The Muslim Funnymentalists
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

In one of my Season 1 videos, I mentioned that I’m not a comedian and that’s because I wasn’t a fan of how people were doing comedy. I’m trying to stay away from the idea of lying to make people laugh which has become a norm for comedians. Later, I realized that life itself has so many funny and interesting things and you can be truthful and still do comedy. The challenge isn't necessarily making someone smile but more importantly having a message/point to your material and that's what makes standup interesting to me.
So in August of 2007, I was invited to do some standup at MuslimFest with Aman Ali & Preacher Moss. It was my first time doing standup on stage and Alhamdulillah it went really well. About a month later, Aman Ali contacted me and asked if I was interested in going on tour with him and Asif Ali under the name of "The Muslim Funnymentalists". The idea sounded intriguing so I decided to give it a go. Now my schedule has become a mix of doing solo events with just Baba Ali and group events with the Muslim Funnymentalists. Last week, I did a few shows by myself (Northeastern University, Boston University, and University of Connecticut) and on Saturday I did a show with the Muslim Funnymentalists at the University of Syracuse. When I do shows solo, its a little different because I show some of my videos, do a little comedy, and sometimes I'm serious as well. When I do shows with the Muslim Funnymentalists, I share the mic with two other talented comedians and we not only do standup but we also do something that other Muslim Comedians don't do, Muslim Improv.
Anyways, the brothers recently released a trailer (below) which was put together by Aman Ali:
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I'm glad u posted this bro. I was a little confused coz, as u mentioned, u have claimed not to b a comedian and when I saw the all the stuff with u and the funnymentalist tour, I felt as if u were going back on what u said. I'm glad the u, in a way, justified urself.
Keep it up!
Salam - It looks like a great project! It reminds me of the Allah Made Me Funny tour, which I love, so I'm sure this will be a success as well. That's a great point you made, that being truthful, one can also be funny, as life itself does provide funny moments, as you also pointed out. Thanks for sharing the preview with us. Take care.
Jazak Allah Khair for coming to Connecticut! We all appreciated it! Keep up the great work! :)
oh sweeet
i wanna go to a show!
are u guys going to come to Detroit? there would be a lotta ppl interested :D
JazakAllah 4 keeping us up2date, seems really good!! Without a doubt im sure itll turn out really good inshAllah
Coming 2 London by any chance??? coz i really ope so
Take Care
Its interesting how so many American Muslims love to use a lot of their energy, wits and money on comedy tours or on pointless conferences. When will the majority of American Muslims actually stand up, get together and use their resources to help the Palestinian people or help other Muslims who are being opressed and abused. Its kind of pathetic how so many American Muslims love to laugh and laugh but not do anything about what their country (AMERICA) is doing all around the world. American Muslims really need to stop getting distracted by petty things and actually do something for Islam and for the ummah.
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