Mocking Humor
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Before the first Reminder video was filmed, I was trying to gather ideas of what I should talk about. I started googling the web looking to see what other Muslim Video Bloggers had done but I wasn't able to find any Muslim Video bloggers. My next step was to search for videos on the web, so I started looking for Muslim videos on YouTube. Unfortunately, I came across some really stupid videos mocking the ibadah actions of Islam and what surprised me was that these clips were made by Muslims.
Many comedian, when they forget their material, start "working the crowd" and often times start mocking the person which is unfortunately. Trying to do speak about issues while mixing humor into your words is challenge but keeping everything halal is even the bigger challenge. Alhamdulillah I keep away from such actions on stage and if the only way to make people smile was by mocking my audience, then I would rather just hang up my mic but its not worth it.
I much rather make fun of the stupid things that we do that conflict with Islam with the hopes that people will be ashamed of doing it in the future.
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I see your point, who was it that made a similar one.... hmmm oh yeah, in The Nutty Professor, the scene in which the professor's weight was made fun of by the comedian on stage. Yah, for sure, but what's new for me is that Muslims do that toooooooo!!! --- yeah, dude i forgot, good thing to remember.
well observed. I've seen a video where seemingly muslim youths laughed and acted during what seemed to be during salah.. anotha one was slapped while standing amidst the lines behind an imam during salam..
all for sake of comedy.. what a shame
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