Watch Ummah Films on your iPod! (we're now podcasting)
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Apple has approved our show, which means if you search for "Ummah Films", you can now subscribe to our videos so it will automatically download to your computer when a new episode comes out. Those who have iPods can now subscribe (for free of course) to "The Reminder" series, which means you can now easily download the videos into your ipod at a much higher quality than youtube. Even if you don't have an iPod, you can download it to your computer using the iTunes application, which is also free. Just search for "ummah films" in the iTunes search to find our new podcast. How cool is that? :)
We are getting closer to the 1,000,000 video views mark (Alhamdulillah), and I hope with this new door being opened, it will help pass the reminders into even a larger audience InshAllah.
If enough people subscribe to it, iTunes will move our show up the ranks so Ummah Films will be shown on their main page. The goal is to get more people to watch the videos and benefit from it InshAllah. Being apple to reach the millions who own iPods out there is pretty big so we are excited about the news.
Of course the success is out our hands so we'll just put in the effort and leave the rest with Allah (swt). No matter what the outcome is, we say Alhamdulillah.
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That is great, need to get you guys on TV.
Akhi i send u an email dont no if u got it i subbed one of ur videos to german and wanted to ask if its ok to upload them?
As salaamu alaikum Omran,
Thanks for the request. Ali told me he didn't get the email, can you resend it insha Allah to his address?
Also, where do you plan to upload them?
Mahdi Ahmad
have i ever told u how FREAKING HOTTTTTTTTTTT you are!????????????!!!!!!!!????????? dayyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he's not hot. he's not even wearing a jacket.
When the i mean HECK are you going to come out with a new episode. I'm finally done with finals and i need something to make me laugh. HURRY UP MAN!
Salam walaikum,
Brother may you be more specific on to how to download your videos off of iTunes?? I have it but I am having difficulty actually finding ummah films. I keep searching for it but none of your videos are coming up.
Thanks in advance!
I just posted asking for help but Alhdmulilah I found it! Sorry for the trouble!
@ the thinking brother
I send it twice dont know why it didnt work
youtube and
Assalamu alaykum brother, I searched for the podcast and it says that it's unavailable in the UK iTunes store. Is there any way it can be made available to us Brits?
Got it from the website brother, sorry to bother you. You're doing a great job mashallah.
This is amazing... I loveee your videos. May Allah reward you for your efforts.
So far I've downloaded all the episodes except "Culture vs. Islam"
It says there is something wrong and the video's URL can't be found on the server.
Is it just something wrong with my ITunes or is it happeneing to everyone?
Masha Allah...God bless you
dont worry i'll pass the word on to all my mates .. true i got connections LOL
inshaAllah ummah filsm wil be very successful .. and not just for *ratings baby!* but for actual quality! WOOO!
Asalaam alaikum
i love this idea .. ive already told my friends .. ive found a few typos/mistakes please forgive me for having to be the one who points them out lol
erm on 'ramadhan reruns' and 'thats not hijaab' there is an incorrect description and 'islam vs culture' doesnt work.
i think thats it for now .. thankyou for posting this pod cast its an inspired idea!
Asalaam ali com brother - I am so happy to have found you elhumdilallah. I have shown you to my husband who is moroccna - I am american and he really loves them too. We watch them together and I think that is wonderful as it helps us both grow and become better muslims. Inshallah more and more people will see what you say about Islam and know that Islam is truely peace and the most wonderful way of life.
Thank you for taking the time to do this - may Allah bless you a thousand times over for giving of yourself.
Dude, my iPod is asking me to convert your videos in order for it to be added onto my iPod. I am sure I am not the only one having this
assalammu' alaikum,
1. The Culture vs Islam video on the podcast has been fixed.
2. Not sure why you are getting the conversion request? Sorry. The video are all in the .mp4 format (which is what Apple recommends)
Who'd they freeze, Doc?
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thanks for responding the error so quickly .. the culture vs islam vid is the first i watched and one of my fav lol
yeeeesss!!! i'm downloading the films for season 1 of the reminder as we speak from itunes... thnx so much (><,)
Salaams Ali
great work, jazakallah ! here's something you might want to look into, research and think about.. Inshallah All-h Will guide us all
Pr. Muhammad (a.s) said, "Al-Hasan and al-Husain are the chiefs of the youth of Paradise and Fatimah is the chief of their women." (Sahih al-Tirmidhi, v5, p660, on the authority of Abu Sa'id and Hudhayfa... )
Pr.Muhammad (a.s) looked toward Ali, Hassan, Hussain, and Fatimah, and then said, "I am in war with those who will fight you, and in peace with those who are peaceful to you." ( Sahih al-Tirmidhi, v5, p699 , Sunan Ibn Majah, v1, p52..)
Karbala: The Everlasting Stand
What you are about to read is a story of a great man whose uprising has no like in the annals of history. A revolution with goals most sublime, a victory most profound and at its core a pronouncement of reform over conquest. The story of Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet of Islam, and his ‘everlasting stand’.
After years of unjust tyrannical rule, the exuberant torch of Islam had turned into a feint glimmer kept alight by a devoted few. The religion had become nothing more than a tool in the hands of despotic rulers who shared neither its supreme teachings nor elevating principles.
