Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

A little while ago, I told the viewers that if they write a Reminder video script together, I would film and edit it InshAllah. Well, after 1100 votes later, the results of the voting poll was "Boyfriend/Girlfriend" as the topic. Then the viewers got together on a Facebook group and put together the following script.
Please check it out post your comments (try to post constructive criticism not just criticism :) JazakAllah khair!
How do you boil a frog? Well, if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, he'll jump out (frogs are good jumpers). (Tarra Young)
What you do is to put the frog in cool water, room temp. Gradually you turn the heat up bit by bit and bye bye froggy. (Halimah bint David)
This just shows how fast things can go towards the wrong direction, even when you think things are going fine. (snaa sagheer) [can you tape this part fast forwarding it quickly in the wrong direction then slowly repeating it almost like you did in 25,000 weddings?)
Gradually we compromise on the very basic aspects of our beliefs, blurring the truth from the false. What is left? Opinions dominate our beliefs and we become overrun with justifications for our deviant actions. (Le-Ann Lue-Fatt aka Mariam)
You know this reminds me of a story of a man called Barsisa.
(Halimah bint David
A man turns from a monk to worshiping Allah (SWT) then to a murderer, subhanallah. Small sparks are what start up a raging fire.
(Snaa Sagheer)
Barsisa a very pious man, 3 brothers who were going to war, trusted Barsisa with the protection of their sister. (Yaseen Hussain)
The three brothers left their sister in his trust without hesitation. (Le-Ann Lue-Fatt)
Shaitan told Barsisa to take responsibility, for if the girl was not with him she would be with some other untrustworthy man.(Adaweya Diab)
She then stayed in a vacant house, apart from the monastery where Barsisa was living and never left it. (Mehnaz Hossain)
Gradually, shaytan leads Barsisa, to talk to the 'lonely' woman and then enter her house until they had committed zina (Reem Masri AKA Reemo Supreemo)
The sister than, became pregnant and Shaytan lead Barsisa to kill the child and the sister out of fear of being caught. (Yu Brother)
The brothers later, learned of the monk’s deed of killing their sister and her baby, they snatched the monk and took him to the leader of the land. Shaitan came to the monk and said, "if you make sujood to me, I will make this all go away." the monk bowed down to shaytan. and the man was immediately killed by the ruler.
(Sabeen Shamail)
Sound familiar to todays news events, talking of lost pregnant woman, only to find them and their babies have been killed?
The world used to look up to the muslims, respect them, copy them and now? Muslims are left with shame on their faces, copying and respecting the west because they have left Islam and do not know tauheed.( (Reem Masri AKA Reemo Supreemo) (Can you do some kind of hand clapping and whistling while acting as a shy muslim in thobe, then alternate it for someone dressed very kuffar and picking their nose (or something)?)
People change their girlfriends and boyfriends all the time like they change their socks! [JOKE!JOKE!] (Yu Brother)
What is this with Muslims thinking its halal to date? It's like they're in denial. You know what I'm saying? (Zainab Khan)
In Eastern societies, people think it is justified to have a 'fiancé' thing going on in front of their parents, when in secret it’s a 'boyfriend-girlfriend' thing.
(Huma Munir)
Upon finding out, Parents so fearful, of being shamed in front of their community practise honor killings. (Monwara Rahman)
Prophet (saw) said "When a man and a woman are in seclusion, the third companion is Shaytan. Shaytan is a open enemy. (khalid hassan)
So here’s a question: "What is the purpose of dating?"
all it does is bring us closer to Jahaanam, in the same way the frog is tricked into being slowly boiled,(Amer)
What is the purpose of dating, then breaking up, then finding someone new, then breaking up? Repeat as often as necessary until exhaustion takes over (joke joke) [Actually do and say]. (Noushin Karim)
We should be trying to find a life partner, not going endlessly through a revolving door. (Hanif Demi)
There is a purpose and reason for everything we do Islamically. (Aysha Masood Khan)
Do what Allah's messenger (saw) prescribed, resist the temptations of attraction by lowering your gaze and fasting. (afreen)
Parents, encourage your child to marry as soon as they show interest in the opposite sex, to protect their chastity and honor. Don’t wait for them to be the age of grandparents. (redo scene from 25000, weddings “but I’m your dad!” “Yeah whate ever you say Grandpa!”.(Abu Taimyyah)
This Ali reminding you just in case you forgot, This is Ali reminding you just in case you forgot.
At the end show this written down on piece of paper, maybe?
Allah says "Do not go NEAR Zina"...he doesn’t say don’t DO zina (because many people don’t intend to), but he says dont even go NEAR it!!!
(Zulakha Raja
806 words with out stage direction and names it’s a little over 700, probably 720 word count.