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Friday, February 08, 2008

Ask Baba Ali - "Worrying & Aging Sister"

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

If you like the series and you want it to continue, please help us get the word out by posting the video on your site or sending the link to your friends. If enough people are watching, then I will try to make at least 8 episodes and release a new video each Friday InshAllah (see times below). JazakAllah Khair for your support. Don't forget to rate the video on YouTube and comment so I know you're watching.

(for the next 8 weeks InshAllah)
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At February 08, 2008 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At February 08, 2008 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude its not working

At February 08, 2008 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't play it??

At February 08, 2008 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even on youtube the video is not working??

At February 08, 2008 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely better than last weeks. the way it was presented makes it better and maybe the length of it too.

At February 08, 2008 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great video! it worked for me, but after refreshing teh page it says unavalaible!

Awesome video bro!

At February 08, 2008 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

try going to www.askbabaali.com

it works there!

At February 08, 2008 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did go to askbabaali.com but the video dosn't work?

At February 08, 2008 12:53 PM, Blogger aneebaba said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At February 08, 2008 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waaah! It's not working! Waited all week. Tried going directly to askbabaali.com and to youtube.com, but no go.

At February 08, 2008 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great advice. and I didn't think it was that shocking. It's just the truth. Stop looking at the outside and start looking at the inside.

yr sis in islam

At February 08, 2008 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great video and i dnt think ur video was intimidating as u said it will be... and gotta say good advice and all grls shouldnt be as picky cuz there is nooo Prince Charming im only 20 and i understand that, no one is perfect if every girl would look at the guys positive side and not measuring it with his negatives than i think that will be a problem solved for many females.. and its true a grls masters wont make her and more attractive.. i Personally blv that a grl has to get her education but when the right guy comes why not u still can finish up ur masters, phd or w/e... while u married...
And inshallah sister u will find ur spouse very soon and as baba ali said do du'aa
Ur sister in Islam

At February 08, 2008 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mashallah thougt it was a good video,i dont think it was intimidating either,I think none of your videos are, and i dont think they will be unless its against islam(which they wont be inshallah),so whatever the videos are about,i think they wont be shocking but just the truth inshallah,which we all know but dont really talk about.


At February 08, 2008 2:20 PM, Blogger Yusuf Chowdhury said...

Asalam alaikum,

if you can not view it go to :


At February 08, 2008 2:24 PM, Blogger Baba Ali said...

Right before I released it, I did remove one thing which kinda of tamed it down.

At February 08, 2008 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

salam, put the untamed bit back..... plzzzzzzzzzzzz (hehehe)

At February 08, 2008 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK. this was a bit irritating.
what about:
you are charming, will you marry me? I am only 30:)

At February 08, 2008 2:49 PM, Blogger aneebaba said...

Salaam Baba Ali - Another great video. I agree, it was not controversial or anything. As you mentioned, you just said it like it is . . I certainly wish the best for the sister in question, as well as anyone else who is in a similar situation - but yes, I don't think anyone should expect a prince charming or beauty queen. As I have a dear relative who is also in a similar position, I realize it can feel like there is no hope ,but I think with patience and as you said prayer, Allah 9swt) will grant the sister a good man. My father used to tell me that one should look for a God-fearing individual and that will take care of the rest . .so with strong faith, I don't think any person, whether male or female should be hopeless of finding their other half. Additionally,if a man can't see that strong faith in a woman, its his loss.
Also, i recently read a great and encouraging article for Sisters. I'll post the link as soon as I can relocate it.

At February 08, 2008 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

salam, subhanallah towards the end of the video you really do get down to the crunch of the topic and alhamdulilah i deem this to be very good advice. i just want to say there is not a specific age or point in ones life when marriage is well suited, if the right person comes along then you should cease the moment. Alhamdulilah i found someone, or more the other way, when i least expected it to happen and inshallah we will be married soon through the grace and mercy of Allah swt. And it is true there is no prince charming or mr perfect (as people dream them up to be) but there is someone perfect for you, someone who - most importantly- accepts you for who you are (coz who are we kidding noones perfect!!!!) and also someone whom you can complete half your deen with and also someone who you can work with to inshallah attain jannat-ul firdous. inshallah we are all guided to the straight path. Ameen.
Salam warahmatullah.

At February 08, 2008 3:21 PM, Blogger aneebaba said...

Here's the article I referred to in my previous post


Ahh, so it was toned down, well, regardless, it was a great video. Keep up the good work bro.


At February 08, 2008 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

can you please stop asking baba ali to marry you! even if he was interested, why would he marry a random person off the internet!! lol

At February 08, 2008 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Its great that you address this important issue but I think the sister used the wrong words for a very dire issue affecting many older, unmarried Muslimahs. Often, it isnt about finding a Price Charming, or being too picky, but the men themselves overlook sweet, religious girls who may be darker skinned, or short, or not educated enough. In todays society, even in the Muslim circles, level of education in a sister is just as important as a males when it comes to her prospect potential. Also, it s considered shameless to many men to broadcast that you are dying to get married, because it looks desperate. So you advice, while may be true in your case, is not really the same for everyone. Often it isnt always the sisters fault, no matter how hard she tries, she is overlooked for things she may not be able to control.

