Broken Camera: Reminder Videos are on pause
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

A brother borrowed my Canon XL2 video camera a while ago and unfortunately it wasn't returned in the same condition. It was returned with a problem that has been getting worse and worse. So I had to send my camera back to Canon to get fixed. Since its an expensive camera, it isn't cheap fixing even a minor problem. I guess its like having a luxury car (if something goes wrong, you're going to pay a pretty penny to get even the smallest things fixed).
The problem is that while my camera is being repaired, I have no choice but to put the Reminder series is on hold. Since Ummah Films doesn't own its own camera (the XL2 is my own personal camera), I can't borrow a camera from Ummah Films in the meantime. Thus, I'm officially on pause :)
All my work with Ummah Films is done as a volunteer so I don't get paid for any of my effort or time (which is the way I want it) but at the same time I don't want to go into negative, especially when it comes to paying for such occurrences. So as much as I want to support other brothers, I can no longer let anyone borrow my camera or equipment.
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Don't worry akhi, we're prepared to wait. As long as you keep producing *quality* shows!
Salaam Br Ali
Ahhh,that borrowing thing is so over for me now.I know how you feel...ive been there.Ive waited and waited and politely asked for my camera to the point of embarrisingly having to beg for my own camera to be returned,and when it was returned it had problems and ive been told that its better to buy a new one than repair.Unfortunatly money doesnt grow on trees!:-(I wouldnt have felt so miffed if the person informed me of the problem beforehand.So i think Br Ali that everyone who watches your Reminders will understand and be patient with you,definatly sympathise with you!And to people who borrow things and never return them or do and theyr damaged,how would you feel if the same happend to you.It aint nice i tell you that...and certainly isnt as a good characteristic of a good muslim.Br Ali its still the same weather you left in London,the skies are dark and grey we did have a little ray of sun comming through earlier on but i think we were just being teased!
no problem, things like this happen!
Sorry to hear about the camera; it's always a risk lending stuff to other people. I'm sure the brother you lent it to didn't mean to damage your equipment, inshallah. We all make mistakes!
Br Ali its still the same weather you left in London,the skies are dark and grey we did have a little ray of sun comming through earlier on but i think we were just being teased!
I hope you're not complaining, mate! The weather was GORGEOUS, the previous two days, Alhamdulillah. I was staring out of the window of my office, thinking: "I wish i was outside playing on the grass, like when i was little!". hehe. It has to rain sometimes. Otherwise we'll have a drought on our hands! A'authobillah.
Aslayum alakum Ali,
Sorry about the inconvience with camera and we all appericiate it the time and feffort u put in. I hope ur camera gets fixed inshallah in the meantime i will wait patiently for da videos. But i dnt mind cos i saw the premires already so thats a good thing.
Asalam alaikum Bro,
Can I borrow the Camnera after its fixed? hehehe Just kedding. inshalalh we'll have sabr. wa salam alaikum.
EsSalama !!
Oh sorry to hear about the camera..I hope that will be fixed soon and won't cost you too much inshaAllah. We will be patient inshaAllah...
lol, yeah the weather is BETTER !!! honestly lol !!!!
Anyway..keep in touch..hope to hear from you soon inshaAllah
Take care bro : )
Dearest Brother Ali,
It was great to see you in London at your event. Mashallah. Very well presented by you and the team.
Please contact me since I shall like to donate some money to get your camera fixed and kick start your videos again.
Salam, please don't be shy in taking my offer since I would like some reward from THE ALMIGHTY.
You just learned a valuable lesson that should've been learned a long ago. If you value your sh!t, don't lend it out! Muslim or not. This is a friendly reminder, in case you forgot;)
ali i pray some kind of funding comes your way you deserve more than just a camera for the work that you do i wish i had it like many of our flashy bros and sis it would be coming your way
Assalamalaikum brother Ali.
I will ask you for a favour that I don’t hope you will say no to. I want you to make it possible for other people to send you money. That will make it easier for you to work because you don’t need to be scarred of getting broke or anything, because if muslim gets broke in west countries they have to borrow money with rents and that is haram. Unfortunately I do that and have such a bad felling about it but I don’t se any other way. You are using you time for something good. A lot of muslims all over the world is felling bether about their religion because of you. You help them in a special way that makes them able to se that its not hard to be a Muslim and practice Islam.
I thing that it will be sad if you have to choose between doing haram while you are saving more then hundred other people and make them to understand how to practice islam or to don’t do any of this thing.
You can lad us help you to help us and other people by lading us send you money for you own use. No body have to pay but if people want they can pay.
I believe that it can be a success. I thing that a lot people will send you money. Maybe it can be a fiasco because there is so many people who tries to cheat people for money and maybe many people will think something like that about you too. But us who knows you will know. If you don’t let us help you then one day you will have to choose. You can save so many other people by lading us help you.
I am sorry for that you maybe wont understand my email probably because I am not so good at English. It will be good if you send the answeer to my email because maybe I cant find it on the homepage.
I hope other people are with me and tries to show you that this is what we want.
