Found us by searching "camel mating"? Now that's funny!
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
 Someone did a search for "camels mating" and found our blog. Haha...now that's funny! LINKI have changed the title for the first short from "Tomorrow, I awaken" to "Muslim Awakening". Arif sent me the shooting script yesterday and I made a few small edits and sent it back to him. We should have the final draft in a few days InshAllah. The next step is to come up with the "breakdown" of the script which Arif has started. I sent it to Khadijah so she can give us her input. Finally, I contacted Hani to ask him if he was interested in shooting the "making of Muslim Awakening". I hope we can start shooting by mid to late March InshAllah. Not only is it exciting when there is progress but it motivates the entire team, especially me.
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Saved $500 by going through Ebay
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
 This is how I saved $500 on a Century Optics .7 lens for the XL2 by going through Ebay. Bought a wide angle lens from Ebay for $190.00. Went to the manufactorer and had them adjust to fit the XL2 (cost around $100) so my total came out to $290.00. I asked the manufactor how much the exact the same wide angle lens convertor would cost if I bought it directly though them and it was over $800 (for the same thing!). Sometimes Ebay has some great deals. Alhamdulillah, the money we saved can be used for other stuff so I bought a camera mount for the firestore fs-4 yesterday and I'm buying a video tripod for the camera today from Ebay InshAllah (around $160.00). In other news, the first sister has joined Ummah Films (Khadijah). Our team is now 4 brothers and 1 sister. It sounds like a small crew but history shows us that great numbers doesn't mean success. I much rather have people that I can depend on.
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Ummah Films Logo: Yeah, this is the one!
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
Yeah, we're keeping this one as the Ummah Films logo!After going back & forth with different logo styles and looks, I decided to sit down and make one up. So, I came up with a simple logo that I think fits "Ummah Films"
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Muslim Marriage - Funny (based on true story)
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
 Here is more from the "Going Up North" script that I'm writing. I just copied it pasted from the middle of the scene. Basically, the topic of marriage has come up and Hamza is getting advise from the other brothers. Shareef's story below is based on a true story. In the movie, I want to show the actual dramatization so you can see what he is talking about. I think that would be funny. MUSAI say talk to the moms and see what she says. The mother usually can give you the hook up on how to soften the father HAMZAWell, if all goes well, I’m suppose to meet the parents SHAREEFAhhh..this is getting good. HAMZADon’t worry, I can handle it YUSEFHey Shareef, tell Hamza about the camel story when you met that sister’s parents MUSAYeah, that was funny SHAREEFNa, I rather not YUSEFC’mon MUSAIts hilarious HAMZAC’mon Shareef, tell me. These guys have already heard it. I haven’t heard it SHAREEFOh ok fine. MUSACheck this out Hamza, this is funny SHAREEF (V.O.)Ok, I met this sister online YUSEFOnline (smiling) SHAREEF (V.O.)Silence! Let me finish the story HAMZAYeah, let him finish SHAREEF (V.O.)Anyways, I met her online after we exchanged pictures, talked on the phone, etc...I bought a plane ticket to go see her. When I arrived at her house, I met the mother and father and the house was full of smoke HAMZASmoke? SHAREEF (V.O.)Yeah, her father started smoking again when she told him about me YUSEFCan you blame him? kidding...I’m just kidding. SHAREEF (V.O)Would you let me tell the story. Anyways, he thought I was shia and he totally freaked out. He thought, I was there to steal his daughter and convert her to shiaizm or something. Anyways, after he invited me in, I sat down on the couch while the sister and her parents sat on the coach across from me. I was drilled with questions and I answered all of them honestly. After a while, everything seemed to go really good. The mother had put the discovery channel on television screen beforehand so it wouldn’t be quiet (in case of awkward silences) but since the father and I clicked, we were totally cool and we had lots to talk about. Then, at one point the mother’s face turns red and she jets out of the room. Like 10 seconds later, the sister’s face turns red too and she quickly dashes out of the room too. Now the father is talking about something like really serious so my eyes were liked locked on him. But my curiosity got the best of me so I looked to my left to see what freaked the sister and her mom out. I saw two camels mating on the television screen and the volume was up. It was loud bro..it was loud! like...ahhhh...ahhhhh....the camels tongue was hanging out and everything. They were making these loud noises...I was like “can’t this guy hear this?”