At February 08, 2008 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(responding to comment above)
sorry to burst your bubble but I don't know of ANY guy who really cares if a girl has a degree or not so your statement may be true for a small number of people, but the vast majority of guys don't have that frame of mind.

that is an excuse that many girls give themselves for chasing the degrees but as the bro in the video said, your degree in your hand doesn't make you any more attractive.

now i do agree some guys have expectation that are just not realistic but i have come across girls with the same unrealistic expectations too. either the guy is too dark, too short, or just doesn't fit the prince charming role that the sis has been dreaming about her whole life.

people are too picky these days and then they wonder why they're alone.

you should be picky when it comes to deen but if your too picky on everything else, then don't complain why your sitting alone.

At February 08, 2008 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ask baba aliiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!".... . Lol reminds me of something out of Alladin!

At February 08, 2008 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This show is the best show a muslim can get advice from!!! great job and keep up the great work!!!!

At February 08, 2008 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asalam Alikoum,

Excellent video, what you presented doen't apply to muslims in the US, but to muslims around the world. Back home in the old country people are going through the exact same issues you mentioned. They tend to forget that what is important is a persons deen. NOT their status wealth or beauty. Because over time these are things you can loose. Wheras how you act, behave with others and what you believe in stays with you, no matter what type of person you are. I hope Mr. Ali you continue your reminder series because, it is a great reminder to all. But most importantly its the youth talking to the youth of this Ummah.

Take care Salam and excellent work.
Your brother form CT.

At February 08, 2008 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there is a mistake there baba ali, I am sure that Khadija sent her SISTER and not her FRIEND...

At February 08, 2008 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the anonymous who replied to my comment:

Well about education, I dont believe it because thats what has been engrained in most Muslim females heads these days. Ive been told by a guy that a girl without a degree is totally unattractive and that a LARGE portion of men think that. Another guy told me that a girl needs to be a "professional" (ie. doctor, lawyer, grad school) to get married. An uncle who proposed for his nephew, made me feel like a failure because I dont have my masters, and kept bragging how his daughter is in law school. My father also raised us to believe that men want careerwomen, and not to rely on a man to be the breadwinner. I dont know any guys who DONT want a career woman, so dont just blame women if they feel that their self worth is based on what their degree is, or if they are a professional. We were conditioned to study first, get established, otherwise we arent good enough for marriage.

At February 08, 2008 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and not just have a career...but then to also manage a family, the household, and essentially be superwoman, PLUS have a career. Someone should have told me career didnt matter, I wouldnt have bothered trying so hard and pulling my hair out over it then.

At February 09, 2008 1:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was waiting..

At February 09, 2008 2:50 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

as-salaamu alaykum,

I think that was general good advice for women, but I really think that you should have addressed the men in this episode.

There is a problem with Arab men, and it is that they think that once a women is past 23 or so, she is not good for marriage. This is some stupid Arab culture bullshit that goes on across the whole world. I am sorry to curse, but this kind of dumb mentality really pisses me off.

There is nothing wrong with marrying a 30 year old women. But it seems that the only people willing to do so are us revert American or Europeans.

You Arab Muslims need to get a grip and learn about your deen because most of you don't know jack about Islaam, and mix your culture with Islaam so much so that you think have a four day wedding in which you change outfits numerous times and spend thousands of dollars on the whole affair is Islaam.

Sorry if I offended anyone with this comment, but I really don't think this problem has anything to do with the women, and all to do with the pathetic men who try to pass themselves off as pious Muslims.

And that is me keepin it real.

At February 09, 2008 4:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam Baba. I like your vids but I rarely lol (Teeny bopper humour isn't ma thing) - but the sister network did it for me today. ha ha

At February 09, 2008 5:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great one..never fail to impress me..Looking forward to the next advice..

At February 09, 2008 6:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salaam, You've picked an EXCELLENT question to answer. I know far too many sisters who are in their late 20's waititng for mr perfect, i'll definitely forward the link to them.

If this advice about 'ur career isnt important' was to come from an old uncle, we would all just brush it aside and say 'he's old and isnt in touch with the youth' or something. Coming from you makes it much more beleivable. Baba Ali, May Allah swt grant u & ur team jannat al firdaus for all ur efforts, ameen!

At February 09, 2008 6:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luv it.
Keep it up

At February 09, 2008 7:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha that was AMAZING!!!! I loved EVERY bit of it. As a sister, I really thought you got the message across. I know a few sisters who are 25 and nearing their 30s that can't seem to agree on a lot of guys that purposed to them because of small issues. I'll be definitely showing this to some of them ;) This series is PERFECT! Continue it for sure :D and if you lose any fans over this, it's their loss. The truth hurts, and some people just can't handle the truth. May god bless you for all your hard work brother :)

At February 09, 2008 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good video, thanks!

