Ummah Films Video Removed - Copyrighted? JOKE!
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

About an hour ago, I get an email from YouTube notifying me that my video "How I converted to Islam" has been removed due to Copyright violations. I emailed YouTube today about the error and asked them to review the video and verify if any copyrighted rules were violated.
So I'm thinking to myself, "wow...I guess the videos are really making an impact". First, they tried to flood the comment section with negative comments by making up lies about Islam but that didn't really work. Then, they tried making counter videos challenging me to respond but I refused to fall into their trap of useless arguing (I much rather discuss with sincere people rather than argue with ignorant people). So now, they're trying to claim copyright over my material which is hilarious because I don't use even use any audio or video from outside sources. If you watch my videos, its just me sitting in my chair behind a blank wall. What did they copyright? my chair? my wall? haha..
The fact that such losers put so much effort trying to stop the videos tells us that the videos are making an impact Alhamdulillah. I'm not upset but rather find it humorous that people have so much free time to worry about my videos. By videos have been uploaded by Yusuf to over 20 websites and they are broadcast on TV in the middle east and in the UK on a weekly basis (good luck on stopping that). Plus, as long as people don't edit the videos, I've allowed FREE distribution of them, which means that people can upload and videos to websites, blogs, and even show it on TV. In results, the videos have spread to millions and millions of people. So for those who are working hard trying to stop the spread of these videos, we'll... you got your work cut out for you.
By the way, I hope to do another series of videos after Eid InshAllah so I guess I'm going to continue making work for them hahahaha....
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Look at the dirty tactics the Islamophobes stoop to. Show UmmahFilms your support
Assalamulaikum...omg i can't believe they actually said that!!! perhaps staff of youtube are converting to islam...subhanAllah you never know!!! inshAllah one day everyone will find the truth...your videos will always inshAllah create an impact on peoples lives muslim and non-musilm....
Who needs YouTube if they can't even bother trying to verify whether a report is valid or not.
Just move all your stuff to BlipTV.
Not only is it free , they actually Pay you if your content is popular.
It is a revenue sharing scheme where they give back some of the advertising revenue from impressions on their site that host your videos.
The more popular your content the more you earn.
The funds might come in handy for your next project :)
Some info about Z Picture Company from Wikipedia:
Z Picture Company is a registered Partnership firm between the ex-Adlabs CEO Mr. Praveen Nischol and the maverick Film Director Mr. Ram Gopal Varma.
The company's first release is the Most Awaited film of the year 'Sarkar Raj' starring Mr. Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan releasing woldwide on 6th June 2008.
The Company is based in Mumbai, India and its next upcoming venture is a film based on the notorious and famous summgler 'Veerappan' under Mr. Varma's guidance and will be directed by the writer of Sarkar Raj, Mr. Prashant Pandey
They were also responsible for another video yesterday about muslim converts in Germany. Hmmmmm
I'm surprised they even removed it for copyright, it's basically just you, and your camera talking about things.... how is there any copyright infringement?
May Allah bless you, keep you firm and guided always!!
hahaahahaa.. this is so funny really. May Allah guide them to Islam :)
when you do something good, someone's also got something to say.
Z Picture Productions goes under the name "filminformer" on YouTube. The funny part about it is that most of their videos are trailers for Bollywood movies. Hey Ali, since when did you start doing stand up bhangra? :P
Which channel are they aired on on the Middle East?
Baba Ali, Please, please, please recruit Aishwarya Rai for your next project!!!
I'd like to see her in a hijab (:
Salaamalikum brothers/sisters,
I think these Youtube folks are forgetting the fact that 'ALLAH' -The Creator is with Ummahfilms and the Ummah!!
Try stopping that for a change!As Baba ali would say: JOKEEEEEEEE!!!!
Jazakallah Khair!
I've also written a blog with the niyath of Dawaat to muslims who can relate to me being raised in a muslim family but not being a 'practicing' Muslim n how Ive lived in Ignorance till last year(comments are most welcome InshAllah):
May Allah guide us all InshALLAH!!!
Salam Bro,
that is indeed a "JOKEEEEE!!!!!!!" in full sense of the word. Keep it up bro.
