Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

The launch of HOD (Half Our Deen) got pushed back by a few weeks. The first company we hired from China kept delaying and eventually said it was too hard (joke). Then we tried a company in India and not only did they miss their deadline by nearly 6 weeks, but they programmed the site so poorly and it took forever to load (forever!). Then we decided to try a company here in the US and we found this one really smart got who knew what he was doing. Problem was that after 20hrs into the project, he suddenly got a huge job offer to run a company so he left the project. I guess another company found out how smart he was and wanted him to themselves.
So here's where we are are now: Recently, we decided to divide the workload into two parts (CSS and PHP Integration) so we can speed up the remaining work. As far as the CSS side of things, we need to have 22 pages done and we should be getting a quote and timeframe back by tomorrow for that. As far as the PHP Integration, I put the project out for bids and got about 30 responses so now I'm in the process of trying to find a PHP guru who knows what he is doing, isn't shady :), and can stick with a deadline.
The whole process has beeen quite frustrating because of all the delays. It is truly a test of patience for me so far but khair Allah (swt) knows best.