At February 09, 2008 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaikum,

I thought it was a great videa and so true! Look forward to next friday!

At February 09, 2008 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fans???? dudes n dude-ettes watching dont call your selves "fans" of any sort or of anyone, Allahu alaam, but it might be a form of shirk!!!!

At February 09, 2008 10:50 AM, Blogger Sarah said...


MashaAllah a great video by brother ali again..well done brother!!

At February 09, 2008 10:50 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At February 09, 2008 10:51 AM, Blogger Liya said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At February 09, 2008 10:53 AM, Blogger steelkiss suzaina said...

this is just awesome!just keep doing your thing ali!im gonna tell all my friends about you back here in singapore!

At February 09, 2008 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam Bro,
Great video, been waiting for this, and it was simply awesome. Keep it up. WasSalam.

At February 09, 2008 12:42 PM, Blogger ummpumpkinseed said...

Asalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

Gotta be honest...last week I was like "hmmm...did he just waste his time making this???" but sobHanAllah--I LOVED this one!

1) Sister network.....LOL!!! Good for the halaal (like maarige) but maaaan...lay off the gheebat ladies!!!

2) Dowries....when I was getting married I had an older arab lady tell me my dowry should be $20k (yes, I said TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS)...and that "even the cheap girls are like at least $2-3,000". AstaghfurAllah, I didn't realize girls were selling themselves....

3) Prince charming: seriously ladies. And guess what else? Even when you marry that "perfect" guy, he's not. And marriage is alot of work. A LOT.

Anyway, I really appreciated this video. Thanks (from a sister--allbeit married sister) for keeping it real!

Jazak Allah Khair and May Allah SWT give us all hidaayat. Ameen.

At February 09, 2008 12:44 PM, Blogger misskind said...


I am deeply disappointed to see that even those who claim to be in the Deen. Change! And think of the act in consequence, Also plays with the feelings of some women is low !!!Let me just say why some men when it is in front of them a woman well Fled like the plague, And preferred the ease of Virtual World or if you are lucky maybe a good person !

I feel that over a certain age is frowned upon my age (29) years but i look very young, I feel very good and love has no age limit that man will marry a woman of 25 will give him nothing more? What is the differance a woman is a woman !! ;)

At February 09, 2008 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam aleikom!
I liked it a lot and I found it a very relevant topic.However, it was a pity that you seemed so tired.
Jazaak Allaho Khayraa!
Don't forget Baba Ali in your duaa=)

At February 09, 2008 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


thank you for dis

i am a sis who is hittin 28 and cant find a guy...i dont ask for much

allah knows best

all i can say is get on with it and do ur duas simple
inshallah all the best to sis n bros in this....

Babe Ali

THANK you i like this one then the last one

may allah may things easy for u inshallah


At February 09, 2008 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love baba ali videos!! hilarious, but real. inshallah he will keep making them.

At February 09, 2008 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good advice, but just a comment about making dua. We should make dua, but Rasulullah (saw) specifically warned us not to pray for patience and strength as this would lead to us being tested. Rather we should ask for help, guidance, a good spouse, etc. and to be content with Allah's decision. The dua for Istikhara covers all these points without addressing patience or strength. Jazak-Allah

At February 09, 2008 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salaam - great video, and your points hold a great deal of truth in geting to the heart of the matter however I sincerely hope the sister's question wasn't misunderstood by her choice of words.

As a single (never married) sis who just turned 29 herself, and not considered physically attractive (as told through the sister network), I can speak on the pressure and trust me it's not just "there's nothing wrong with her, she's just not married yet".

The pressure is more like "no one is perfect - so what if he is not strong in his deen, doesn't pray, doesn't fast, its the woman who teaches the kids - if he shows a bit of interest grab him", or, "look at all the girls in the community younger than you getting married - they found someone and after a few years "converted" him for the sake of nikkah - why can't you do the same?", or, "so what if your proposals are from 45+, divorcees, or citizen seeekers - why are you being so picky?"

Mash'Allah BabaAli does great work and Insha'Allah will continue to do so in not only reflecting his own advice and opinions but also that of others.

At February 09, 2008 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets have some things straighten out

a muslim who loves Allah marries seeking Allah's love and acceptance

therefore the way and who they marry should be based on what Allah wants from us

so, whether she is old, he is old or whatever, we must be thinking of what Allah wants from us, regardless of what we want or what we wish we had.

The Prophet pbuh married someone who was 15 years older than him! She was 40! he was 25!

if you can't find a husband, or wife, maybe Allah has chosed that you don't get married

maybe it is better for you not to get married and Allah has chosed that for you! Do you accept! Or disagree!

Maybe this is your test in life, not getting married! Will you say Alhamdolellah? Or WHYYYYYYY DID YOU DO THIS 2 ME?

The maybe 's are endless!

And my point is clear, just live your whole life wanting Allah you accept you, and this will never happen unless you know what Alllah wants from you (importance of learning about religion, knowledge, talab elm....)
then actually accepting that, and practicing it!

