Ummah Films in London - Seating is limited!
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

I have been notified that seating is limited so please click on the following link to reserve your seats:
For bookings and ticket-related queries:
Mohammed Marikar or Anna Cooke,
For general queries about the event:
Imran Younas,
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woooooooooooooow !! coool im so happy your coming to the UK
Jazakallah bro
100 tickets were sold in the first 24 hours after the post. Alhamdulillah. So if you are planning to come to the London film screening, make sure you get your ticket before its tool late.
We've noticed that a number of people are attempting to book tickets but are not proceeding to pay for them. Tickets that are not paid for (via PayPal) are automatically cancelled by our system, so please ensure that you proceed to pay for your ticket - otherwise you won't receive it!
If anyone's wondering why we're charging - We initially planned this to be a free event, but we could only accommodate 250 people. When we realised that loads more would be coming, we had to hire out a bigger hall. And this cost us more. Hence we are charging £3.50 a ticket (very cheap, we must add) merely to cover our costs. Any profits we make will go to the Islamic Relief Kenya Mosquito Net Appeal inshaAllah.
This last message is a very important message, please re-book if you have not paid. We shall accept no excuses on the day about booking but not paying.
Simple Rule:If you have booked and don't pay then your order is cancelled.
Sorry to sound harsh peeps, but I want to make sure everyone is clear about the process of booking your tickets, this is so that you are not dissapointed in any way.
Also the Paypal payment system is very secure and easy, there is no need to hesitate when using it.
Book early to avoid any dissappointment.
Your brother in Islam,
Imran Younas -
Prseident- Imperial College Islamic Society.
how do you know if ticket went through? Are you suppose to get an email confirmation or something?
bro U HAVE TO COME TO TORONTO CANADA!!!!!!! :D please...please..pretty please :D:D:D:D:D:D:D!!! sith sugar on it! :D
If you have booked and paid, then some time later you will get an email about the details for the event.
Your ticket will be attached to your email. Please print it off and bring it with you on the day.
Imran Younas -
President of the Imperial College Islamic Society
To add to what Imran said earlier, if your booking went through you will receive a near-immediate confirmation e-mail from PayPal. You will then receive an e-mail from us (separate from the PayPal mail) with your tickets attached, this will be within 48 hours inshaAllah.
Salaams peeps.
I've got my ticket! Though i had to ask a friend to book it for me, as PayPal is being a [ahem] towards me these days... some rubbish about a/c verification.
I hope to see y'all very soon, inshallah! Keep an eye out for me; i'll be the one wearing the headscarf and most-likely-black abayah... hehe
Great! Tell all your mates too!
For those having trouble booking online, we will be selling tickets at the South Kensington campus and possibly at SOAS also... will post more info when it's all sorted.
Don't forget to advertise on the Islamic Events mailing list.
what time does the event finish? (roughly)
please let me know, thank u. (",)
Assalam alaykum..roughly how many tickets left? also will ther b food? :P jazakallah khair w.salaam
The event should finish by 8.30pm.
There are still a limited number of tickets available - everyone that books online will be guaranteed a place.
Also, no food will be served as it is not allowed in the Hall.
There will be drinks served after the premiere, but not in the hall itself.
Imran Younas -
InshaAllah, the event will go well.
Just tried booking tickets and nothing....have they all sold out or is it just a error....pls tell me its the not so when can i next catch you in the UK??
TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT, but... We are trying to find out if we can extend the capacity of the location by installing tiered (stadium-style) seating. If this is possible, we'll have another 150 seats. But we don't know yet. Please check back regularly for the latest news on this.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you have booked and paid online, you should have received an e-mail with your barcoded tickets attached. You need to print these tickets out and bring them with you on the day. If you have not received this e-mail, or cannot print out your tickets, please let us know immediately by e-mailing us at
Please note that we do not plan to sell tickets on the day. Only those who have paid online are guaranteed seats. As mentioned earlier, if you attempted to book online but have not paid, then your order would have been cancelled and your tickets given to the next paying customer.
The College has confirmed that we will have tiered (stadium-style) seating in the Hall. We therefore have another 100 seats available! Don't delay, book today!
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