No Ali, I guess you are not the only one... look. it has a bunch of Islam related videos that were requested to be removed by Z Pictures.
No Ali, I guess you are not the only one... look. it has a bunch of Islam related videos that were requested to be removed by Z Pictures.
That is ridiculous and uncalled for. Talk about abusing the copyright system. Seems like they just want to target Muslim conversion stories as if that will somehow be big enough to bring about some sort of change or to somehow undermine Muslims/Islam. YouTomb seems like a good site for monitoring such abuses. Maybe it can be used as evidence that such claims are ridiculous and baseless.
I think I'm going to upload the video again this weekend :)
KEEP DOING YOUR THING BABA ALI! you have our full support and we're all backing you up 100%
this redicoulously funny. there was a video on youtube about influential and popular islamic videos being deleted for no reason what so ever.
I've never even heard of the Z Picture Company. This is what wiki had to say:
"Z Picture Company is a registered Partnership firm between the ex-Adlabs CEO Mr. Praveen Nischol and the maverick Film Director Mr. Ram Gopal Varma.
The company's first release is the Most Awaited film of the year 'Sarkar Raj' starring Mr. Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan releasing woldwide on 6th June 2008.
The Company is based in Mumbai, India and its next upcoming venture is a film based on the notorious and famous summgler 'Veerappan' under Mr. Varma's guidance and will be directed by the writer of Sarkar Raj, Mr. Prashant Pandey."
I"m sure you didn't use some stuff from that film let alone last month. LOL!!
I gotta say:
I showed your videos to my young niece and she loved them...
I see her taking a more eager interest in Islam because of the videos...
It truly shows you that Baba Ali's dawah style works
Salam u alikum, that's very funny. I searched up the company that said he's infringing in is message/mail and it turns out to be some small Indian (Hindi) movie company!!!!!Ha! What do they have to do with Brother Ali's video. It looks like the yahudis at You Tube are trying are trying to make up anything.
wait a sec.
i just read that speilberg and hollywood gang are buying into bollywood game...maybe their first step is to put islamic competition out of biz?...
another conspiracy theory is born!
salaam aleikum,
rather than simply ignoring what the racist anti-Islam crowd is doing, you should try and tackle the *ideas* and *lies* that they are peddling around the internet about Muslims. Specifically:
1. Muhammed (saw) being a child molester (astaghfirullah) for marrying Ayesha (RA) at a young age.
2. That Islam was spread by the sword.
3. That Islam or the Quran mandates killing non-Muslims until they convert.
Tackle these topics the same way you tackled the topic of proving God or of how you came to understand that there was a creator, and I believe you would go a long long way towards destroying their falsehood.
salaam aleikum,
You just carry on what you are doing. The more people attack Islam, the more they do us a favour.
Scottish sis has a valid point : )
Brother just wana say its gud 2 hear dat ur nt lettin it gt 2u. n ur right it is funni 2 c em tryin 2 cut of ur videos.....coz it aint gona wrk. the number of pple who watch ur videos has gne beyond da point dis cud effect dem.
My Video is also removed
by Z picture company
This is a fake company and is being used to remove all islamic videos from youtube
someone have to do something
assalam alaikum Ali
Use it in your favor.
Hit the media with this controversy. Make it big man :)
BTW, YouTube used to allow anyone to flag copyright, now, they require you to contact them with a formal request, so these people must be reeaaaaaaaaal pissed off.
YouTube or not ..Inshallah , we'll always find ways to connect with you. Keep up the good work :)
The video is back just watched it yay!!! They have no chance of stopping people watching your videos.
Keep up the great work you have so much support from us all.
May Allah reward you for all your effort.
you're an inspiration and i can't thank you enough for all that you do inshallah i will find one like you to marry :)
Yeah Alhamdulillah, I even see little clips of your vidoes on documentaries/news relating to media, youtube, islam etc...
and I always recognize your face instantly (even if its for a few seconds)!
Hope YT gets this mess resolved. Those hateful individuals should really do something more constructive with their time.
Can't wait for season two!!