Allah A'lam

At February 09, 2008 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

alhumdulilah brother another fantastic video. i'm sure you have hit home with this one.

At February 10, 2008 3:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MashaAllah that was a great video.

I admire how you tell it like it is. People aren't offended by you because they know you're talking sense. I wish more of us could be brave enough to just say what's logical and what's true without beating about the bush.

At February 10, 2008 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

luvvvvv ur showw ... cant wait till the nextt show

At February 10, 2008 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam Alykum brother,

I loved this video! I somewhat expected it to be a bit harsh because of the warning before. Mashallah it was straightforwad and your advice was very useful. And like you said, the most important quality we should look for in a spouse is deen and inshallah your marriage will be a successful one! Can't wait till next friday!!

Jazaka Allah khair

At February 10, 2008 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salaam Alaykum wa rahmutullahi wa barakatu Ali,

While I do think you made some valid points, masha'Allah, I also believe you may have overgeneralized a bit on certain issues.

I am NEARING my 30's and am single, but for none of the reasons you mentioned. Actually, I never even got to the dowry part. I didn't pursue a degree so that I could be seen as more attractive, nor am I/do I expect prince charming or the perfect man. I know this to be true for several women as well.

Many of the sisters I know and I are looking for a decent guy with good manners and deen, who is financially STABLE (not wealthy), and most (including me) want him to be a citizen. Those are not high standards. And, it is important for both man and woman to be attracted to each other, so she would need someone who she feels she can live with (the same for him).

I think one of the problems for the ummah in marriage is the network. We are spread out and finding the right spouse can be kind of difficult. Also, some of the already married Muslims are not helping out their fellow brothers and sisters to connect and find the right spouse. If more people looked out for each other, I think it would be easier for Muslims to get married. Also, some people don't look at compatibility at all and just try to hook 2 people up who happen to be single. IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!

Of course, I know you were speaking about those who DO have high standards and are picky, but I just wanted to let you know that from my own experiences, that is DEFINITELY not always the case.

Jazak'Allah khair for your efforts.

At February 11, 2008 2:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am not agree with one point (even if it was funny) some girls finished their studies, work to be independant and not be more attractive.
We knew that is not attractive at all. Why ?
Because money is power on this society... and a lot of guys said that they are afraid about girls who are graduate, living their life... why ?...

Think about it... I know you can find the answer...

(ps : knowledge is power)

At February 11, 2008 9:22 AM, Blogger UmmLayla said...

There is a hadith that might be valid in this disscussion:

‘the best woman is the one whose mahr is the easiest to pay.’ (al-Haythami, Kitab an-Nikah 4:281)

I just hope we can all work together and try to make marriage easy from all sides. No unrealistic dowrys, no unrealistic expectations (I want a Phd who has a good job and looks like Brad Pitt for example), no pressure to have huge partys, and no refusing normal brothers/sisters in hopes of finding a prince/princess.

If we want to have the single people in our ummah marry for the deen we shouldn't put any other expectations before that.

At February 11, 2008 10:36 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Great Video! Thanks!

At February 11, 2008 10:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Great Video!

JazakaAllah for your great contribution...

At February 11, 2008 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny & informative & straight to the point => very good

At February 11, 2008 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omg that was hilarious, to the point and sooooo true! Well Done Baba Aliiiiiiii!

At February 12, 2008 2:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baba Ali - The 'Ask a Question' section on askbabaali.com is not working... where can I email a question to...?

At February 12, 2008 3:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What if a girl is not married ?

- People could speak and say : "Oh my God she is not married. Maybe this, maybe that... ???"
GOOD for you, you could take their hassanates, if they have ones... or they could take your bad actions

- You could feel alone and sad :" If I have my husband I could do that and that" GOOD for you if you say Al HamduliLAh on each situation...

Marriage is SUNNA so keep it easy and don't worry about people thinking... but worry about how Allah could think about you...


At February 12, 2008 4:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Following on from your recent video "worrying and ageing sister" - If we take into account that the sister is doing everything she can in terms of finding a spouse but at the same time the biological is still ticking away is it permissable for her to consider adopting an orphan child, if she is financially capable of doing so, without a husband? and still continue to find a pious spouse

At February 12, 2008 4:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At February 12, 2008 6:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im addicted, watched all os season 1 and 2 and the askbaba stuf in like 2 days! more more!!

At February 13, 2008 12:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


good advice for the most part. the only thing that made me cringe was when you said a woman's degree doesn't make her more attractive. maybe that's true, but it disappoints me when women are indirectly discouraged from pursuing an education because marriage should come first. yes, marriage is extremely important and education can continue after marriage, but ask anyone (male or female) and they'll tell you it's much easier to finish your education before marriage. i wish men would be more supportive and understanding of women wanting to educate themselves. many of us would like to be more than ignorant housewives. (nothing wrong with the housewife part, but the ignorant part, yes.) so yea, maybe a degree doesn't make a woman more attractive...but can you at least not mock those sisters and not imply that they're making themselves less attractive by working to be less ignorant?

but anyway, i always enjoy watching your videos and appreciate your willingness to tackle tough issues. jazakAllahukhayr, may Allah (swt) reward you for your efforts.

