Ummah Films finally making films? Yeah!!
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

For all those who don't know about the script that started Ummah Films, make sure you check out the Tomorrow Never Comes blog. Amazing enough, a team of people have been meeting and planning this film for many months now and just a few weeks ago, they finished filming the movie that Br. Sammy and I wrote over a year ago. Now the film is in the editing stage and once post production is completed, it will be posted up on the blog for all the Ummah Films viewers to see InshAllah.
Although this blog isn't as active as it has been in the past because we're between seasons (yeah Season 3 is coming in March) but the Tomorrow Never Comes has had plenty of progress and updates. Actually, if you're a subscriber to that blog, you're probably receiving the updates.
If you're interested in Ummah Films and you're not subscribed to the Tomorrow Never Comes blog, make sure you subscribe to Tomorrow Never Comes InshAllah. If you've been out of the loop, make sure to check out the TNC blog.
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May Allah make it sucessful inshallah
maashaAllah...this is really exciting times for creative talent. Al hamdu lillah. JZK for raising the esteem of the youth, who have suffered a battering by the negative media. Not only are you lowering the blood pressure of the making us laugh but also inspiring us to uphold noble values. keep it coming....keep it sincere...may your work be a source of blessing. Alhamdu lillah. Hope to see you at next GPU, insha allah.
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