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Monday, August 28, 2006

250,000 Views - Ummah Films

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

SubhanAllah, we recently passed the quarter of a million mark (yeah 250,000 views). The whole idea behind the Reminder series was to talk about the subjects that weren't often spoken about for whatever reasons but needed to be said.

Now that Season 1 has been completed and organized all on one page, I wanted to here from you which episode you liked most and which episode you liked least and why. I am always looking to improve myself and to learn from mistakes InshAllah.

I'm hope to start Season 2 after Ramadan with the first Episode debuting on Friday, November 3rd InshAllah.
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Sunday, August 27, 2006

New Ummah Films website is up!

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Alhamdulillah the new UF website is finally up. Please visit www.ummahfilms.com (in case you have bookmarked the blog).

The website will not replace the blog but rather be an extension of it InshAllah.
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Thursday, August 24, 2006

New Player and update on the site

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

The website is almost done. The brother from Iman Studios, mentioned that he wanted to add some touch up on site before it was released so the site's launch date is Sunday InshAllah. The goal is to have it up by this weekend InshAllah. The idea behind the website is to make the navigation easier for the viewer. Right now, if you want to look for a specific video blog, you have to search for it and that's not always the easiest route. The website will have a Multimedia Room which will have all our Video Blogs in one section InshAllah. It will still be linked back to the blog, but it will be easier to find InshAllah.

Also, I am pleased to announce that muslimr.com has designed Ummah Films its own video player for the site InshAllah. I went back to all the previous Season 1 Video Blog posts and replaced the Youtube player with our new player.
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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ummah Films - 1st Place @ Muslim Fest Film Competition

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

$25,000 Muslim Wedding wins 1st Place at MuslimFest!

I was going through the comment section on the Youtube site and one viewer said "congratulations on winning the short film competition". Uh..I had no idea we won...lol. So I went to the Muslim Fest website and bam there it was.

Once again, if our films achieve anything then all praise is all due to Allah, only the mistakes are ours. Success in this life is only temporary, only the success in the hereafter is forever.
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ummah Films DVD on Sale! (you know what I'm sayin')

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,


(screenshot from DVD menu)


Alhamdulillah, the DVD are almost done and I plan to ship out the first orders by Monday. If you preorder now, you can get the DVD less than everyone else. The DVD will retail for $14.95, be sold on this website for $12, but there is going to be a special price of $10 for the first 50 orders InshAllah.

Yes $10! (once the first 50 DVD's are sold, it will go back to the normal sale price of $12).


- All of Season 1 videos are in export in high DVD quality
- You can now watch it on DVD (instead of having people surround your PC)
- Makes a great and unique Eid gift
- Reasonable priced at $12 (lower than any Islamic DVD that we could find on the net)
- Great for youth groups, classes, families and friends (yeah, give them something they will not only watch but they can benefit from too!)

- 20% of the profits from the DVD goes directly to Muslim orphans
- All remaining profit goes to funding future dawah projects for Ummah Films (if for any reason Ummah Films never gets a chance to make any other projects, all the remaining money will be donated to the Muslim orphans or to the poor InshAllah). No one from Ummah Films makes a dime of this DVD.


- Shipping is FLAT rate per order ($8 US or $10 Worldwide). That means no matter how many items you order (DVD's, shirts, wristbands, or games), you shipping is set at one flat rate and won't increase so it is better to make one order for many items because no matter what you shipping won't be above $8 for US and $10 for worldwide). Therefore, if you order 1 DVD or 10 DVD, its still $8 for your total shipping in the US.
- I want you to get the DVD asap so at NO ADDITIONAL COST I will ship it PRIORITY anywhere that allows USPS Priority Shipping (i.e. US, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, Holland, etc...)
- If your country doesn't accept PRIORITY shipping, I will still ship it there but it just won't be as fast.


- Reminders for you and those who watch the DVD's
- To keep my intentions pure, I am not collecting any money from the profits and I want to keep this a dawah project instead of a business. So the only thing that I can benefit from this DVD is the reward InshAllah, which is priceless to me. All the success in this world is temporary, the real success is in the hereafter so my goal with this project is to collect good deeds for the hereafter InshAllah.

If you know of someone who can benefit from the reminders, please get them the DVD so both can get the reward for it InshAllah.