At February 13, 2008 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

baba ali,
are u married?

just curious.

At February 13, 2008 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

after reading so many comments about this video, its amazing how many sisters still do NOT understand that having a degree does NOT make them any more attractive. it just does NOT.

Now, if you're doing it for a job or whatever, that's one thing but if you're doing it with the hope that some guy will find you sexier, then you are just lying to yourself.

wow, I can't believe so many girls are in denial!

At February 13, 2008 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont get it who in their right mind thinks a degree will make you more attractive?????

All that time, effort and money put into it, just to attract guys.. Naa-aahhh.
I've done my degree and alhamdulillah am now doing my masters at the age of 21, and no way am i doing all of this to find the right guy. It is important in this day and age for future mothers (inshallah) to be educated and with the growing pace of the worlds economy and inflation rate these qualifications will or can become handy in the future if not now.
It is also important to believe in the qadr of Allah, as your partner has already been written for you, even your rizq at that (money you will earn throughout your life time). Neways i am goin off on a tangent now, but i just wanted to bring my point across that- i havent really met a sister who does a degree to come across as attractive to guys, if there are then in my opinion that it very petty!!!!!!!!! Allahu alaam.
Tk Salam.

At February 14, 2008 2:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am glad to learn that girls, sisters are graduate :))

As you said Latifa, we have to learn and work and live in society we live.

We should not forget that all men are not as good as our prophete sws so
- Learn ! (as Allah said on sourate n°96 "IQRA" five time Allah mentionned SCIENCE and it was first worlds our prophete received from Allah, just think about it !)
- Work without always asking help of somebody except from Allah :) because human being somehow will remind you it, if you know what I mean...

Woman can have child, will educate him/her, etc... everybody knows that but think about it...

I am not sure there is so many girls who worked to be attractive, I will be very surprised if it was true. Most of girls/sisters I have met want to live on their own thanks to Allah... so sorry but I don't believe it could be true, maybe 1/100 :) or less than that :)


At February 14, 2008 2:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's clearly a catch 22 situation

If a girl is not educated to a certain level (we're talking degrees here) then a guy 'rejects' her on the grounds "she's not on the same level as me", "I want to hold intellectual conversations with her", "I don't want a barbie doll - looks pretty but there's nothing upstairs!"

Women should be encouraged to get an education - Men need educated women - children need educated mothers.

At February 14, 2008 2:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

uneducated men find educated women unattractive :)

At February 14, 2008 2:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great job baba ali and co.

At February 14, 2008 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to tht anonymous person i really disagree ok i no a grl wit a degree may not be more attractive... but now we talkn bout how an educated grl is less attractive to an uneducated guy thts blahhhh... and i no many educated grls married to uneducated guys nd me personally im educated more thn my fiance i dnt see myself unattractive

At February 14, 2008 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great work baba ali.. u no i think u should make an episode about love before marriage and it happens alotttt these days and im not trying to say it wrong but atleast how to do it the right way u no

At February 15, 2008 2:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is exactly why baba ali pointed out that this would be one of the most controversial episodes (although he's written 'epsidoes'... but i think we know what he means)
On a more general note:
wise is the man who chooses an educated woman

At February 15, 2008 5:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost died just now but Allah swt saved me...
The traffic lights had just turned red so the cars had stopped on this very busy four lane road and the little green man popped up indicating pedestrians to commence crossing. So I began crossing this usually busy main road, which incidentally I have been crossing at least 3 times a day every working day for the past 4 years. I reached half way across the road when out of nowhere a huge truck/lorry sped inches away from my nose through the red traffic lights - an inch more and I would have been crushed...

At February 15, 2008 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mashallah really enjoyed this video... made me really think about what is important and to stop fussing over minor issues and what other ppl are going to think ... keep up the good work

At February 16, 2008 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not everyone is destined to be completed in this life...some are just alone and meant to be alone ...

At February 17, 2008 12:26 PM, Blogger Tahira said...

Asalamualaikum bro and team! great work once again mashAllah! sensitive issue but if its not bought out into the open how can it ever be resolved! May Allah reward u for your efforts!

