Bball Clothes & the Peeping People on the Plane
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

I just realized that I've done 3 shows in North Carolina so far, and each time I keep forgetting to bring my basketball gear. It seems like everyone, including the Imam, plays bball in NC. Anyways, I think I need a privacy filter too for my laptop. Although I'm usually type of scripts or playing games, who knows what the paranoid people on the plane are thinking haha. This week I'm doing two shows. One in Boston (North Eastern University) and one in Ottawa, (sorry you can't just say Canada without saying eh!)
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Salam brother Ali,
You're post made me realize how important basketball was to the American Muslim community.
Basketball has played an important role in my life. I played bball with friends and neighbors, but also at the masjid. Growing up I had role models like Hakeem Olajuwon. Now in college, I play basketball with brothers - its one way to spend time with friends without drugs or alcohol.
As a community, we've really come to embrace basketball.
We started a basketball team this year in our neck of the woods. We are the first Muslim team to play on the CYO leagues. The CYO was thrilled to have us and the first season went well. They warned us a couple of coaches were not to happy and there were a couple of refs who were real unfair to us. however, overall they welcomed us with open arms.
On the other hand, a lot our community and members of executive committee did not support us monetarily and would not even announce the team because 'it is trivial and not important to our community.'
Allahu Allum they just don't get it. Four times a week I have over 15 Muslim teens playing together in an Islamic environment. I even give them a 10 minute 'khutba' relevant to teens and sportsman like behaviour. Muslim communities are loosing our boys so quickly. Basketball is one way to keep them close to the masjid.
Insha Allah it will help our boys and Allah swt will accept it from us.
good idea man.
It's funny when Americans do the "eh" thing because they'll usually get it wrong :P
I think it replaces how you guys use "..right" and UK ppl "..yea"
Ex. "I know eh"
take care bro, enjoy Ottawa
- Nahyan (in Toronto)
Love the cropped picture! xD Would be great if you came to Dubai!
Couldn't find any information about the event in Ottawa!
Could u plizz tell us more
Thank u !
As far as Boston, I'll be in Northeastern University for the event there on Friday night.
As far as Ottawa, I'll be at the Human Concern International event on Saturday night. You can get more info (including the address) at this link:
Brotha' Ali (hehe), As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatuallhi wa barakatuhu - you forgot your bball shorts! I don't have to tell you how big the bball tradition in NC is - Tar Heels, Coach Deen Smith, MJ . . and all that history and I'm sure that's rubbed off on the Muslim population there as well. Anyways, all the best for the two shows! Ma'salaam
Salaam Ali,
Fahmi here from Muxlim. Hope your shows are going well iA.
I stumbled upon on your blog talking about BB as we (@Muxlim HQ) just started a strategy to create conversations on the web regarding BB within the Muslim community esp. the American Muslim community thru blogs, videos, polls and other contents that might possibly interest the community.
What we're trying to do is to build a Muxlim Dream Team ( made of Muslim and Non-muslims (virtually of course) through the course of these conversations. Anyone interested can join these conversations and engage with others interested in the sport @ the above link. A big Sporting Goods company is really interested to get to know this community which might iA help it grow better.
P.S: Good Job with the Kalimaat video contest. Will try to spread the word around our community.
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