if you think that praying to a scheduel is ridiculed, then know this: what would you say if God orders you to pray five times a day, EVERYDAY of your short little life, and in the end God will give you an ETERNAL life of happiness without having to pray...who would refuse such a beautiful reward? The bottom line here is, obey your Lord and thank him constantly for every good thing that he gave and will give you. Just be a good person and thank your God, and be kind to animals! Even to a pig, but do not eat the pig! Who said that pigs are discriminated? Trust me, we could care less about discriminating an animal, we don't "discriminate animals", even dogs. Dogs maybe are dirty, but do they harm us? Why would we "discriminate" anything that doesn't harm us? Pigs aren't dangerous, why would anyone wanna hurt a pig? Now forget about the pigs! The Anonymous's concern here is women! Women are truly treated badly in Saudi Arabia. But when you think of who treats them that way, it's the men who are only labelled Muslims. Extreme radicals who take women as property and pleasure...that's not how to treat a wife!!! A wife is the mother of your kids! A woman is just as good as a man is in wit and wisdom. The only reason why they are discriminated is just to show desire for power and sinful pleasure...a woman could be more graceful and powerful than any other man can be...the prophet didn't marry Khadija and all his other wives for his own pleasure, IT'S RIDICULOUS TO THINK THAT WAY!!!!!! He married them to protect them from the mallice of evil men by showing his support!!! Muhammad supported women as much as he supported his fellow men with everything! And having 40 women serving your feet in Paradise is only a METAPHOR!!! We don't know if there will be exactly 40 virgins...we do know however that you will be delighted by the presence of these unnaturally beautiful women, but if a man who was married is in paradise, he would find his wife in his presence, and she would be the most beautiful of them all, she would increase in beauty day by day, and why would such a thing be in concern if you're a good man on this earth?! People who do catastrphic acts in the name of Islam just to be with girls in paradise are nothing but suicidal murderes....they will be sent In God's will straight to hell...at least that's what we hope..but God knows.
Islam is enormously misunderstood in the West..and the vast majority of the people believe the media and its propagandas...and as long as these filthy extremist murderes who represent Islam exist, then our reputations will only get worse. What happened on 9/11 was truly a disaster, and it brought our reputations waaay down hill...and how are these terrorists motivated to commit such an atrocity in the name of Islam, it's because of these fake and pious teachers who teach our children nothing but to FEAR Islam...that's what they preach! Delivering every word out of context and desire as if they are teaching poetry from their own imaginations, declaring Jihad in the name of Islam, killing innocent people and bombing themselves in the midst of innocent civilians just to teach them a lesson that no one messes with Islam. THAT'S NOT THE WAY IT WORKS, PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! That's not how to fight! Hiding in your mouse holes and sending out your friend to go bomb a local supermarket, WHAT DID THEY DO?! YOU COWARDS, WHY DON'T YOU GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND FIGHT THE ENEMY YOURSELVES?!? This is not Islam, people...terrorism is NOT based upon Islam...for it is based upon hatred and cold retaliation which is NOT what God wants us to do! God wants us to serve justice the right way! Not the suicidal way! And if justice wasn't served, in the end....it will be...Inshallah.

If only this big vendetta between faiths would just end...we would all be happy. But we all need to understand that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are like three splitting rays of light...coming from the same sun...we're all human, and God is perfect...
If you haven't read the Qur'an...then read it...it WILL brign you back to your senses...because it is the most beautiful book you will ever read...the power and the bliss that the Qur'an holds is unmistakably true...every single word...
Ali, thanks for the video, it was a very inspirational speech. Speaking out to the people is an act of Jihad itself...keep doing it...and May Allah be with you brother.....Wassalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmtu Allahi Wa Barakatuhu

At August 29, 2007 7:19 PM, Blogger Anna M said...

As salamu alaikum,
Jazakallahu khair, I have really enjoyed your videos, very interesting.

At August 29, 2007 9:16 PM, Blogger lufiasism said...

Assalamualaikum bro Ali,

You had a very good presentation on Islam and may Allah reward you for all your efforts. Once in a while watching your video, I sometimes reflect myself that Islam is not something to be taken for granted as I'm a born Muslim.