At February 17, 2008 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you call Reality serves your own (fairy tale)!!!
Woman don’t age as well as men do he he he NOT funny REALLY coz you KNOW both can be either it is about the person him/ herself not M or F and way of his/her lifestyle
Your way of dividing how the
Woman ageing without marriage = you are losing everything ,you are too old no one wants you any more , bla bla bla
Men ageing = more success,bla bla "WHAT right like all ageing men are improving and achieving more and more by time YAH that IS funny"
Sorry but
You are wrong that is exactly what men WANTs to think and what men wants woman to think ! you only want woman to say yes to any loser NOOOO we are better off
Either both are losing or both are wining OR both are just HUMAN and like human will experience different situation and different results you know it is wrong to generalise like that
How many woman married in the age of 20 or 18 or 24 and lived happy and how many are divorced and how many are crazy right now???
And how many woman married in the age of 30 and 40 are happy, divorced and crazy right now???
They are just the same they have the same possibilities!!!!
Come on i thought you knew better !!!!!
Seriously you were better before ...
And about the Hollywood example you gave *_* how many woman there had just what you said it goes both wayyyyy !!!!!!!! and yah about the (they want him because of his success )again funny that is why they want him!!!!!!? not because of his money not his personality nothing but success
And yah btw i am 22 years old NOT the big 30 ! so no it is not personal
And another thing plz don’t divide woman into only 2 categorize either sensible(to you) and will say yes to someone who she thinks not perfect !
Or woman who will say no until she have her prince shaming super rich and handsome"You make the woman who is waiting for her perfect man sound materialistic "
Some woman are just waiting for their perfect man THEIR perfect man who can be ...,...,..., whatever they think perfect is ... it is not only the handsome and rich category you KNOW ! and without their perfect man they are better off !

p.s I didn't read this in fear of not posting it ... so sorry if there is any grammar, spelling mistake...

At February 19, 2008 4:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Rain...

THANK YOU!!!! For spitting out the truth and really revealing Baba Ali's true colors.....

More and more I see how narrow minded he is, blaming sisters for everything while men can act however they please....

Men who want women to feel bad about men rejecting them for things they cannot help such as beauty are really cruel....

At February 19, 2008 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Masha Allah, so energetic in these Ask videos. You had me laughing seconds in. xD

Wa 'alaikum asallam

At February 19, 2008 4:16 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Asalamu Alaikum
Another great video - i didn't think i'd find it that good cos i aint a 'worrying & ageing' sister, but this really rocked. The whole prince charming thing was so funny - i had to look it up on wikipedia, just to double check u weren't winding us up with the quotes, Baba Ali! You made a really good point though with the qualifications thing. While i truly believe in the education of all my fellow sisters (people who are lax about this just annoy me), there does tend to be something of an attitude amongst some, from certain cultual backgrounds especially, that degrees make a girl more attractive. And it's wrong. Do degrees make a guy more attractive though, i'm not so sure u convinced me on that one, mate.
But something that seems to affect all sisters, maybe especially those in the west, is the whole idea of finding a mr perfect, who will know you're interested in him just by the look in your eyes, and will whisper to you sweet nothings about completion, etc. And boy did u hit the nail on the head with that one. And this is not just something that affects muslim sisters - i don't think it's possible to count how many episodes of dr. phil and oprah have been devoted to this subject over the years. It's just so nice to hear it from the muslim perspective for once.
Also, the problem with the arranged marriage thing (i am pro arranged marriage, want one myself, when i'm ready!) is that you don't fall in love first. So u give importance to things that might well be less important if you actually met the person and got to know him/her. And this applies to the men aswell as the women.
BTW, the comment about arabs not marrying older women is a little unfair. I know more people of N.African arab descent especially married to older women, who may even be divorce w/kids, than any reverts.
I also have a couple of criticisms, which i intend in the nicest possible way. Here they are:
1) Slow down Baba Ali!! i had to stop the video a few times and go back to hear what u said. Admittedly, at least two of those times was cos i was laughing so hard i couldn't hear, but really, i've noticed that u are speaking way faster now than u did in either s1 or s2.
2) You do know that not every woman, or man for that matter, wants to get married, don't you, Baba Ali? because u've made comments before about how everyone wants to get married, and really we don't all want to. Despite the pressure some of us may sometimes feel under to do so.
Jazakallahu khair for dealing with this subject though, and i loved the way you mentioned khadidja (r) when u were talking about the whole 'old-fashioned' thing. SO true!

At February 20, 2008 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mashallah Mashallah, i thought this was an amazing video, just like always, keep up with you great work!
p.s. i have forgotten my password 4 the ummahfilms forum what do i do?lol:)

At February 20, 2008 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


But how do you know my sis?lol
Year, unfortunately she's still waiting for her prince charming too...lol

Good work again!!!!

At February 21, 2008 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a misogynist this idiot boy is ...and boy is what he is...who in 2008 believes that crap..."women lose their attractiveness earlier"...haha
i see a lot more fat, out of shape men in their late 20s and 30s than ever I see women....if you're female and not married and nearing 30 it's probably because you look at what's available and think...hmmm, think i'll stay single before saddling myself with that.....hahah...Baba Ali doesn't look old enough to be spouting opinions that men from the 50's and 60's used to believe (at least here in canada) Im 28 and none of my male friends think remotely like this buffoon...good luck finding a gf, baba...you'll have to get her from a time warp...

At February 23, 2008 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


A very big salam from Egypt just for Baba Ali :)

At March 05, 2008 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalaam alaikum,
Great video...It reaches the women in Islam not to except too much when looking for a partner in this religion.

