Baba Ali launches
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

What started off as a few videos in my 2nd bedroom, ended up as gigs to perform at live events. I keep telling myself that this is probably the last event but the phone calls and emails are still consistently coming in. I don't have an agent, or manager, or even a publicist so I'm not sure how people randomly find me. Anyways, I figure I need to better organize the live events because I have found myself double booking too many times for live shows so I just launched my new website
Looking to get married?
Visit Baba Ali's Muslim Marriage site
Hmmmm... so do u have any plans 2 come down 2 Asia? Like S'pore 4 instance??? :)
I don't have anything planned in the near future. Most of shows are either in US, UK, and Canada. I have been to the middle east once as well.
How about coming to Dearborn, MI. Husband and I would love to see a show!
Salaams....come to the uk AGAIN!and definetly come to Scotland!!!! us scots miss you!!!!
Assalamo Alaikum
Awaiting eagerly for your new videos........
oh wow thsts perty sweet, come to florida:) plzzz
all that traveling is gonna waste valuable time maybe
As salaam aleikum
This is place offers some classes and training for comedy. Apparently, a lot of big names go here for help.
WOW .. great website !
This is sooo cool ..
Keep it up bro ! try to make it to Asia if possible...s'pore or MALAYSIA. It would be great to have you here...and keep on doing what you do, it's been inspiring to watch your blogs:)
May Allah Reward u on ur efforts...
asalamalay kum, i am happy you choose made the best choice. Your videos are well made,i hope you contine to teach the rightful meaning of islam. may allahs blessings be with you as long as he is happy with you.
walaykum salam
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