Ummah Films coming to Canada, eh!
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

I will be hosting the Ummah Films film screening there InshAllah and I have been asked to hold a special workshop teaching how I make the Reminder videos. I hope to relay everything I have learned thus far. Class size is obviously limited so if you want to be in that workshop, make sure you sign up sooner than later.
The Allah Made me Funny show is going to be there as well and I have been asked to MC their event so that's going to interesting, especially since I have never been an MC before.
Finally, I hope to release the new Ummah Films Double Disk DVD set there InshAllah which will not only feature both Season 1 and Season 2 videos in DVD quality, but it will also have two unreleased Reminder videos, which are not on YouTube, and a special interview I did in the UK about the Reminder videos. Last year, we sold the Season 1 DVD set for $12. This year, there will be two DVDs instead of one with additional unreleased videos all for $24 but at the event there will be a special introductory price of only $19 . Fisibilillah Discount has already been implemented so please save your negotiating skills :)
Note: I don't make a penny from the profits so when you purchase the Reminder DVD set, you're helping the project, not me. My efforts with Ummah Films is done on a volunteer basis but just like any project, there are expenses so the DVD and T-shirt sales help us pay for those expenses.
Since I'm traveling there, I am limited on the quantity of things I will be bringing with me. In other words, the items are limited so if you want something, don't wait till the last minute. In our last event, 165 shirts went in 30 minutes. You can tell who the last minute shoppers are, because they're not wearing the right size. Basically, if you see a larger guy wearing a small Ummah Films shirt, you know he is a last minute shopper.
do you know what i'm sayin' :)
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As salaam alaikum Ali!
So are you saying I am a last minute shopper?? :)
Taqi Abu Yasmeen
Ali, Ali, when's our project due?? When do we have to get the script to you? We have to yalla yalla. (I'm studying words, lol)
The script was suppose to be due a week from Monday InshAllah but since the wiki malfunction slowed down the process, we can extend. Since the script is written by the viewers, I have taken a backseat on it so I'm not really involved. A sister started a group on facebook for all those interested on working on the script. Please join it if you would like to contribute InshAllah.
Are the two reminder videos that havn't been released yet (on the dvd) going to be released eventually?
because it is hard for people around the world to get a copy.
Alhamdulillah bro Ali, Was Salaamu alaykum.
This is your bro SaadImam of I am happy & impressed by your travels & invitations. DawahWorks has stepped up the educational side of our vids & our viewers haven't missed a beat. Alhamdulillah! So inshaa Allah we will be right behind you helping our Ummah to catch up.
Brother Baba ali....
On face book, I know your taking a back seat, but could you add yourself on face book and you dont have to write anything but just keep an eye on things, becuz i dont think any of us have done anything like this, and we obviously want to do things the way you normally do things.
Would you please keep me up-to-date of this event?! I would totally love to see you, seriously!!
I also have a blogsite of my own,
My email addy is and my name is Michael.
I never knew we had these kinda things in Canada...
I would love to be there, I miss going to Islamic workshops in Guyana...
Do you need tickets or so to be at the show?
Insh Allah you can bring more t-shirts this time (and the DVDs are going to go very quickly too insh Allah and I will wait till then to buy your game too insh Allah beucase to order online it will be like $40 and change beucase of shipping and everything.
A suggestion would be maybe to send in bulk to Canada first and then also bring some with you so that you can have alot here already when you come brother.
To anyone who has never been to MuslimFest it is great and I recommend it to everyone insh Allah. <-- that is where you can buy tickets and see everything about MuslimFest insh Allah.
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