UmmahFilms needs your HELP!
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

This is to Remind you in case you forgot. As you remember we added the video "Muslim While Flying" in a contest and we need your vote InshAllah( You have to be in U.S. to vote for this). Please help us by taking a minute out of your time and voting for it by going to this site & tell all your friends and family too!: Click here to Vote
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Aslaamu Alaikum wa Rahamtullahi wa Barakatuhu,
First, yes, I voted for you :-)
Second, I just wanted to say Jazak Allah Khairan for requesting me to vote because I was turned on to that wonderful site!!!
Fi Aman Allah
I am soory to say that i can not vote cuz i aint in da U.S but i would have. i like the idea of being showned on t.v
Assalamualaikum brother,
looks like I wouldnt get d chance to vote for you.. as Im not in US.. T_T
Not in the US champ... soo.. cant vote.. would be nice if we show our support:-) over and out from Europe..
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