JazakAllah khair

At August 30, 2007 6:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

May Allah reward you and those around you... Essealmu Alejkum

At August 30, 2007 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalammualaykum brother Ali,
Mashallah another great vidio, teaching non muslims, the true beliefs of islam, mashallah, it seems that many people like it!
Inshallah, many more people will enjoy it too!
Take care, salam from your sister in islam Anam Mann

At September 01, 2007 1:31 PM, Blogger annonamous said...

assalamalkum brother i just want 2 say that your such an inspiration 2 otherz. when i first saw ur videos i thought who iz this man by the end of the video not only did i learn things u also put a smile 2 my face. There should be more people like you. mashallah. keep up the good work and keep smilin.
from your sister

At September 01, 2007 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalam Alaikum

amazingg video Brother Ali! very deep...

I would also like to reply to some of the points raised by Anonymous comparing Islam and Christianity.

"1) "Islam teaches that there is only one God ..." - Christianity also teaches the same thing, the holy trinity has nothing to do with 3 Gods; they are all in the same. However, unlike Islam Christians don't have to say at the end that "....that Jesus is his prophet". I think that Allah is regarded as the supreme God and Prophet Muhammad is regarded as only a "Prophet" a messenger if you will but not a God then why do we have to recite his name, instead of just reciting Allah's name?"

We know that Christianity also teaches about one God as it's known as a monothiest religion. Also, declaring that we believe the Prophet (pbuh) as a messenger shows that he was just a man spreading Allah's message and that he is not to be held in a position that raises him to that of God's...it also declares that he is the seal of the Prophets. He was a Messenger in every aspect because his life was publicized so that we may be able to follow it in every way through his actions and sayings (sunnah and hadith).

Point 2
you can't just have faith in God..you have to follow what He says too, or else you'd be a hypocrite saying yes you believe, yet you decide not to follow.

Point 3

sure you can pray more than 5 times a day and you're still rewarded for it...there is no limit saying JUST 5 ... also, you don't just pray to Allah at those 5 times because you're supposed to remember Him throughout your life, every day, every minute because Islam is a way of life and there aren't just specified times for you to remember Allah because you should remember Him always.

Point 4

the part concerning women has already been addressed
As for the "denominations", they are not. Sunnis and Shi'ites are different sects in Islam like Catholics and Protestants.

I find myself short of time


At September 04, 2007 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello there,

i'm not a muslim but i still watch these videos as i like learning more about the religion of islam. i liked the last comments that u made on the "kill the infidel" thing as it is true that jews and christians would be non existent in the middle east if muslims were suppose to kill them...however i still wonder why countries like saudi arabia impose such a heavy penalty on those who leave islam...

At September 04, 2007 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As-Salaamu'Alaikum Brother Ali,

SubhanAllah. I've enjoyed every single one of your videos so far. I've only watched the first season, but as you can see, I am now on my way to the 2nd season, AlhamduLillah. I started with the infamous 'Hijab' video. I laughed my head off! (And sent the video on to my entire family) and then stayed up laaate to watch the rest of you! on youtube.

Very nice. May Allah SWT Guide and Protect you as He does His Righteous worshippers, may He Grant you the best of duniya and the best of Aakhirah. Aameen.

At September 05, 2007 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, I am a non-muslim. I have been interested in the muslim religion for a long time; however, I come from a very strong asian catholic family and have been feeling very guilty about pretty much everything religion related. I enjoy watching your videos, and I think this very last episode was very inspiring. I hope to watch more of your videos and update you on my very long journey in finding myself through God.

Thank you, SF

At September 05, 2007 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

agree with mahdi.

At September 06, 2007 11:24 PM, Blogger Rafay said...

As Salamu 'alaikum Brother Ali,

Thank you for making this video. I thought it was clear and to the point. You basically explained Islam as it is. Simple and straight forward. It was refreshing to hear words from someone who practises what they preach. I know your videos are targeted for a very broad audiences which is why it's important to be entertaining and engage the person's attention. In regards to your other videos, you've certainly hit the nail on the head when it comes to issues with Muslims. I would also like to see you talk about non-issues with Muslims and more indepth topics about Islam, such as spiritual fullfillment if this is possible. Again, thank you for the great videos. I hope others also follow your lead and make videos that are engaging, entertaining and educational. May Allah reward you in this world and the life to come.

Wa Salamu Alaikum,


At September 07, 2007 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu alaikum Brother Ali,
I'm from Germany and I am constantly looking for new episodes on your site! to be honest you are the only one i found on the web who really knows what he is talking about and how to share it with others.
Inshallah you go on making such videos for I learn from you every time and most of all: with this knowledge it strengthens my belief!
Thank you and may God praise you for that!


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