Finally! Ummah Films Featured on Youtube
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Alhamdulillah. One of UF viewers emailed me the other day and suggested that I email YouTube and ask them to check out the Reminder videos. I figured there are millions of videos on youtube and we really didn't have a chance...especially since the videos are meant for the Muslim audience. Then again, I never thought we had a chance with the film festival, which we ended up coming first place or the recent Current TV submission thing which the video got picked to air for TV. So I figured, why not...its worth a shot so I sent an email yesterday and got this response today:
hi ali-
actually i've seen and loved your blogs and just featured one of them
in the categories today. keep up the great work. you're treat to see
on youtube.
Who knew the person who picks the featured videos on youtube was actually one of our viewers. Anyways, the latest video, Arrogant People, got featured on YouTube. Alhamdulillah. All the success is in Allah (swt)hands but we must put in the effort InshAllah.
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awesome baba ali! go ummahfilms!
Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatahu Allahi wa barakatahu
Being featured on Youtube...That is excellent, Mesha'Allah. I recently saw some of your videos on youtube and Mesha'Allah, they are wonderful for Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
We have really been needing something like this.
Subhuna'Allah, I had the idea of doing something like that yet to see it accomplished better than I could have ever done it is awesome, mesha'Allah.
Your videos have such a down to earth-in your face-sincere-eminem-Islamic appeal that just rocks, alhamdulileh.
This is the type of Daw'ah that has been needed for a long time.
May Allah greatly reward you in this life and in the hereafter for what you have started and May Allah grant you continued success. Ameen.
Assalamu Alaikum,
That is wonderful news! You guys don't give yourself enough credit! I think you're better than you think!
Allah Hafiz!
great news
we should try 2 get as much ppl subscribed 2 ummah films, that way popularity will keep on increasing
wow that's wonderful! alhamdulillah.
Alhamdullilah brothers..Takbeer,ALLAHU AKBAR.
your helping the Ummah in so many different ways mashallah may allah reward your efforts, inshallah, Salaam
Way to go bab ali u finally made it i guess all that work payed off. Allahu maak inshallah people convert and u acompished something big.
Way to go bab ali u finally made it i guess all that work payed off. Allahu maak inshallah people convert and u acompished something big.
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