...apparently not. He was so much into what he was talking about that he totally was in the zone. I wish I was in the zone cuz all I could here were camels going at it. Bro, I couldn’t handle it. The laughter was building up inside me. I felt like a volcano ready to erupt. I was about to crack any minute. I wanted to laugh really bad but I had to hold it. Can this guy here this? If he would look to his right, maybe he would see it and laugh or at least change the channel. But no, he is talking like seriously about Islam and looking directly at me. I tried covering my mouth, pretending to cough, pressing my toes against my shoes...I even tried pinching myself but nothing worked...I kept hearing...ahhh....ahhh.....it felt like forever...Then when I thought it couldn’t get any worse...he asked me “so why do you want to marry my daughter”...I was speechless...I froze...I’m about to pee in my pants and explode with laughter. The camels are mating on the tv screen and this brother is asking me why I want to marry his daughter! There was a dead silence...the awkward silence which was supposely be avoided and I was like 5 seconds before I would either bust up with laughing so I told him I had to go to the bathroom. He probably thought I got nervous or something. I ran to bathroom like a madman and I think I laughed for like 2 minutes straight bro! 2 minutes of cracking up like someone who just lost his mind! I’m not sure if they could hear me or not but I was cracking up in there for a while. As soon as I wanted to exit, I started laughing. I had to do the whole “look-in-mirror-and-tell-yourself-to-be-serious” thing but the funny in me wouldn’t go away. They probably thought I was crazy for laughing in the bathroom but I couldn’t hold it bro.....ahhhhh...ahhhhh....(making camel noises) HAMZAWow. I guess the discovery channel isn’t that safe. SHAREEFYeah, you can say that again. HAMZAI guess the discovery channel isn’t that safe. SHAREEFThat wasn’t funny. HAMZA(smiling). I give you credit though, I would of busted up laughing. YUSEFMe too.
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Logos sent by Iman Studios
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
 Sarfaraz from Imanstudios.com sent me these two logos yesterday
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Coming up with a logo
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
 Ummah Films needs a logo. Something simple and easy. I came up with these four but wasn't sure if they were cool enough so contacted imanstudios.com to get some help. In other news, I continued writing for "Coming up North". I have heard of and actually participated so many funny experiences that its easy coming up with dialogue for this flick (yes most of this is based on actual events that have occurred). Actually, the tough part is figuring out what I should include so the script doesn't become too long. Something very similar to the following part of the script happened years ago but its still funny when I think about it (especially the reaction of the driver) MUSAYou know what, we should stop for Asr InshAllah HAMZAI got extra prayer rugs so you can just pull over anywhere here. SHAREEFActually, I need to make withu YUSEFMe too HAMZAI got withu MUSAWhat do you mean you guys have to make withu? The windows are up! (Hamza starts laughing)SHAREEFSo... MUSASo.....YOU guys had withu when we stopped to prayer Zhur. And its freezing cold outside so the windows have been up. SHAREEFAnd... MUSAAnd...now your telling me you don’t have withu? The windows never came down. You are breakin’ withu in my car with the windows up! Man, the heater has been on and the air has been circulating...That's just pure nastiness! (Hamza continues to laugh even more)YUSEFEveryone breaks withu. Its a natural human process. The human anatomy... MUSASave me the details. I don’t want to hear it Musa puts on his hat pretending to be a captain (of his car, that is)MUSAThank you for flying Air Musa, this is your Captain here. It looks like we are heading into some cold weather. Please hold on. Musa lowers both windows in the back of the car and the cold air hits both Shareef and Yusef. Shareef & Yusef try to pull the windows back up but Musa has already disabled their access (child lock)YUSEFYou made your point. Can you please put the windows back up SHAREEFYeah. C’mon bro. I’m freezing. MUSA(tapping Hamza’s shoulder) You see this brother right here. Man of steel. Kept his withu. He’s a convert, learning Islam, has less withu holding experience, and still out withu’d both you guys. This is why he sits up here in 1st class why you guys sit in coach. (Hamza continues to laugh)MUSAWhy are you laughing? HAMZACuz you hilarious bro. Suddenly Hamza stops laughing. MUSAWhat? HAMZAWhat-what? What do you mean what? MUSAWhy did you stop laughing? HAMZACuz I had withu MUSAWhat do you mean you HAD withu? HAMZAIt went away. You kept cracking me up. I don’t got withu anymore. Don’t blame it on me...I had it before all your captain stuff. MUSA(shaking his head) Hi, this is your captain here again, I have just been notified that the cabin pressure has just dropped due to a gas leak in 1st class. Thank you for flying Air Musa. The camera zooms outside and watches the car carrying the four brothers drive away