The Reminder DVD (Season 1) - ORDER NOW!

**Please note that in addition to the comments on this blog, I have received about 25 emails letting me know that they want to buy a DVD. A few have mentioned buying numerous DVD's InshAllah so my point is that the first 50 can go pretty fast so please do not delay InshAllah. DVD's will start shipping out on Monday InshAllah.

Other items:
Ummah Films T-shirt
Muslim Wristbands
Mecca to Medina - The Game
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Thursday, August 10, 2006


Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Time - how easily we spend it

I came across this video and I wanted to share it with UF viewers

The was televised in the Middle East a while ago. It just another reminder for all of us, including myself, about something that we can easily waste....time.
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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Season 1 DVD for $12?

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

After reading the comments and emails, I thinking about putting all 10 episodes on one DVD (high quality format), so the videos won't be just limited to viewers with Internet access. Some viewers have requested that I put the videos on DVD so they can show it in presentations, conferences, get togethers, etc...

I'm thinking of doing a short run of DVD's. The only drawback is that whenever you do short runs, they cost much more per DVD. The basic rule of thumb is that the more you make, the cheaper it is. I'm thinking of a short run of 50.

I did a quick search on an Islamic website to see how much it costs for an average DVD. I noticed that some of these Islamic DVD's are quite expensive? Is everyone doing short runs? Uh...I don't think so. So I would guess they charge more because they figure the customer will buy one and make copies to everyone they know, which reduced potential sales. Some DVDs are like $26 on sale?? hello?? That's sounds way too expensive to me. Personally, I think Islamic DVD prices should be less expensive so people are more likely to buy them and if they are very reasonable, they are less likely to copy them like crazy.

How does $12 sound for Season 1 on DVD?

If I put the Season 1 on DVD, I want to sell it at a reasonable price InshAllah but I don't want to sell it at a price so that I'm always in negative. (know what I'm saying??). The only drawback is that I can't add any more episodes or footage because I have too many things on my plate right now. So what would be on the DVD is the 10 episodes in a high quality format.

Anyways, I have no idea how many people would be interested in purchasing a DVD so I decided to put up this post to find out. So if you are interested, please let me know via email or via the comment of this post.

Comments are always appreciated.

JazakAllah khair
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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Screenshot of Upcoming UF Site

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

JazkAllah khair for all your suggestions for the website. I gathered the ideas that I thought we should implement for the website launch and forwarded them to the brother from imanstudios.com. He sent me a preview of the upcoming Ummah Films website (see below).

The forums was dropped for the time being to avoid any confusion on where to post (blog vs forum).
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Friday, August 04, 2006

Video Blog #10: How did you convert to Islam?

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,


The way we carry ourselves is the way we carry Islam to the people.


Please post your comments so I know you're watching. JazakAllah khair
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Application Froze - Episode Delayed

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

For some reason, the appliation froze and I forgot to save. So I have to edit the last episode again. It should be up by some time today, but I'm not sure what time.

The most common question I get asked since I started these video blogs is "How did you convert to Islam" so in the last episode, I give the story (the short version that is).
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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ummah Films website coming soon!

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Imanstudios.com will be building the upcoming Ummah Films website InshAllah. The blog has been growing and things aren't always easy to find so InshAllah the website will make it a little easier. We are thinking about adding a FAQ section and maybe even a forum to exchange ideas and network with others. Don't worry, we're still keeping the blog! After I designed the Mecca to Medina game, Iman Studios designed a themed website from scratch. The game quickly became the #1 Muslim game in the market and featured on Yahoo, Google News, various Muslim Magazines, radio show, and even got a 30 minute spot on Bridges TV. Check out the interview here.

Alhamdulillah, we are now reached the 120,000+ views on Youtube and there is a large audience watching the videos. I pray to Allah (swt) to keep our intentions pure as this success and this dunyah is all temporary (nothing more than a trial). In my du'ah I constantly pray to Allah (swt) to bring me closer to companions and projects that we bring me closer to Him InshAllah and to take me away from companions and projects that take me away from Him. I hope Ummah Films is one of the types of projects that will benefit me on the Last Day InshAllah.

If you have any ideas for sections on the upcoming website, please post them in the comments.

JazakAllah khair
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