Its really funny, Go ummah films!
as BABA ALI would say,
r u kidding me??
no seroiously,
Oh dear. It's very unfair that they deleted the video without other relevant supportive documents. It's alright. There are your other videos to back you up. And you're right. "I much rather discuss with sincere people rather than argue with ignorant people." You're very right there.
salaams! excellent! i wanted to come here to see how i could use your material on our local radio station during this blessed month - its fantastic to see that you have allowed anyone to use your videos to spread messages about current issues we face everyday. these will be great for the radio, they cant stop anything!!! hahahaha
jazakallah brother ali, keep up the good work. may Allah bless you.
That's just SAD, baba Ali.
Copyright? Pfft.
Ah, insha Allah, we'll get to see the Eid vids! They're going to rock so much, insha Allah. <3
I need to follow that advice and just ignore spammers. I keep ending up wasting my time trying to give sincere talks to people who don't care and just want to trade insults.
God willing your videos will soon make it to American TV as well.
Once again, a big fan of your videos,
of course its possible to have anti islamic videos removed isnt it, if z can do it why cant muslims?
Hola, beobles!! [Bedouin Accent] Assalamu aleikom!
My name is Nourrrra and I think that it is a noble and just cause to defend Allah's religion.
It's a responsibility that all Muslims have to make, either quietly with our hijabs or kindly with our words and actions. All to show that Islam is true and altogether, lovely.
So...what it DO, Muslim America?!? It's time to breath life back into our religion and express it in every moment of our lives.
Salams!!!! What's up people!!! Haayyyy!!!! WHooooaahhh!
Yeah, I believe in Allah. The God. One God. Ahadun ahad! And God is the Greatest (Allahu Akbar!!!).
I also believe that Prophet Mohammad (May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) is his Messenger.
(Insha'allah, when I die, those will be my last words. The sweetest words of surrender.)
You see, I know what "IS-IS" and I know what "AIN'T-AIN'T."
It's time to lead, people, so everyone around us will at least know what IS-IS and what AIN'T-AIN'T. And who knows, that may yeild converts.
Let's turn the haters to lovers and lovers to converts. Yeah, baybay!
PS If any Muslim here doesn't know enough about their deen then READ!!!!!! Get to know it so you'll know how to defend it.
As long as your NIYAH is GOOD then GOD will TURN the LIGHT OF GUIDANCE on for you and ease your path in expressing your Islam to people.
PPS Get it?!
PPPS [Jim Carrey accent] Well, alrighty then!
PPPPS Okay, you can go now! Stop picking your nose, you nasty.
Assalaamu'alaikum bro...... no worries yar. barking dogs wunt byte! they can't do anything much... if no youtube, there r always other ways to spread the word of Islam. remember how Rasuululah SAW did the job going?.... though we can see the ummah might be weak, as a whole, universally.....we r still strong. we will always support u, insya Allah. u have responded well to the challanges faced. if there is anything we can do..... we will help u to the best of our capabilities insya Allah. do keep in touch....
Today I too found 3 old messages from Youtube regarding 3 clips of Muslim revert stories that were removed from my account due to Copyright complaints by the same fictitious "Z Picture Company". They were dated around mid-august. I only realized this today (Nov/09) due to the large number of emails in the account. (Thousands of Youtube comment notifications etc.)
My issue is actually with Youtube who must have noticed the large numbers of claimed from this non-existent company targeting ONLY Muslim related clips. specially those that feature new Muslim revert stories. yet they allow it to go on. This Z company is clearly not providing any proofs of infringements but since it is working for the haters of Islam and they are seeing results, why would we expect them to stop.
Maybe we too should start sending bulk copyright infringement complaints whenever we see anything we don't like on Youtube. Sounds crazy huh, but that is exactly what they are doing and what Youtube is allowing (even encouraging them) by rewarding their efforts.
hello, plzz plzz make a video on parents when raising young children my friend is 12 and her parntes fight each day her sis, has asma and her older sis has anthor sickness that she might die!especlly her dad he doesn't trust them he makes islam hard as u described islam an easy way plzz make a video on this.
*ps. yes i am the same person from
hello, plzz plzz make a video on parents when raising young children my friend is 12 and her parntes fight each day her sis, has asma and her older sis has anthor sickness that she might die!especlly her dad he doesn't trust them he makes islam hard as u described islam an easy way plzz make a video on this.
*ps. yes i am the same person from
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