Baba Ali's Project updates
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

I apologize for disappearing from the scene. I'm been traveling quite a bit doing live events ( on weekends and my schedule during the week has been quite busy. My last trip was to Edmonton. The weather was freezing cold but the crowd was very warm.

Here are some updates on the projects:
The project is in its final stages. I pretty much tried to dissect what the other sites are currently doing and want to make Half Our Deen the alternative. I hope Half Our Deen raises the bar and changes the way Muslim Matchmaking is currently being done. On the main page of the website will be in an introduction of the difference between Half Our Deen and the other sites. Anyways, its currently being tested by the programmers and should be launching in the next few days InshAllah.
We wrote a full feature film but it wasn't exactly what we were looking for so we plan to go back to the drawing board and try it again. I hope to help with the script this time around a little more InshAllah and that process should start in about 2 weeks InshAllah.
On a side note, I have been working on some side projects. One interesting project was for Milo Productions where they wanted me to help them do a show for little kids. 13 epsidoes were recorded and it looks like we may do another 13 more InshAllah. Here is one of the videos (remember its for little kids so I'm acting like a little kid...which felt natural lol)
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hahahaha...dat video is funi...who wud av thout dat is takes 4mins 2 put on a pair of shoes! lol
Glad 2 hear 4m u afta loonnnggg time brother :)
Ope da new projects r goin well insh'Allah
Tk Cr
Asalam wa Alaikum,
Masha Allah, that was really cute.
I'm sure that the kids are going to love every episode. I live in Canada, so it's nice to see a Muslim children's show.
By the way, when you came to Edmonton, Masha Allah, you were hilarious! I hope you recovered from the cold weather!
Asalam wa Alaikum,
Lol, I'm from the second comment, but I forgot something.
I was just wondering if maybe you could do a video of some sort relating to the problems in Gaza? Just so that we're more aware of the current chaos, and maybe raise some help as well.
Assalaamu 'alaykum
LOL that is SO cute!
Masha' put a smile on my face. Kinda reminded me of Blue's Clues with the kids talking in the background.
Great idea :) keep up the good work brother Ali, and keep renewing your intentions.
Masha Allah Baba Ali , God bless you on this wonderful work, Peace be with you
Assalamz Ali!!
Mashallah, I love the new Islamic children's show...there can never be enough.
Please keep going with all of your wonderful projects. You're doing a great service to the Islamic global community.
I am principal of an islamic missionary school in sialkot pakistan (DEEN SCHOOL). iwas just looking for that kind of vedio to show my children in school.Me and my whole family is realy inspired from baba ali,i show your vedios in my darss for younsters. May Allah bless u baba ali.
Has the been checked with scholars of Islam, if so whom? JazakAllah Khair
MashaAllah! The Muslim Mr. Noodle from Sesame street. Thank you for doing this, we need more quality muslim entertainment for kids and families. may Allah reward you all.
Achievement beyond expectations,,
I think they got the idea from Mr. Noodle from Elmo's world from Sesame Street.
baba ali, have you had a chance to see,
Salam - very funny vid. Don't let the "Hooray for Baba Ali" thing go to your head now ;-). hehe. I'm sure the kids will love all the episodes. All the best.
Salaam WR WB,
This is our second video that '4theummah' team with Allah's grace have put together- 'The Reality Of Time':-
A lot of people have different perception on the concept of time; in this video we tried to throw light on what the inevitable reality of time is.
We at '4theummah' are working really hard to step up the quality and theme of the videos each time.
Please Rate, Comment, Forward to all you know and Subscribe to our videos.
Your feedbacks are very important to us!
Thank you for watching.
4theummah Team.
As salam walaikum brother,
The videos are silly but cool. Good job on the kid act, masha'Allah. And your shoes match! lol
My little brother watched a few with me and he likes them already. Insha'Allah children everywhere learn from them. Have fun doing the videos!
Pictures by Suzy Mack photography. Check out other pictures at
Jazakum Allah for putting them up on your blog!
salaam ahlykoem,
hahaha great work, if I had kids I would let them watch this :-P.
is that dawud wharnsby singing??
That was such a cute video. Like one of the past commenters said, it reminds me a lot of Mr. Noodle from Elmo's World.
I'm going to have to wiki how to get the laces tied though. I'm 15, and have yet to figure that out, lol.
Aww, this was a really cute video. Like a past comment said, it reminded me of Mr. Noodle's from Elmo's World. :)
Salaamu alaikum,
Who should I see about getting this on DVD? I'm the teacher at an Islamic Preschool.
this was really good allhumdullilah and i believe it is an ispiration for all the muslims children out there. can u tell me how i can get hold of more of these videos for kids for me nephew?
I am definitely looking forward to, Insya Allah.
May Allah bless all your great efforts. Ameen.
Keep up the great work.
machallah funny video continue Baba Ali
good luck and may Allah bless you and reward ye paradise amin
baba ali you had to mention that our prophet (pbuh) also ordered us to tap our shoes thrice before we wear them, especially if they are stored or something.
As salaam walaikum Baba Ali,
MashaAllah, cute video and the kids are awesome. :D I learnt something new - to say bismillah before wearing our shoes. I this series will be beneficial for the adults as well. :D
Regarding halfourdeen site, I hope the launch will not be further delayed as March 17th is approaching fast. I'm eagerly looking forward to the site. I just hope it's not restricted to Muslims only in certain countries.
Keep up the good work. :)
As-salamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barkatuhu
This video is so cute!! It reminds me of Blues Clues and stuff lol except it's HALAL =D
Assalamu Alaikum, Did you also have a baby clothes project? Whilst I was pregnant I googled Muslim Baby Clothes and there was a site that was supposed to be launching. That site seems to have disappeared but the page looks exactly how your HOD page looked.
Is it a coincidence or do/did you have plans of launching a childrens clothes range?
The Muslim MR. NOODLE!!! [from Sesame Street] :)
Awesome video, it is very very funny, I was watching some other videos of him, he is very creative and always come up with such comments.
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