Baba Ali needs your help (to get Ummah Films into 28 Million Homes!)
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Help us win and get Ummah Films on TV (28 Million homes InshAllah!)
This all started out in a small room and now we have the opportunity to reach the world! So please vote and comment and tell all your friends and family too!
JazakAllah khair
Baba Ali
Ummah Films
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If you haven't already you should consider entering the Hayah Film Competition.
Thanks we'll do that insha'Allah
emiratesmac, why dont you post the Hayah Film Compeition thing on the Ummah Films forum?
I voted! Yeah!
Salam allaykoom Brother Ali... Well,. I wanted to vote, but it's only for US citizens!! sorry !!
JazakAllah khair for your help.
Yeah, I just saw that too "Anyone in the U.S. can vote!..." which sounds like its limited to just voters from the USA.
um i tried 2 vote but coz im in da UK i cant..wel gud luk newayz.
oh yh i also wanted 2 say dat i fink all ur "reminders" r reli inspiring.
um im 15 yrs old n i go 2 secondray skool n all da muslims der watch ur videos so frm me n all at my skool we wud reli lyk it if u made a video aimed at skool kids. n talk about islam cumin b4 popularity n culture. also mentionin da problms kids face at der skool involving Isalm. fanx u! from ur muslim sista H.A
oh yh n i jus wantd 2 say i fink ur so funi n evry tym i watch ur videos wid my bruvas n sistas i laugh evry tym.
the videos aren't just funi der reli useful 2. fanx u! H.A
As'salam-o-Alaikum, I'm webmaster of DevelopersPK dot com, i saw your ad/event/request on facebook and i'm now forwarding your request to all of the users on my mailing lists. I could show you my contribution if i had a referral URL, but i'm doing what i thought should be done to have the good work be spread to the world.
JazakAllah khair
To bad I can't vote...Good luck!
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