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Going up North - Muslim Road Trip
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
 I started writing the script for the script for "Going Up North" and about 10 pages have been written. Basically, the story is about a group of brothers taking a road trip to an Islamic Conference, traveling from Los Angeles to San Francisco. There idea of listening to CDs for the entire trip is quickly dissolved when they CD player stops working and they don't have anything to do but to talk to each other. There are four main charactors, Musa, Hamza, Shareef, & Yusef, each having their own unique personality. I got about 10 pages so far and I hope to get some more done by tonight. HAMZA(looking outside his window at a new car) Those new models are tight? SHAREEFYeah they are but they cost a grip MUSABro, you can buy a house back home for the price you pay for new car here. HAMZAThat’s crazy huh? Hey Yusef, don’t you have a new car YUSEFYeah. Alhamdulillah SHAREEFIts not his car, its the bank’s car (laughing) HAMZAIts the bank’s car? YUSEFYeah I got a new car. Don’t listen to this joker, he doesn’t know what his talking about. SHAREEF (looking outside his window) Hamza, you think these people actually own their cars? Yeah right. The banks do. All I know is that you won’t see me signing my name on a ball & chain riba contract. That’s for sure. YUSEFI didn’t buy my car, I’m leasing it. And no, I didn’t sign a riba contract. MUSADing! Ding! (making bell sound) Round one goes to Yusef (Hamza smiling) SHAREEFI never said you signed a riba contract. But since we are on the riba subject, why don’t you tell our studio audience how you purchased that fancy house on top of the richy-richy hill. YUSEFIts not my house, its my parents and I can’t control what they do. SHAREEFBut your car is still the bank’s car. YUSEFHow you figure? SHAREEFLeasing = borrowing. Leasing does not equal “mine”. YUSEFI send checks every month to lease the car and the car is mine to drive around SHAREEFWho do send the checks to? YUSEFThe bank SHAREEFI would like to present exhibit “A” as evidence to the court. MUSADing-Ding! Round two goes to Shareef. SHAREEFSo its not your car, but you paying money so you can “borrow” the car from the bank. So....you are driving around the bank’s car HAMZA(laughing) YUSEFWhatever bro. MUSA(smiling) Throw in the towel Yusef, he has you cornered. HAMZAHow miles is it to get there?
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Muslim Basketball Music Video: The so called dream became a reality!
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
 Sometimes I think about what we are trying to do with Ummah Films and then I wonder if we are dreaming or maybe..just maybe there is a possability of it becoming a reality. Whenever I have doubts in my head, I try to look back on the past projects (the “big dreams” ones), and when I remember their success, my motivation goes back to 100%! One of my favorite projects was Muslim Basketball. Ahhh...the memories are so sweet! Many years ago, we came up with an idea of organizing Muslim Basketball tournaments with the addition of all the cool bells and whistles of the professional organizations. At first people laughed at all the off the wall ideas we had for it but that only motivated us even more to prove that it could be done! Not only did Muslim Basketball made it to the front page of LA Times but we had everything from highlight videos, courtside announcers, our own MB court, and even a clothing line that was lead with famous “red” muslimbasketball.com shirts. Alhamdulillah! We wrote out a rap, went to the studio, made the song, recorded highlight film and put together our famous theme song, "Dot What". With the great tool of the internet, our video spread across continent to continent as Soon, we were getting teams wanting to register from all over the US, Canada, UK, and even one team in Africa (crazy!!!). We couldn't believe how much impact one little video made. Often times we get discouraged from our peers that because we are young and inexperienced, that we can't accomplish our goals. If we work hard, make du'ah, and if Allah (swt) wants it...it can happen InshAllah so never give up on your dreams or ideas. All we did is put in the effort and the success was of course from Allah (swt). Although the video hasn’t been up there for very long, I was surprised when I checked today and saw that 5117 people have viewed it on google video so far, which is totally cool. It was just an amateur video but it was very fun. Here is the video (make sure to listen to the lyrics, which is based on what we experienced): DOT WHAT VIDEOThe project didn't last because we just didn’t' have the resources to maintain it. We each went on to work on different things but it was definitely fun while it lasted. More importantly it was a learning experience and I learned a lot from it.
