Ummah Films coming to Toronto this weekend, eh?
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

I will be hosting an Ummah Films film screening and a special workshop teaching how I make the Reminder videos. Seating is limited so make sure you get there early so you can get in (workshop class limit is only 30 people).
They asked me to MC the comedy show that night. It will be my first time MCing and my first time at MuslimFest so its all going to be new me. On the menu, they have both Aman Ali and Preacher Moss. Amir Suliman has also been invited to share some of his poetry as well.
Finally, I hope to release the new Ummah Films DVD set there InshAllah which will not only feature both Season 1 and Season 2 videos in DVD quality, but it will also have three unreleased Reminder videos (not on YouTube), and two special interviews I did in the UK about the Reminder videos. Basically, the DVD set is packed with over 3 hours of footage so if you want one, make sure you grab one early because I only got 100 of them. The dual disk DVD set retails for $24 but at the event they'll going to be selling at a special introductory price of only $19 (Fisibilillah Discount has already been implemented so please save your negotiating skills :))
Note: I don't make a penny from the profits so when you purchase the Reminder DVD set, you're helping the project, not me. My efforts with Ummah Films is done on a volunteer basis but just like any project, there are expenses so the DVD and T-shirt sales help us pay for those expenses.
Since I'm traveling there, I am limited on the quantity of things I will be bringing with me. In other words, the items are limited so if you want something, don't wait till the last minute. In our last event, 165 shirts went in 30 minutes. You can tell who the last minute shoppers are, because they're not wearing the right size. Basically, if you see a larger guy wearing a small Ummah Films shirt, you know he is a last minute shopper. do you know what i'm sayin' :)
I'm only bringing 144 shirts (100 short sleeve and 44 long sleeve)..that's it.
See you guys this weekend InshAllah
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Assalamu Alaykom brother Ali
This is your brother Masry from Egypt. I have been watching your videos for some time, & I just wanted to tell you that I liked you a lot through this work of yours.
May Allah bless you.
as-salaamu 'alaykum,
You often bring up the fact that you do this as a volunteer basis etc.
Have you ever considered registering Ummah Films as a non-profit organization? If you did so, you would be able to pay yourself, and other people who work with you. Also, you would be able to take donations etc. I worked for a non-profit organization before and basically you take enough money out of the money coming in to sustain yourself and whomever works with you, then the rest of the money gets put back into the company (a very basic outline).
I highly suggest that you consider this option. Otherwise, you will always be stuck having with the problem of having to work a day job, then doing this stuff on the weekends.
Plus, if you want Ummah Films to grow to the next level, you are going to have to do something like make it a real company/business.
Just a bit of advice.
...this dee vee dee:
...give it to me farr ten dallarz..
...144 shirts?
...100 DVD's?
Small but perfectly formed!
Hi Ali,
I am from France, I saw your video. I really laugh a lot. Al HamduliLAH I am muslim. I would like to know if you schedule to come in France (Paris) ? Please say YES lol. I don't know if you will read my message but let's try and I will see :) If young people here will listen you, thanks to Allah, I think they will be surprised (good surprise of corse inshaAllah). An answer from you will be nice lol. Your sister Malika.(
i loved every second of it!! That night was definitly unforgetable el7amdulillah!! inshalla i hope i will be able to make it again next year cauz it is really worth the 2 hour drive!
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