Long Awaited Release of Baba Ali Without a Crew!
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

You are invited to listen in on a recorded conference call With BabaAli on the internet. This call is titled "Baba Without a Crew." A Case Study of How a Young Muslim Made Videos that Matter Without Prior Experience
Listen to BabaAli as he tells his story:
* Learn about what inspired him.
* Learn how he got started.
* Learn where he gets his ideas.
* Learn how he does what he does.
* Learn about the new short film "Tomorrow Never Comes".
* Learn about the BabaAli movie.
* Learn how YOU can take action and get amazing results too!
Brother Belal started a training course on online filmmmaking. He wants to help setup people to learn how to do filmmaking and learn how to do like what Baba Ali used to do. Baba Ali learned the hard way and had no one to ask. There wasn't a class like this. Baba Ali had to go on his own and figure things out, And although you can do that, it takes a long time, and this is a much easier process when someone shows you how to do it.
Please visit: Message Mastery
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um.. I don't think it works.
when is the finale coming..soon i hope!!!
I am new revert i mean convert
hi iam noota
I love it
I love the "movie"
Good luck
انا وااااايد فرحانه على الفلم لأن تعبتوا عليه واايد وإن شاء الله
الله يوفقكم
شكرا مع السلامه
We it doesn't work how can I get access to it
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