Half Our Deen Update
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

The launch of HOD (Half Our Deen) got pushed back by a few weeks. The first company we hired from China kept delaying and eventually said it was too hard (joke). Then we tried a company in India and not only did they miss their deadline by nearly 6 weeks, but they programmed the site so poorly and it took forever to load (forever!). Then we decided to try a company here in the US and we found this one really smart got who knew what he was doing. Problem was that after 20hrs into the project, he suddenly got a huge job offer to run a company so he left the project. I guess another company found out how smart he was and wanted him to themselves.
So here's where we are are now: Recently, we decided to divide the workload into two parts (CSS and PHP Integration) so we can speed up the remaining work. As far as the CSS side of things, we need to have 22 pages done and we should be getting a quote and timeframe back by tomorrow for that. As far as the PHP Integration, I put the project out for bids and got about 30 responses so now I'm in the process of trying to find a PHP guru who knows what he is doing, isn't shady :), and can stick with a deadline.
The whole process has beeen quite frustrating because of all the delays. It is truly a test of patience for me so far but khair Allah (swt) knows best.
Looking to get married?
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So do you have an idea on when it will be released?
Ouch, that's awful! Insha'Allah things will work out appropriately. I would offer to do the CSS but I suspect the level of commitment might be too much for me. What sort of timeframe are do you guys want for release?
PHP?! Try ColdFusion!
As-salaamu alaikum Bro Ali and UF Team . .(feels good to write here again!) . . May Allah Give you Sabr and maybe the end product be Rewarding and worth all that furstration . . . haha typical for India (Indian Standard time! . .I'm Indian myself!) . . well now you know Br.Ali . . .how us Indians work (well, not me . . but people straight from India, hehe (no offense to my fellow Indian Bro's and Sis's)
I'm sure things will turn out for the best in the end. Best wishes always.
Salamu Alaikum Ali,
May Allah bring ease! I have a small-sized us-based programming team that is willing to take a look at this project and see how much we can pinch in. Like you said, dividing the work may be a better approach. You are welcome to send the project tasks my way to checkout. We will look at it and let you know if there is anyway we can help. You never know where Allah puts the ease. Let me know how I can provide you with contact details. Jazakallah khairan - Ma salaam
Inshallah, you guys can get this site up and running...I don't know anything personally about PHP but I do know some ASP.NET!
Don't you worry Inshallah Allah was/is/willbe with us, Helping the youth who are trying to re-establish/reinstate the image/life styles/culture of islam with the best of their abilities.
Well i am a student at National University (NU-fast@pakistan) and inshallah in a year or so i'll be a software engineer and inshallah i'll be of great help to you in your efforts.
I wanted to join this effort, is their any formal procedure as i too have plans that coincides with your plans to propagate islam .
Allah Hafiz,
Syed Ibrahim Ghaznavi
My email ID is:
reply me at
I could have done the css part for you...I made 2 websites in 3 days last week....
If you get stuck email me...
Won't charge for the service...as i'm trying to build a portfolio up.
May Allah reward u in ur efforts and struggles. I open the site everyday to see if there has been any other date set for its launch. It's been a long wait for u n for us all. When will the site launch, if u could tell us?
brother Amir Zoubi might be able to help. He does PHP and has an excellent track record.
contact him through his blog.
Nothing good comes easy. :)
Wow, brother!
May Allah help you through these tests, but InshaAllah the benefit of this site will outweigh the trials it's taking to create it. Did you guys use Iman Studios for the web design? I know he did the AE intro, but did he help you with the CSS and stuff?
Wasalaamu Alaikum
Assalaamu ‘alaikum Ali
My name is Su’aad and I’m a student in IRM (intercultural relations management), : ) in plain English: “I am studying 5 languages”, I’ve been studying languages from high school and now I’m in my first year of college so alhamdulilaah I’m pretty good at it. I’m muslim alhamdulilaah and saw some of your videos a year ago, mashAlaah.
