Ummah Films London: SOLD OUT (again)
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Assalammu' Alaikum,
I'm arrived in London this afternoon (trying to adjust to the time change). Everybody has an accent here (or maybe its just me) and the money looks funny. Anyways, I just checked the comment section and it looks like the event is sold out again. This whole thing was originally "just a talk at our college" and somehow it became "an event". I look forward to meeting you all InshAllah. Many of you know me because of listening to me thinking out loud on the Reminder videos but now I get a chance to meet you InshAllah.
There will be a table selling Ummah Films shirts (both long and short sleeve). Since there is a limited supply, if we run out of your size at the event, you can buy it from the Ummah Films store.
I hope to see you all there InshAllah.
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Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullah brother!
May i be the first to give you a warm (well, it's actually quite cold now) e-welcome to London!
Everyone has accents here because this city is brimming with foreigners; that's why it's the place to be! You'll be hard pressed to find a true Cockney. hehe
Can't wait for Friday night, inshallah. I hope you've practised your speech. I'll bring some rotten tomatoes with me, just in case...
since ure in London, why not jump up to Glasgow??
the accents are well better here!!
och aye bro keep up the good work mashAllah.
Assalamu alykum
Welcome to the UK! Hope the event goes well.
May Allah grant you every success in this world and the next, ameen.
grrrr.... not fair. you should come to Cardiff instead. =p
welcome to UK anyway.. hope the talk goes well. could've even come all the way down London but no one tells me anything.. sold out forreal? =(
Best of luck wid da tok, hope it alls goes well!!!
Enjoy ur stay in London ...make sure u try out da gud old english Fish & Chips!!!!
asalaam alaikum, my name is Riazat and I work for the Guardian. How long will you be in London for? We'd like to run a feature on you and UF - it would be great to meet up. At the risk of attracting a load of crazies my number is 07967 307944. Give me a call
Assalamu 'alaykum brother!
What can i say, except to thank Allah Az-Wajal for bringing you to London, and allowing me to have some halal fun! It was amazing, mashallah. I was laughing so hard, i had to wipe the tears away with my khimar!
Sorry to those who didn't get to come; not trying to make you jealous. I noticed that they were filming the event, so inshallah you may get the chance to see it.
I hope you can grace us with your humble presence again soon, inshallah - you are ALWAYS welcome!
Btw, your comment on the subdued nature of London commuters was funny, but you may have changed your mind if you had travelled on my carriage on the way home. It was full of very loud and rowdy chavs!
Take care bro. May Allah reward you and Imperial ISoc for a truly enjoyable evening, mashallah.
it was jokes, jazakallah khair!!
bro can u check ure facebook i have sent u a msg which can u read plz
MashaAllah it was great fun
Assalamu 'alaykum Ali,
First of all i would like to say thank you soo much for coming down to London and coming to the event. As a 16 yr old young muslim female you have inspired me soo much to become the best muslim that i can be. Ahamdullah i was born into islam but i have taken it for granted and i havent been practicing as much as i should. The event was amazing and for me i life altering experience. May allah bless you and reward you in this life but most importanly in the hereafter. Inshallah from now own with the help of Allah i will become best muslim and the best example of a muslim to others that i can possibly be.
P.S that video about hijabs i totally understand what you ment by that video and was really inspiring to watch.
...and we got to see TWO new videos before anyone else! And those won't be out on the web for a few weeks yet!
EsSalam Ayleykoum wa Rahmatoullah wa Barakatou !!!
I am the sister who told you after the event thank you for coming and keep doing this fantastic work mashaAllah, may Allah SWT reward you!
The talk was absolutely funny!!!!I came with 2 of my friends who are muslims but find it a bit boring "you see what I mean???" but after the show they completely changed their mind, and had another vision of Islam, I also came with a non muslim and she had so much fun! Therefore I would like to thank you for this : )
I really hope to see you again inshaAllah :) may be next time that would be in my uni inshaAllah. : )
Take care of yourself and all people around you
Wayleykoum Salam wa Rahmatoullah wa Barakatou
Mashallah you and the team (apart from the minor delays) were truly awesome.
Next time you come, let me know if you want to shot some hoops and hang out.
Jazakhallahu' Khairan.
I totally agree with you not giving out signatures but knowing that you'll be asked that alot, I think rather than starting off by saying "I don't give signatures" you could say "I am no superior to anyone thus I find no need to give my signature..." or something like that so the person's heart doesn't drop before your really good explanation hits their ears..just a tip.
Also I bought and played your game and I have to say it is definitely on of the best games I've played. Another tip about posting a short video on how to play (on your website), so that those who may find the instructions hard may find it easier...btw do you have to hand the camel in when you've used it with one trading route...or can you keep using it...scratching head???
Salam, Fi Amanillah
P.S if you do the video thing, be sure to enclose the website link in the boxes of the game
asalamualakum, brova da talk was gud inshAllah Allah ta'ala will grant u great reward neway wanted to ask u like u didnt sign no autographs dat day which was gud mashAllah but da fing dat bovard me was hw comez u tuk pics wiv people like isnt dat da same coz peple r gna show ur pics round 2 ovas make it out like ur famous neway hope u ad a great time in london take care brovs.
JazakAllah khair for the advise and reminders.
Btw, I did make a short video explaining how to play Mecca to Medina. Just goto
to view it
I'm happy you enjoyed the game
Brother, you really should use your popularity to achieve improvements in our ummah, such as insisting on avoiding mixing of men and women in such gatherings. On the day of judgement you will be held responsible for what you do and for someone in such a good position it's not difficult to say: "I will only come and speak if you make sure men and women will sit separately."
Otherwise you can't call these events "islamic" because the atmosphere with men and women sitting together and laughing together is nothing but destructive to our ummah. Maybe you'll find it difficult to convince people, but you could make a video on this topic and explain the bad consequences of mixing.
Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullah
Brother did you have not have a say in the seating arrangements, (segregation?). Well i spose Guy meets girl setup is regarded okay if not ideal by some.
Assalamu'alaykum, the event was brilliant, only criticism is that the event really should have been SEGREGATED-men and women in one room laughing together-surely that can't be right.forgive me if i have offended u.
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