More Ummah Films Shirts
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
Ummah Films shirts are back in stock. If you ordered a shirt recently and have not received it, it will be shipped out today InshAllah.

We have sold out our shirts twice so far Alhamdulillah. We have NEW SIZES and of both above shirts come in LONG SLEEVE at no additional charge (all shirts are just $12). Just follow the LINK to see if we now carry your size.
Alhamdulillah, the Ummah Films shirts have become quite popular. If you like the message behind Ummah Films, please continue to support it InshAllah
JazakAllah khair for your support
Labels: Ummah Films Shirts
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i have tried more than once to buy the shirts, the game and the season 1 dvd but i cant because i am not allowed to put an email from a free email account. i dont have one that is not free! :( reply...
i am just wondering if i can do it without having to put an email address that is not free....
Dear brothers at Ummah Films
Congratulations for presenting a noble message in an attrative wrapping, ready for use for the young generation. It is very pleasing to people from another continent sharing the same concerns. I am writing to you from Denmark and I hope Allah grant s you succes and forgives you your sins and does not let Satan distract you by anything.
Some ideas that you maybe should have focus on:
1Seeking knowledge.
2The traps of being deceived when one becomes newly pratising Muslim.
3The task of telling non-believers about Islam
Thats all for now and I will post new subjects if any comes to my mind.
Wa Aleikum As Salaam
Your brother Imran
asalaamu alaikum wr wb,
MashaALLAH! Long-sleeved, large and XL White T-shirts! Thank you so much and jazakhAllah Khair for making them! And thanks for listening to the feedback- sisters want to rock your wear and be covered, too!
I've already ordered mine and inshaAllah everyone who knows me will know where to get their own.
can i get a fisibillah discount?
That's a nice shirt, I wonder why they made so less shirts because everybody will want one haha
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