Baba Ali *LIVE* in NY this Saturday 4/4/09
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Anyways, this week, I'm heading to Pullman, WA and coming back for another show in NY but this time in Queens. I'll be sharing the stage with many performers so I hope to see you guys there InshAllah.
For future performance dates, please visit this link

Looking to get married?
Visit Baba Ali's Muslim Marriage site
remember to do a {behind the scenes video} for your muslim bros that can't be there, just like me for an instance i am from Sudan but i really appreciate your work, good luck and remember the reminder at the end of the show bro its what matters most
Salaam WR WB Ya Jannat Ul Muqaam ya sheikh Baba Ali and all of u who r reading this,:-)
Here is my blog that i Recently updated.
The Topic is: Judge&correct ur innerself thru a reflection:-
Inshallah do give it a read in ur free time and pass it along to other brothers/sisters if u find it worth it :-)
Jazakallah Khair.
Salam aleycom "BABA ALI"
i wish i can be there, but unfortunately i don't live in the US i live in FRANCE, please bro do a DVD of every show u do that would be great!
Salam aleycom!
AsSalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah, I love to watch your videos, May Allah grant you and your family Peace and Mercy always, ameen. I live in the Washington, D.C area and I would like to know if you would consider doing a show here? PLEASEEEEEE!!!!!
Assalam Alaikum wa rahmatallahi wa barakatuhu,
I thought you were probably joking.
My ADVICE: Do NOT go!!! Stay in the UK.
Why? Because we love you!
assalamualaikum bro! maybe one day you can come to Malaysia (if u know where that is) and do a show! man i'd like to go to one of your the way, no new videos? :(
anyways, how do i buy one of your dvds and your boardgame? i am from Malaysia ..a country in south east asia?
may allah help you and be with you .a successful show inshaallah and we rely on you to raise awairness and we will help you inshaallah.
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