Kalimaat Video Contest Extension - April 14th 2010
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

The submission date for the Kalimaat Video Contest has been extended to April 14th 2010. Use this opportunity to make your final tweaks inshAllah.
The contest winner is chosen by viewer votes (not by me) so let the video with the most votes win. For more information regarding the $1000 Kalimaat Video Contest, please visit http://www.babaaligames.com/contest
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Time to roll out the camcorder
...in about a week or so until the game arrives
That's not fair. Your changing your terms when you already made a contract.
Thanks so much! I have exams at the moment so I'm really busy.. but I'll be done soon so expect a video from me! :D
The terms and agreement allows me to make the modification. I got a lot of requests to extend it for just a few days. I guess it was kinda of my fault for not reminding people about the contest.
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