At March 28, 2008 4:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your videos are really awsome see if u can come up with a topic of helping a muslim bro getting back on track towards the straight path.

At March 28, 2008 5:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is it ok to marry a muslim bro who kind of started to practice islam and is 2 - 3 years youger than i(27. i mean what advice do u give on that can u help

At April 11, 2008 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah right, this is some kind of joke right?

At April 19, 2008 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeh ryt its not like you yourself will marry an ugly girl every girl will have expectations and so will the guy so whats the point getting married to someone your not attracted to theres no fun to that and you rather talk to em for atleast sometime to get to know them especially at this time

At April 22, 2008 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

asalamulkum brother
i wanted to ask you..
i'm from afghanistan
and al'umdurallah im muslim =] i live in newyork..i wanted to ask you brother, everytime i talk to my cousions about islam, all they say is.'' its about having a clean heart'' and i siad yea you should pray, that's a pillar in islam, and then he siad'' Well what makes you think the prophet prayed? aand i told him go read the quran..and they wont do that..they are 23 and i need help..what should i do???

At April 24, 2008 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its great advice and all, and i think you really know how to mix entertainment and the importance of things togerther...but honestly i think that your reminder videos were better. this is because you were a little more serious. in your advice videos you act too childish..im sorry if its offending, but if you get it a little more serious, without the fake little acts, then your videos would be so much better. again, sorry if i was offending or rude, but i just wanted to tell you.

At May 05, 2008 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm, as a 33 about to be 34 year old convert in a city with a small Muslim community...my prospects seem pretty dim, don't they? I'm a realist, I have no illusions about prince charming, am a lover of good men no matter what their shape, size, or profession, and as far as a dowry goes, I'd take $100 and a pair of flip flops. Hurt my feelings? no, because I'm not the type of woman who subscribes to Soap Opera based notions of what a man should be. Crush my hopes and my apparently irrational faith? A bit. But I guess you are just being pragmatic.

At May 05, 2008 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On second thought- I cannot believe I could let my faith be shaken by someone who could indulge in ideas as facile as "women don't age as well as men." As far as education not making a sister attractive- what I have learned thus far about my faith is that seeking knowledge is one of the greatest things we can do as Muslims. In fact, it is an imperative of our faith. Piety dictates we seek knowledge. And since the most important quality in a partner is their piety, by default it seems an education would definitely make one more attractive. From the "reminder" videos, I was led to believe you were trying to remind people about the true spirit of Islam, but in this video you appear to be nothing more than an insecure little boy reiterating the misguided priorities of a misogynistic society. What is even more disappointing is the overwhelming praise that this piece received, and that only a few people were wise enough to recognize and critique a comment as unaceptable as "women don't age as well as men". A better forum for a sentiment like that might be GQ or Blender. This is Eden here, with a reminder, just in case you forgot. Which I think you have. Know what I'm sayin'?

At July 18, 2008 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're good, seriously you are Masha'Allah

At September 04, 2008 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved it!

At September 09, 2008 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wonderful and to the point
ma shaa allah well done BABA ALi
100% right
hope all Muslim girls know that..,

At September 25, 2008 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asaalamu Alaikum Ali,

I first want to say that i love your vids, the reminders are great and as a convert to Islam i have learned more about my deen by watching them. Shukran!
I had to comment on this vid because i just turned 30 last month. I fully understand the wanting a husband that can provide for your family. At the same time you want quality, which is where your deen comes in. What Allah wills, will be. If he intends for you to marry the struggling writer, you will. Inshallah, and Allah will make a way. We spend toomuch time trying to make things happen the way we want instead of making dua for allah to guide us "Ihdinas sirratal mustakeem" You say it every day in salat. Chillax and let him do his thing!

At September 30, 2008 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i lovee your videoss keep it upp

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At January 17, 2009 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaykum.

I have a question for you.

If for example, if you are a teenager and are very religious and in to Islam, but your family (parents/sister) is not-
Then how should I make them become "real" muslims?

At February 12, 2009 7:15 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

man seems very eager in beautiful woman..
a pity if the woman is not pretty at all..
i know that beauty is relative for everyone but..
hey are there man outside who wants to marry a 'not so pretty girl' but a good muslimah and will be a good wife??

At March 12, 2009 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mashallah, your message is straight puntuated with real simple examples in a convincing way...I strongly recomment others to view your videos.It really helps !

At July 12, 2009 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waleykum al salam dear sweet Ali. This is wonderful, perfect. YOU are what our muslim society needs! The advise to look at the persons deen is nr. 1 and nr. 2: The person needs to be polite and show saber. I'm from Sweden, 26 years and not married. I reverted last year April 11, alhamdulillah. And I want to study to be a teacher so that I can lead small children on siratal mustaqeem, inshaAllah. In my culture we don't get so much panic over finding a husband to get married with. But let's see how I feel when I'm thirty =D maybe panic, hehe, Allah (SW)only knows. But my mother had me when she was 39 and there's nothing wrong with me, see I even became a muslim, ALHAMDULILLAH. So, for my advice for both sisters and brothers; CHILL OUT... DON'T PANIC =) /Kate Khadija

At January 07, 2010 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not looking for 'prince charming', just a man who has a good heart and practises his religion to the best of his ability, inshAllah. The mainproblem is the lack of practising men.

