Ummah Films covered by the Guardian (UK)
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Anyways, only parts of the interview made it to the final cut (out of my hands since they edit it). I accepted the interview with the hope that it would help get the Reminder videos to their audience. Nevertheless here is the piece.
In other news Taqi fixed the podcast problem so all the iPod viewers should be able to watch the Reminder videos again on their iPods now InshAllah. approved the Reminder videos last year and they can be found in the iTunes store by searching for "Ummah Films".
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Hello there, Man!
I've followed you from YouTube --you're hilarious and as someone else put, "as much informative."
Looking at your blog-thing I realized you and I may have some common interests. So, well, for now just the humble invitation to my blog, at
(You can also click on my user name here --"TheAuthor".)
If I can be of any help to you, let me know (not sure how could I help, but as immigrants in industrialized countries we may share about the same concerns...
--with the difference that I don't believe in God, but well...)
assalaam-o-alaikum brother
just wanted to say dat ur doing such a great job....mashAllah, im sure u already know that, but just in case U forgot! hehe.....really.. u r hilarious and at the same time very true in ur videos...keep it up!
Allah hafiz
-from a sister from denmark!
Ali, I just listened to the Guardian piece. They didn't do a bad editing job, I thought. I've had some experience with the MSM, and they could have done a number on you with the editing, but they didn't appear to have done that. Of course I didn't hear the original, complete version, but judging from what you say in your own vids, it seemed ok.
DemiJersey (one of the 30%!) :)
As Salaamu alaykum,
Maashaa Allah, UmmahFilms is off the chain. May Allah (swt) aid you in using your fame to help in our efforts to revive this Ummah.
I just have a quick question. I would like to know where you brought that shirt that that says" Muslim on in off the Court?" really nice shirt would like to buy one.
Omar Raheem
I just have one question. Why are we so focused on wat people say about Islam? Why not let our actions speak. When there is people in need without food and water. Why not show people what Islam really is or what it is about by getting together and providing for the less fortunate?
I am 14 years old and a Bosnian muslim. I live in Missouri. I just saw your video "Who Hijacked My Religion" and it made me think.
If u are angered at my question I apologize for that.
Thank You for you time!
if u need to get back at me or something my email is as followed:
Assalamu Alaikum #
i just wanted to say that, you are verrry funny, but quite a good muslim, which i thought were being rare these days, but i see that they are not, i always thought that new muslims are the better muslims, then the already muslims, if you know what i mean, as i am right, you would not have guessed, that with your knowledge, you were a convert, this shows true dedication in you.
by the way jus a quick question, how long did it take you to pray the quraan fluently?? i mean, could you already read arabic? and a bonus understand it?
1 of ur many sistas in islam, (mayb not by blood, lol)
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