New Ummah Films DVD is here!!
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Another prayer rug? Seriously, how many more times can you give someone a prayer rug for Eid? Next time you give them a gift, give them something different. If you someone who is fan of Ummah Films, then we got a gift suggestion for you. Yes, the NEW Ummah Films DVD Gift Set is here!
Get ALL 18 Ummah Films' Season 1 & 2 Reminder videos in a beautifully package DVD set. No more mom & dad surrounding your monitor! The special two disc set contains over 3 hours of footage (one hour of exclusive extras in this package). That includes the Baba Ali interview on Islam Channel's "Saturday Night Live" show, the post interview after the "Evening with Ali" show, and three unreleased Ummah Films Reminder videos:

Living Single in Dream World
This video is about the challenges one goes while trying to get married. It covers everything from the fantasy topics of older sisters asking for ridiculously high Mahr (Dowries) to single brothers talking about marrying numbers 2, 3, & 4
(key word: single).
The Marriage Interviews
Women can complain all they want about the lack of good men available out there to marry but they have one advantage guys don't have: Men knocking on their doors asking for their hands. How cool is that? Well, that it all sounds good on paper but many sisters find they attract the wrong type of brothers. The videos talks about the many types of characters that may knock on your door for marriage: The Arrogant Guy, Mr. Insecurity, The Shady Brother, and of course The Slave Driver.
Special Q&A video
Baba Ali answers viewer's questions via video and of course, his sense of humor. Is your name really Baba Ali? What do you as your day job? Do you have any stalkers? Yes, he does get funny questions but he also has funny answers to them
If you know someone that likes the Ummah Films Reminder Series, this beautifully designed Ummah Films DVD set will not only keep them entertained and reminded but it will make a great gift InshAllah. Give them the gift that they will use and benefit from InshAllah.
As an introductory price, we are selling this special Ummah Films DVD set for only $19 (retail price - $24). This offer is only for a limited time so order your copy today InshAllah!.

Goto the Ummah Films store to purchase the new Ummah Films DVD set.
**Note: Profits made from Ummah Films DVDs and T-shirts go back towards the Ummah Films project or donated to worthy cause.
Remember, shipping is a flat rate so the price doesn't increase no matter how many items your order.
Looking to get married?
Visit Baba Ali's Muslim Marriage site
I wanna buy wammahfilms DVD. the prob is we don't use credit card. as much as i know this is because of interest if there is anyohter way to buy this DVD please let me know. my e-mail address is
THIS SOUND SOOOOOO COOOL BRO!! GOOD JOB!!! Is it gonna be posted here...i mean..the Video...?
oh sorry...i just got it! it slipped my eyes :D Its UNRELEASED video :(
oh well...anywho...still....GREAT WORK! though i still wish its released here...:(
Fi Amaanillah
yay! vidz the thing is though u need a credit card to pay and ive only got a debit card is there any other way that i can buy them with my debit card? because i also wanted to buy sum t shirts too.. like send a cheque or transfering money into an account?
Talk to you bank if you can get a visa/mastercard check/debit card -- it works just as a credit card, except it takes money right out of your account.
I just bought my copy :-)
Walaikum Salam,
You may be able to buy it locally. Which city are you located in?
cool style
( its the debit card girl again lol )
well i live in the UK so umm.. ^_^ ?
my sis lives in birmingham (alabama) though, maybe i can sort something out
x Sira x
A sister in the UK sells it. email
She's in London
Thank you Ali bro i will email her, yipee!!!, that will be a present to myslef for passing my exams lol :D Allahifz
i live in Dallas, TX. is it available in here? if it is please let me know. i wanna buy the DVD.
The DVD ships worldwide.
TThey just arrived two days ago so local vendors do not carry it yet. The only other person you can buy it from at this time is from our UK distributor (London).
As far as Dallas, the closest person you can buy it from is a brother from San Antonio but I don't think San Antonio and Dallas are very close since Texas is a big state.
You can via paypal. Just email info@ummahfilms for that process.
Are there any NY vendors who sell the dvd?
Do you folks ship to Singapore or India
when will new video come out?
You can use a check card. Like one that you get from a bank when you get a checking account, which they usually don't pay interest (well my doesn't). If it has the visa or master card symbol on it, you can use it to buy it.
can i buy it locally in sydney???
Salaam Ahlykoem,
I think you can buy the DVD by using home banking or your local bank, and then it dosn't matter where you from and you don't need a credit card. When I click on the link to buy the DVD I had two options 'pay with a credit card' or 'pay by using home banking or your local bank' When you choose the second option they will give you a SWIFT and Iban number that you will need for the payment. hoopefully this info helps :-)
Asalaam Ahlykoem
Can't wait to get my copies. Thumbs up! JazakAllah hayran
Yes, the DVD ships worldwide
Does the DVD contain subtitles of different languages?
Unfortunately, it doesn't contain subtitles but you can find the videos with subtitles here:
I love the videos! I watch them all on Youtube...keep up the good work! :)
the new dvd gots about an hour of videos that aren't on youtube. he has like 3 new videos at least that i haven't seen on youtube
i have a dvd too
damn i still dnt hav one!!! SO JELOUS!!!
Salaam Ahlykoem,
I waited 2 weeks for the DVD and
Hamdulillah the DVD finally made it all the way to belgium :-)I just got my DVD today! but is it normal that the interviews are not complete,On the DVD they seem to end before the interview itself?
Asalaam Ahlykoem,
salam and big congratulations for your videos very appreciate by a lot of muslims in France. I would like to know if the DVD videos are subtitled - translated in French. Thank U for all. M.
As'salam Wa'lakuim. I just got my dvd yesterday and sat there last night watching both disk. Wonderful, ma'shallah. Will be getting more for gifts. Thank you for the wonderful job and may Allah continue to reward you.
.Salaams. I've noticed that my name is still up. Brother Ali, if you read this can you please take down the post ive requested you 5 months ago, fi sabi lilah?
Its on this link:
Its the post made on October 12, 2006 6:30 PM.
JazakAllahu khayr
Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?
Can someone help me find it?
Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.
Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
I want to say very thank you for this great informations. now i understand about it. Thank you ! excellent DVDs there, I really like it!
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