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Tougher than I thought
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
 The process of making films is harder than I thought. I'm trying to learn everything at the same time (writing, storyboarding, directing, film equipment, purchasing, production design, and editing) and it feels really overwhelming. But what is even more difficult is trying to put together a crew and supervising them. When people hear about making films, they are often intrigued and want to help. The problem is that they want to be told what to do but I myself am still in the early learning process so I don't even have that answer for myself. Thus, I find myself on a one-way street trying to contact and motivate those who initially showed excitement, hoping that they don't lose motivation. I have the feeling that if I don't call people about the film, I won't receive a call. If I don't set goals and deadlines, then others won't either. Its almost like everyone is "on-call", waiting for me to tell them what to do next. Keep in mind that if I don't contact people on your team on a consistent basis, then you're going to find them working on their own personal projects, and the group project ing going to get thrown in the backburner. Though my experience of working on different projects, I have learned that it is VERY rare for people to taking the initiative. Society teaches us to be followers and doesn't encourage us to lead. So most people need to be told what to do and find it difficult to bring in and lead others. The fear of failing is in all of us, leaders and otherwise, but failing isn't always bad. Each time you fail, you get stronger...you get smarter...you learn from that experience. What I'm trying to say is that if you are going to start your own film company, be prepared with the idea on doing everything yourself. The fact is that we live in a world of coca-cola people (when you shake them, they get excited but the fizz quickly goes away). I hope the Ummah Films crew that we have now is different InshAllah and their motivation will last till at least one film is complete, but its still too early to tell. Everyone is excited, everyone is motivated, but that is expected with a new company. I suppose the reason why I studying everything about film making (instead of focusing and specializing in one skill) is because in the back on mind I'm preparing myself for the worse-case scenario of filming the movie without a crew like Robert Rodriquez. I hope it doesn't come down to that InshAllah because we really have a talented group of creative people with Ummah Films. In time we’ll see, InshAllah. I really would rather just focus one learning one part of the film making process (i.e. editing) and be an expert at it so we can come out with a better film, but at this point I don't have that luxury.
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Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
 The special word of the day is "Finish" (finish what you start) I met another Muslim filmmaker online from JustSayGoFilms and he hooked me up with some great advise. Actually, its the same consistent advise I find myself receiving from other filmmakers: "Complete your project". I asked one filmmaker why I get the same words of advise from so many people, he told that because people lose motivation, give up, and never finish what they started. One reason behind this is because they expect a "Spielberg" product for their first movie and spend too much time trying to get their first project to reach that standard (yeah right!). Not only does this delay the competition of the film, but the extended period of time working on the project causes your crew members to lose motivation and disappear. Right now we are having a tough time casting people and I'm not surprised because so many people have been "talkers" in the past. The idea is to set small goals (finish short movies) to build the team's confidence (including mine). Alhamdulillah, our first short is less than 10 minutes and our first documentary is no more than 1 day of shooting so I think we're cool. I purposely set small goals for us at first because they are easier to complete. Each time we complete a film, we gain more experience under our belt, learn to work together better together, and build the confidence to take on bigger tasks.
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Good News, Bad News
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
Good News: The XL2 arrived so we now have all our video/audio equipment ready to go. I had a meeting with the film crew today and everything went well. Both the film crew and basketball team showed up late M.S.A. (Muslim Standard Time) for practice but at least they still showed up so I can't complain. The team practiced playing with each other while the crew practiced filming, got familar with the audio/video equipment, and even discussed ideas for both the documentary and upcoming short. Bad News: When I went home to transfer our footage we recorded, I discovered nothing was caputured. Arrrg! This is why we have practice film sessions (like today) so InshAllah we don't drop the ball on the real day of filming (about 2 weeks away)
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Documentary: Muslim Basketball
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
 I talked to the coach and got the green light to film our first documentary, which is about following a group of Muslim brothers for a 1 day basketball tournament. These type of tournaments come around once a year and are quite popular. I have played in a few myself and the outcome is usually unpredictable. I think its something cool about a group of different people coming together bonded by nothing but Islam. They come from a variety of different countries, have different colors of skin, speak different languages, but more importantly they are all Muslim. The tournament is on Feb 17th InshAllah. Walking through their shoes for a day may be interesting. Since documentaries are unpredictable, we can only produce the film based on how interesting our captured footage is. I look forward to seeing what we do get on tape.
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Canon XL2 on its way....
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
 Ahhh...the final piece of the puzzle. The Canon XL2 is on its way via Fedex! Yahoooooo! I talked to another brother last night about a cool script (original concept from The Thinking Brother) about 4 brothers taking a road trip up north. We laughed big time and now he's inspired to write InshAllah. I thinks its going to be hilarious!
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