My intention inchAlah is to help you in any of your projects, if possible, as a translator or anything else; at school I learn how to write business letters and how to use software programs as well, such as word, excel, PowerPoint etc.
If you need to translate anything I could do it from English to Spanish (which is my mother language), to Dutch (which is the language I use at school) and to French. I’m from Belgium by the way, I hope that won’t be an obstacle.
Universum_lady@hotmail.com (My brother made this address for me a while ago so just ignore it :) )
PS. I’ll do all the work for free, just in case you’re doubting about answering lol ! Sorry if I made any mistakes using my English. Contact me inchAlah.
Salamu alaikum
Haven't visited your blog for long time.
May Allah make it easy for you bro.
assalam walaikum brother,
dont worry brother Allah will help you out. i can see some people wanting to help you free of cost. it felt good to read such things. by the way although i dont know any technical stuff about urls or the www...i am more than willing to help in anyway i can (may be up type pages and send it to you) ofcourse my services are free also :)
Maybe you can contact the brother of http://www.alwahy.com/ used to work for google.
wa salaam oe aleykoem
May you have success inshaAllah. It's fairly easy finding people who know what they're doing and aren't shady... but sticking to deadlines? Toughie!
whoof.....it's been 5 months almost..the wait is still on....haven't heard of an update yet...another site called bait-ul-nikah is launching this monday....so hurry up man....:)
whoof.....it's been 5 months almost..the wait is still on....haven't heard of an update yet...another site called bait-ul-nikah is launching this monday....so hurry up man....:)
Don't want to be rude, but regardless how different the site is I don't think it's right to find a spouse online--personal opinion. Either way good luck with the project.
Should of approached iGraphic :)
Soon Insha'Allah there will a Muslim web/graphic developing agency called "Misqeen", so you won't have to approach Non-Muslim programmers.
i think its good try but require more developements and progreesive thinking .i am please to watch the marriage of muslims units is also opening on this website.i am very glad to see that,thanks alot
by anwar
Alhamdulillah Allah has planted the initiative to do this project in your heart. And you have gotten this far. And Allah is our master through many possibilities! :)
As salaam walaikum,
Alhumdulillah, I'm glad you are taking the time to go through everything before you launch. Even though many of us may feel impatient, it's better to release a complete product than an incomplete one which would require months more of fixes which would frustrate the users even more.
May Allah make it easy for you. Ameen. :)
Assalam Alikum Ali,
Props to you and JZK for all the great work you are doing .. You're truly my inspiration and role model .. .
About the IT stuff, if you still are looking for help, A friend of mine has a reputed company (In business for 9 years or so ..) www.softwaysolutions.com and he may be able to help. They designed my site as well: www.getglobalrealestate.com .. talented folks.
MAsalamah ..
does anyone know if there's any progress on the site..?? has there been any response?
uuum...yea so when do I start lookin for a pious niqabi that would wake me up for tahajjud and loves the deen of Allah more than i do? yyeeeea...some things in life...just can't have sabr for!
a site similar to HOD is now online... it asks questions about Islam, marriage, family, lifestyle, personality, etc. and then matches the answers against those of every other member on the site. you can even compare your answers side by side and see how the other person answered differently. it's like no other matrimonial site on the internet. check it out...
asalamulakum, I'm just wondering the status of the website. pretty excited. any guesstimation on when it will be up inshallah?
Nearly a year, and we have not heard from you all. Please give us update. what is hapenning with halfourdeen.com ?
May Allah help you.
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills
Asalamu alaikum
soooo? is there any news as to when HOD will be launched?
Pleeeeeeease, you need to buck upppp, brothers!
I'm turning thirty in a couple of months isA and I really hope that I'll find a spouse using your super innovative service.
sounds desperate? maybe. I'm on the brink of selling myself on e-bay. THAT is what I call desperate...
assalam walaikum brother, dont worry brother Allah will help you out. i can see some people wanting to help you free of cost. it felt good to read such things. by the way although i dont know any technical stuff about urls or the www...i am more than willing to help in anyway i can (may be up type pages and send it to you) ofcourse my services are free also :)
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