At January 16, 2010 11:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

As Salam Alaykum,

According to the society I fall into category of "aging sister" though myself I look and feel much, much younger. I have to say directly that the video was pretty insensitive, discriminating and unislamic. Firstly, it is not alwayz fault of women that they do not get married. Many times they just cannot find a mature practising Muslim. I will not speak about my life to give my explanation of why I did not marry but simple reason is that I CANNOT FIND A MAN (not a prince charming). I reached maturity al HamduliAllah and know myself well and what I am looking for. But where is the match? I put trust in Allah and He knows best why many many women stay single or many got divorced. Allah is the wisest, it is not for us to judge others and He knows best why some sisters do not marry and others do. Marriage and love can happen at any age, brother do not make mature sisters ugly and undesirable, I am not ugly and certainly do not belong into rubbish bin and also do not look for "a rich prince" to marry. Do not show cultural narrowmindedness over Islam and beaty but rather teach men how to live Islamic way, how to be a responsible man with a good character and I believe that many more sisters will find a match.

BarakAllah fiq

At February 09, 2010 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was awesome!!!!!!! ! you rock dude!!!!!!

At February 18, 2010 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salaams Brothers & Sisters,

I appreciate the point your video is trying to make Br. Ali. But, while it attempts to tell it like it is, in my humble view, it does not tell the whole story. Which progressive and sincere Muslimah would WANT to settle for a man who does not value a woman's God-Given right to get an education or pursue a career or simply use her skills & talents? What an insult to all Muslim women. Though you may not have intended this, and you are responding to a particular question from a friend, this video suggests that the only reason Muslim women are getting an education/career in the first place is for the purposes of enhancing their marriage prospects, i.e. making themselves more marriageable. This is only ONE story - or only one angle of the entire truth. Many, many smart, educated & non-formally educated women of every age and of diverse cultural backgrounds are embarking on careers or simply working (incl. at home) in order to better the world that we live in, as part of their Deen. They are using their gifts, strengths, skills & talents that Allah has given them in order to contribute to humanity, in the name of Allah. They are doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, home-makers, mothers, care-givers, community-builders & more. To essentialize & generalize about why a group of women (namely, unmarried Muslim women) are pursuing an education and then to add the claim that it does not make a difference for marriageability is setting a dangerous precedent. It will be sending the wrong message to young Muslim girls as well as boys. Nor is it very positive, hopeful or progressive. Words & images are valuable, we must use them responsibly, so that we can change the world for the better. Education is one of the basic rights & responsibilities of both men & women in Islam. We are taught that we should all (believing men AND women)seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. We should be proud of this, and not pre-judge or doubt that the intentions of the women are for marriage only. This suggests that they are rather shallow & can't think/act for themselves...which is sadly false. The Prophet S.A.W.'s 1st wife Khadijah (R.A.) is the proper role model for Muslim women, esp. older unmarried ones. She was smart, strong, accomplished, independent & an equal partner. And she was 40 years old when she married. Muslim men, Insha-Allah should follow the example set by our beloved Prophet S.A.W. in choosing such a woman for his wife, regardless of her age. WaSalaam. Sincerely, Your Sister in Islam.

At July 28, 2010 4:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it!!! This funny way to give the truth, thanks!

At August 05, 2010 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamy Alleikum everybody ) I m from Russia)))Dagestan! Have you ever heard about Dagestan??:)) Ali THANK YOU!! You are .....VeRY GOOD GUY!!! YOUR videos are really intresting !!!! THANKSSSSSS

At August 05, 2010 6:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

))))) by the way )) my name is Amina)))

At August 28, 2010 8:24 AM, Anonymous kaamil said...

Assalamualaikum.. My name is kamil.
how do i watch the video?? there is no option to watch?? pls help me out someone?? thanks.

At November 06, 2010 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salamz.. MashaAllah great advice. One my most favourite videos, absolutely hilarious, keep up the good work brother. Wassalam :)

At May 22, 2011 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great video mashallah :)

At January 22, 2012 12:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny and cute i loved it keep it up!!

At February 13, 2012 3:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good Videos you have here brother. I would enjoy them very very much.... if I would hear them. But i cant, because I am deaf.
Like few million other muslims.
(subtitels would be very helpful, easy with youtube-captioning)

Keep up the good work

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At November 05, 2018 2:55 AM, Blogger Ubaidullah Chishti said...

Do you know what is Objective of Istikhara? Today we will describe Online Istikhara in complete detail.
According to many resources, I found one thing about Isitkhara,
“Finding sort of blessing in any matter is called Istikhara”.
If you look at this sentence you will find the answer of your question.
“If you seek the blessing from Allah, he will bless you definitely”.


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