Countdown to New Season starting Nov 7th 2008
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

I decided to do another season of the Reminder starting Friday November 7th 2008 InshAllah. I'm sure Ramadan has kept us all busy Alhamdulillah. Starting Oct 4th, I'm going back on the road again to perform at events and the bulk of the shows should be completed by the end of October. In November, I'll be back in the Reminder chair InshAllah.
As far as the upcoming film, JazkAllah khair for everyone's support thus far. I haven't spoke too much about it because we're still in the script writing phase. By sometime this week, the first draft of the script should be complete. It has been taking quite a bit of time because the film is actual feature film (about 90 min movie) so as you can imagine, it can takes a while to type up 90 pages.
I've also been busy working on my next project (Matchmaking Program) which has kept me very busy Alhamdulillah. Anyways, I'm excited about making another series of videos again.
Looking to get married?
Visit Baba Ali's Muslim Marriage site
Baba Ali! - We've missed you! Good to hear from you. Yes! - more Reminder! Can't wait! Hope your Ramadan has been successful (same to all my bros and sista's out there!). Peace be upon all of you. - Your bhaiya in Islam :-)
Salaam Baba Ali! Can't wait to see you in London, UK again! last year was first time i went to GPU and 1st time i saw you and have been a 'fan' ever since. love ur work. keep it up InshAllah.
Can ppl from UK donate to ur movie fund? or shall i just give u cash at the GPU??? :-)
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've waited so long for the reminder videoes i love them!
yippeee! alhamdulillah :D
al salamo 3alaikom
we wait for you paciently we'r ready to send ideas, effort and any support you need 2nsha2 2laah it'll be the best
Now you talk
miss the reminders
Good to know new season is going to start and also about the feature film you are making.....
Take Care,
your videos dont make me fell wierd to say this...also, i'm just a random person on the web....ok here it goes....matchmaking?? you????
Salam alaykoum!
No way you come to Paris one day...???
JazakallAh ou kheyr brother, i like your videos, we don't have someone doing this stuff here,it's quite pity isn'it...
Well, may Allah retributes you for your work for the Ummah and please always keep it as hallal as possible.
as-salaamu 'alaykum,
I wanted to tell you this idea, but now that I see you are starting this in November, it is a bit late.
Anyway, the idea is Muslims dressing up their children and celebrating Halloween. This is so Haram it ain't even funny. And you hear all the lame excuses like 'its only dress up' or 'there is no meaning behind it' etc.
Maybe you can just do an episode about celebrating Kufaar Holidays, and include Halloween, Christmas etc in it.
And it is even haram to celebrate Thanksgiving too!!
And don't forget Birthdays, if it is Bid'ah to celebrate the Prophets Birthday, then how can anyone say it is okay to celebrate their own?
Anyway, just a few ideas...
Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters,
Thank you Baba Ali for starting a new season, i am a 15 year old boy he has seen the right path in Islam from and others And i want to thank you. I want to respond to isa. Telling him that Christmas is not necessarily a Kuffar holiday since Christianity are believers of the book but i agree on the Halloween point. Yet Christmas is just something for kids in Islam, but they will eventually learn more about Islam Inshallah and learn Christmas is a holiday we do not celebrate and only Christians do.
as-salaamu 'alaykum,
I don't mean to start a debate here, but Christmas is a Kuffar holiday. The fact that you think that is it okay for kids to participate in it just shows the how much a video out this subject is needed.
We as Muslims have TWO holidays. They are the 'Eids. Plus we have the weekly 'eid which is Jumu'ah.
Also, I implore to study up on the position of the Christians and the Jews with regards to Islaam. One of the nullifiers of Islaam is to the deny that the Jews and Christians are Kuffar.
Yes, they are People of the Book, but that does not allow us to celebrate with them in their holidays, nor does that make them believers. Because to be a believer you have to believe and accept ALL the Messengers, and the Jews deny Jesus and Muhammad, and the Christians deny Muhammad.
Anyway, maybe Baba Ali can address the original point about the Holidays in a video, since it seems that whatever he says is viewed as in such high regard by the youth.
That is not a stab at Baba Ali, it is a reminder about the condition of the youth today.
the thing is Christians do not know that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned in the bible.
brother ali thank you sooooo much for your effort and may you be rewarded inshAllah
Cant wait
Hope you and your family have a great Eid!!!
so what is this matchmaking thing?
Hola! I looked at your website and saw that i missed ur NC show.... -=0( very sad about that bc i live in NC! and really wanted to see your standup... wanted to ask you questions about becoming muslim- I have been doing my research and reading up and I respect and appreciate islam and its history, but do not know how to go about the process of converting... I have watched most of your video posts and have learned so much, but I remember you mentioning going to a youth camp- I'm afraid that I am too old for that now, I am 25 and was born and raised roman catholic- and I don't know any muslims... would you be so kind as to lend your help, baba? my name is erin and I live in winston salem, nc... -=0) my email addy is I will keep looking on this page-hopefully you will not be so busy to keep from responding...
I just found your skits this week!!alhamdulillah :D I am an American who converted to Islam about 2.5 years ago alhamdulillah :D My kids (10 and 7) watched your skits with me and laughed so much! They begged me to let them watch more!! They don't know what to think of my conversion or scarf or any of it but I wanted to thank ALL of you of you for making these videos and helping my children not only LEARN about Islam but ENJOY it! :) alhamdulillah. I always have my kids say 3 things they are thankful before the sleep at night. That night my son said "Baba Ali" :O:O :) I can't say how much I appriciate this. Can you come to the University of Delaware? :D or Philadelphia :) ??? Keep up the good work inshallah :)
Alhamdullillah looking forward to more reminders inshaAllah, may Allah make us all remember and implement these reminders Ameeen
I love you baba Ali
MashaAllah sounds good,
hope all goes well inshaAllah!
salaam... baba ali thats great...i`m looking for it...:D
ya akh. i can't wait for new season. i'll keep update ur blog. btw, this is something to share on youtube. try to watch the arrivals. i think it is very useful for us. thats all brother. salam a'laik.
Alhamdullilah, i am so happy that you are making a feature length film! just yesterday i was wishing someone would make an interesting muslim for the muslim community. thank you so much!
Thank you so much for touching this topic. I'm fourteen, and I go to a public American high school, but I do know a lot about Islam, since I wear a hijab and since my dad's an imam. I'm the only Muslim girl in my school, and I've never been involved with gossip, boys, or drugs, but I have read MANY stories about insecure Muslim girls that are lead to do bad things due to their environment. I think that Islamic school would be great for many people. Another reason many people don't go there, though, is this...
When I was about to enter middle school, my parents considered putting me in an Islamic school instead of having me attend the public one. We decided against it, since the closest one was too far away, and it was very unofficial. Many of the subjects taught Islam, which was good, but there was less focus on math, science, language arts, history, and other topics a kid has to learn.
Anyway, great job, Ali. Good thing someone out there understands. And it's interesting that you used to be a teacher.
I know that Shaykh Yasir Birjas is working on something like that so you might want to join up with him in order to make it more efficient.
ANyways, your stuff is great.
i have a request, can you please request takbir productions to make some good nasheeds on weddings and nikah, so that we have a substitute of putting nasheeds instead of songs and music?
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