Living in a social domain rife in corruption and favoritism, with the law and wealth in the hands of an elite, the Muslim community had turned its face away from its troubles and had become indifferent to the adversities facing it. Yet, despite the rapidly deteriorating state of affairs, one obstacle firmly remained in the path of the wicked regime and the realisation of its superficial goals. The oppressive regime constantly looked to strengthen its reigns over the Islamic helm by obtaining legitimacy for their unjust rule from the Household of the Prophet - which the masses still regarded as the embodiment of the true message of Islam. However, this hope remained futile In spite of the extreme pressures which they placed upon them; the Household of the Prophet remained in firm denunciation of their unjust rule.
Amid the socio-ethical decline of the time, Imam Hasan, Hussain’s older brother, held regular gatherings in Madina, the city of his grandfather the Prophet. During such gatherings he would address queries from the public and impart to them Islamic teachings, thereby elucidating their Godly given rights and freedoms. In this way a select group of pious Muslims had formed, driven solely by their unwavering and resolute belief in the need for spirituality and justice in society, preferring to use the pen over the sword in bringing about reform.
Before his demise, Hasan appointed Hussain as the guardian over the affairs of the Muslim community. In so doing, he kept to the instruction laid down by the Prophet when he famously said; “Hasan and Hussain are both leaders (Imams) whether they rise up or not." Imam Hussain continued in the same manner as his brother whose demise left no void in the community for it was filled by an equal in piety, knowledge and wisdom.
With the death of his father, Yazeed took to the helm and pronounced himself as the leader of the Islamic empire. Yazeed was a character whose brutality and viciousness knew no bounds. With his open indulgence in the vile acts of adultery, incest and wine drinking, clearly contradictory to the Islamic teachings, Yazeed showed himself to be the latest product from a family deeply-rooted in their hatred for Islam.
Unlike his predecessor, Yazid shared neither his father’s political wit nor his cautious approach. Amongst the foremost actions he took in his role as leader, Yazid demanded allegiance from Hussain - he knew too well that the acceptance of the entire Muslim community was of no value without Hussain’s acceptance. In reply to this unacceptable demand, Hussain majestically replied: ‘..a person like me can never pledge allegiance to a person like him’ thereby highlighting the universality of the principles from which his stand stemmed from.
In this way a supreme Sacrifice that was to transcend beyond the barriers of caste, creed and religion was put in motion. Hussain rose to restore freedom, peace, equality and justice; qualities which the Divine Message had perfected but constantly undermined by those who hijacked religion and acted in its name. In a will which he wrote before leaving Medina, Hussain wrote; ‘I have risen as I seek to reform the community of my grandfather. I wish to bid the good and forbid the evil.’
Amongst the unique identifiers of Hussain’s revolt was the inseparable attachment of the entire movement to its’ awe-inspiring goals. Hussain did not let outbursts of anger or pressures exerted by the unjust rulers of his time affect the direction of his movement in the least. Despite the enormity of the dangers facing him, each of his moves was well calculated and executed with an unerring precision. Indeed many within the masses, who shared in their sentiments against Yazid and his accomplices, continually tried to advise Hussain to take an alternate approach. Some recommended that Hussain should seek the security of the Holy Mosque or flee to the nearby mountains of Yemen, where he would be safe from the troops of Yazid, but Hussain knew too well the profane character of Yazid and more importantly, the vital need for reform within the community.
On the tenth of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic Calendar, Hussain stood bravely with around seventy-two companions and his family members on the plains of Karbala, in present day Iraq, confronted by an army in excess of thirty-thousand. On the night preceding the great sacrifice, Hussain urged his companions to part his company as they had already shown their loyalty and obedience but they remained steadfast and chose to remain.
Why is this we may ask in the face of imminent death? The answer is very obvious; they had tasted in the presence of Hussain the values of Truth, Freedom, Justice and above all the true meaning of Life. Forsaking Hussain would be tantamount to the worst of deaths! It should not therefore come to us as a surprise that in the face of such a huge army, Hussain’s companions began by exhorting their opponents towards righteousness or established prayers in the midst of raining arrows and spears. Indeed, the famous couplet of Hussain; Death in Honour is preferable to Life in Humiliation, reverberated throughout this entire camp, all included, from the women, the youthful soldiers to the elders of above ninety years of age.
The small camp of Hussain was destroyed, all the men brutally massacred, the women and children taken captive and paraded on a humiliating display around the cities. However, this tragedy would soon be recalled in the books of history as the ‘Tragedy of Karbala’ A narrative whose admirers have since multiplied across the four corners of the globe - encompassing followers of different faiths and races. In this way, Hussain became victorious over his enemy in the most profound of ways and wrote with his pure blood the most glorious of all epics of heroism and determinism.
The day Imam Hussain was martyred on the plains of Karbala was the day he was reborn, for the revolution he incited set loose the everlasting cry for righteousness and justice, which has been instilled in the hearts of the Muslims for 1400 years.
We today are responsible for a great trust - Hussain’s Legacy - A treasure which provides for every seeker delightful wisdom and resolute strength. In Hussain’s legacy lies the perfect model for every oppressed society in how to overcome the evils of tyranny and oppression...
to read more
hey i subcibed to the podcast thingy and I can't watch them :(
6 mor minutes....yyyeeessss
salamo alaykom Ali , akhi ur work is a sensation mashallah ur style very effective, ur subject on ''we're friends'' really got to me, well said and presented mashallah, akhi we'd like more videos like this between female and male relationships within islamic manner...your videos all are amazing keep up the good work!! Allah bless u and all that put in the efforts 2 get these videos done.
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