I am passion and can wait alhamdullah. But I am thinking of the future. People need you. And nobody wants you to do haram thing like lone money with rents.
my email is
Assalamu alaikum wr wb,
As a mom with kids who have friends, I have a bit of wisdom for you. Whenever our active youngsters accidently break something (which they frequently do; hey, we have active boys!), the moms don't get angry (well, we try really hard anyway) but we say "Alahmdulilah, it would have broken had he broken it or had I broken it." I am sorry about your camera. It was meant to be broken though, so say "alhamdulilah." Just a reminder for you....Jazakallahkhair for your work!
salam alykum wa rahmatuallah wa barakatu. i was sorry to hear about the damaged camera.
in the quran we are told to sell goods advertising their details and to sell goods without hiding their defects. i would encourage you brother ali to inform the brother of the defect you discovered on the return of your camera with clean intention. if he does not pay for the repair his debt is with Allah and may Allah replace you with better and give you patience for your reward in heaven which is far beyond what we can imagine in this life and may Allah enable the brother to afford you the repair with clean intention.
insha Allah this will not come between 2 muslim brothers, i pray strongly for that (autho bilahi minashaytan nir rajeem)
"fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me", we can't err a brother sharing with another, but yes we learn from experience insha Allah.
finally, i would like to insist bro Ali that you post a postal address (FAO Bro Ali) that we can send money/cheque or postal order to to help you with the costs. some of us may be shy to do so cus we can only afford a little, but our concern to encourage you is greater than any amount of money and besides, it takes a lots of bricks to build a mosque! (ie every little helps and can add up to a great thing =])
i'll check back in a few days to see if you will allow us to help insha Allah... i hope so =]
Lets all think of a punishment
Salaamu A'laikum,
I saw your video clip which you made about $25000 wedings.... it was beautiful and very true!
Do you guys have the video with Farsi subtitles too? There were a lot of languages on youtube but I couldn't find Farsi translation of it.
If you or someelse have it, please send it to me.
I want to show it to the Afghans and Iranian families here.They are really in a competition with their parties and expensive weddings, but not when it comes to prayer or zakaat etc.
my email is:
Thanks wa Fi amanAllah
asalam laykum
I have a poblem that the UF faithfull can help me solve. The camera has ben advertised before as Uf camra way back early 2006 before i left the country & now that i'm back it is being called personal.
Am i missing something? I would never buy such an expensive family camera. Could it be that Ali purchased the camera for UF and then changed his mind?
But WAIT! I just had a thought. UF is ALi &and Ali is UF so......???
Plase help me get unconfused.
Arabic is mother tongue not english. sorry if you cant understand.
ASA before anyone sends a dime maybe ali should come clean and tell us if he is SEEKING another camera. Maybe the camera is broken but it seems to me that this post has purpose. Im not accusing so dont eat my head off. The satan can get to us all. Even ali. Just reminding.
Subhanallah, what is this? An accusation disguised (somewhat). I would recommend that if anyone requires clarification then email ummah films. Further if anyone questions the brother's integrity, and the veracity of his words, then please raise it with him personally via his email.
May Allah save us from the smallest of evils.
Wallahu musta'aan
asalaam alaikum wr wb
lol another topic comes to light .. its so true tho .. it absolutely stuns me when the same person who borrowed £20 offa you can bugs you for 50p you owe them ..
and just to show that i havent read the rest of the comments (sorry, i was just passing thru need to get on with the dishes :p chores *sigh*) how DO you ask someone for something back? islamically that is .. and omg i just cant do it lol .. :lol: people say just stop lending things .. but darn that too .. i just cant say no.
i think thats just the way some of us are. it would be a good way of shedding some light on the topic seeing as we all face this at one point atleast in our life.
jazakh Allah Khair for all ur videos brother Ali inshaAllah the camera will get fixed (rock on canon) and u'll be making vids agen ..
asak wr wb..jazaka allahu khairan for your great, realistically-funny-yet-sad-&-awakening episodes :).
there's a hadith of the prophet PBUH that says (humble translation) "there will come a time when my people permit (ie. halalize) the consumption of alcohol, wearing silk, and the use of musical instruments).
if the first two are DEAD-OBVIOUS (ie. alcohol's not allowed for any member of both sexes & silk's not allowed to be worn by men), and if the hadith is 100% authentic, then why on the face of the earth do people permit the use of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS? have we become people who take a portion of any hadith we LIKE and discard what we dont want and DISLIKE?! this's insanity & stubborn ignornace! there r those sheikhs out there who even permit the listening to female singers who sing islamic/patriotic/beneficial/useful songs (with respect to lyrics obviously!), while @ the same time, one of the first MINOR SIGNS OF THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT that appeared around the prophet PBUH's times was female singers?!!! on top of this, there's another hadith that says (humble translation) "if muslim men are to listen to female singers, they'll be punished on the day of judgement with a hot steel rod - from Hell - inserted into their earts"!!! sorry if my translation doesn't go hand-in-hand and 100% with the exact wordings of the hadiths, since i dont have the hadiths on me at this very moment and i just thought of sharing this with you on the fly since im about to head out...i know you might be thinking instead of me typing up all of this then why didnt i save myself a lot of writing by copy/pasting the hadith from a website and pass it on to you..the problem is that it's very easy to find commonly-heard hadiths from any voice/text-recorded khutbahs, but it's very hard 2 find hadiths like these VERY EASILY given that today's modern sheikhs dont bother (or maybe are afraid of the reaction) sharing such authentic hadiths to the average public in the west that's already drowning with music and drueling over women lustfully and unconsciously?!
jazaka allahu khairan for your time and consideration. i am looking forward to hearing from you as to whether you'll be posting something up about this matter, and why/why-NOT..
wassalaamu alaikum warahmatohu wabarakaatoh.
your brother,
mk (canada)
ps: when u email me, ur mail might end up in my junkmail since you'll be emailing me from the very first time, so i suggest that you write something that'll catch my attention in the subject line (ex. RE: baba ali, etc.).thanks again brother.
Did you try getting your camera repaired or are you going to invest in a new one
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