226 Facebook Friend Requests (yeah two hundred and twenty six!)
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

I just checked my facebook and there is 226 Friend Requests. As much as I would like to add everyone, Facebook has a limit of 5000 friends which I maxed out last year. Facebook was close to closing our account because the large of the number of friends was a spam flag. Unfortunately, when you get a friend request you basically have two choices "Accept" or "Deny" and I feel guilty saying "Deny" because it just doesn't seem right (even though we have no choice). Anyways, I figured I would just post it here (in case you got a denied request). I just wanted to apologize.
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You should create a facebook page for yourself...and direct everone to become a "fan" instead. You're not limited by 5000, and you'll have all the functions of a personal profile.
This way you can keep your personal profile...for personal reasons.
Salaams Br Ali! everyone wants to be your friend!!!i'm sure people are not upset at you denying any requests. i'm not surprised in the least, it will be nearly impossible to add that many people and you'll probably exceed 5000 for definite...your known worldwide....mashaAllah...be prepared to exceeeeeeed......
Salaam My account has been closed by the facebook people :-D because I had NO friends and I didn't visit my account for a month or so hahahahaha
Hi, Brother ALi, alsalam Aleekom
actually i didn't find strange that your friend list is over filled,,, i was really sad :(,,,, but we, your friends, could never be mad at you
Best wishes of luck and happiness
i ment to say i was really sad cuze i was trying to add you and i couldn't :S
I'm with aicha, ZERO friends.
Please send your extras my way!
More power Brother!
BabYou should make a group on the facebook my brother ... Yes Quickly
as salaam aleikoum
this is the reason why a face book cree (become a fan page) for the personality who can not accept a lot fan's
the page is often up date with video information, date of show, photo and others ...
wa salaam ;)
I just wanted to reiterate what some others have mentioned...make it so we can be fans/create a group. Then you don't have to deny anyone
I know bro! Keep up the good work! We are with you!
canada, alberta
funny thing, you have 65 of my friends on your list. haha, there basically all from the states and London.
well, i didn't get denied yet, I'm guessing. But i sent you a message about the AYC youth. we really want you to come down here and make us laugh.
inshallah we are all with you.
At least people want to be your friend...
nice blog
Ramadan mubarak to everyone , I agree that u should have a group on facebook this way there is no limit of people that can join. I for one will be one of ur fans :) cant wait to see u on facebook
Jazakallah khair brother for all ur hard work keep it up.
From across the globe in
Istanbul Turkey
There is a fan page, with Baba Ali as one of the admins. Go on http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ummah-Films/22527758328?ref=ts to add it.
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