Baba Ali coming to GPU this weekend (UK...again!)
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

I've been invited to perform at GPU (Global Peace & Unity Conference) this weekend InshAllah so I'm packing my bags for London once again. They are expecting about 50,000 people. I never stood in front of front in such a large audience so I'm excited InshAllah.
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Good Luck Bro, Yu'll Do Great!
Imma Be Going To The GPU InshahAllah, Im soo Exciteddd!!!
Salamu Alakam Brother watched you at you the Global Peace Unity Event.
You made me laugh when you were sayin about the fat woman in the plane cant wait to season 3.
hoped you had a great time at the GPU.
Inshallah come back to the UK again
Asalamualakum brother Ali. I really enjoyed ur act at the GPU. Especially when you told us to shout 'were going to throw you off the plane'. LOL!!!
Inshallah, hope 2 have u back in the UK and especially in GPU.
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