Heading to Virgin Islands & Cleveland State University this weekend
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

I travel quite a bit doing live events (full schedule can be seen on ww.alistandup.com/shows.php)so I decided to buy a little camera to record these interesting adventures. I'll try to take pics and post them on the blog InshAllah. This week I've been asked to perform in the St. Croix (Virgin Islands) and when I google mapped it, I realized that its really out there :) Check it out!

Looking to get married?
Visit Baba Ali's Muslim Marriage site
That is really far out!
hope for you more success and successful show inshallh and you will be rewarded by our GOD inshallah .keep reminding people and advicing them .who know may be this wilL be the first step to return our past glory .in the same time keep smiling and don't forget this is a''sada9a''.you know I really ask my GOD to have a child like you so clever and really care about this UMMAH .I always ask MY God to have children who will be the futur leaders of this UMMAH.
home of tim duncan!
Alhumdulilah. in the middle of nowhere!! it just goes to show that Islam knows no bounds.
Your halfourdeen website is a complete failure.
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