Interactive Marriage Workshop (Ali from Ummah Films Guest Speaking @ Event)
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

The seems like an interesting event as young Muslims are often interested in conversations that involve the world "Marriage". I will be guest speaking at this event InshAllah so I hope to see all of you there. The event is not just a lecture but rather its has more than that. There is a series of interactive workshops which means that its interactive.
The Reminder Videos are often about my 2 cents regarding random subjects. If you enjoyed the $25k Muslim Weddings and Finding Your Spouse Online video, then I think you'll kick out of this event too as the program is meant not just to be interesting but thought provoking as well InshAllah.
The Muslim Student @ the University of California Riverside is hosting an educational and interactive Marriage Workshop that will provide young Muslims with information regarding Marriage in Islam. It will be held on Sunday March 4th, 2007 @ UCR. Free Parking will be provided @ the Masjid of Riverside and Paid Parking is available on campus. Tickets will be on pre-sale for $10.00 and at the door it will be $15.00. Dinner will be provided. The event will run from 11 am to 7 pm.
Featured Speakers:
- Brother Ali from Ummah Films
- Dr. Ahmed Soboh
- Brother Omar Ezzeldine
- Sister Munira Ezzeldine author of “Before the Wedding: 150 Questions for Muslims to Ask Before Getting Married”
For more information or to purchase tickets call Sister Wafaa @ 951-212-3876 or Brother Adnan @ 951-288-6317 or email us @
Looking to get married?
Visit Baba Ali's Muslim Marriage site
alhamdu lillah wassalatu ala muhammad rasuli allah.
assalamu alaikum,
Brother Ali I ask Allah to give you success in all what you do for his sake. I ask him to give us success in this life and in the hereafter. amin.
I am following your videos on youtube with a great interest and I think that you're just saying what we all know and are in a way or another ashamed to confront our selves with. so may Allah bless you and support you.
I am sorry that I can't be in this great conference you're organizing because I live in germany very far away from you. but I hope I ll get to see some or all parts of the conference on youtube so I can learn from it because I am interested in starting the same workshop in germany where I live because the problem is the same here.
may Allah grant you and all the people who work for Islam his blessings and success.
As salaam alaikum.
Brothers. I enjoy for films very much. They make me think and laugh -- both tend to be tough for me to do.
Keep up the good work. Outreach to non-muslims is good, but Inreach to members of our Ummah who are falling away is critical.
Wa salaama,
nuh ibn
ps. I write,if you ever have time to read come on by...
where exactly is riverside at? im trying to go but im not sure where exactly its located at.
As'Salaam u Alikum-
I would love to attened this workshop given that I am a single (never married) 28 yr old sister who connot seem to attract a spouse due to various cultural clashes even though what I seek is pretty simple. I am however located on the East Coast. Will a video of the event become available on Ummah Films? I would also be interested in knowing whether the event will address the high rate of divorce that is prevalent amongst muslims in the west today.
As-salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatAllah
'Ali bro,
You may want to take a look at this;
Unprecedented stuff. You would definitely like it.
Salem wa 3aleykom,
Very interesting what your saying. Unfortunately I'm from the Netherlands. Keep going the good thing. Allay3ouwnek!
M3a salema
Salaam, how your well. Is The talk in teh U.K because you should visit our youth down here and spread the world
asalamalcuim i would greatly appreciate if you ccould record and put this on youtube
asalamalcuim i would greatly appreciate if you ccould record and put this on youtube
assalamu 3alakum wa rahmat allah wa barakatu
i am one of the planners of the Workshop. Inshaa Allah the event will be in Riverside, CA USA. its is located in Southern California, an hour from Los Angeles and an hour from San Diego (in between both cities). we look forward to seeing everyone who is interested there. jazak Allahu Khairan for everything brother Ali. May Allh (swt)let this workshop be a help to everyone by gaining the knowledge and interaction they need to find a good spouse.
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