Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem, rated the top 5 ISOC events in 2007 and Alhamdulillah the event "
An Evening with Ali", which was organized by the brothers and sisters at Imperial College was rated #1. Alhamdulillah I have had the opportunity to attend many events but the Evening with Ali was the first time that I stood up in front of such a large audience. The brothers/sisters who organized the event deserve all the credit and and they were brilliant ( <---you can tell I've been in the UK because in the states we don't use the word brilliant). I had loads (another British word) of fun at the event and the UK brothers and sisters are truly wicked! (yeah I'm on roll now!). Heeavvvvy :) Anyways,
here is the article
Slms Ali, you are a real inspiration. I really admire you. You stand up for whats right and not many people do. It's hard to do that in this eera. May Allah grant you all the best in this world and the hereafter. I would like to chat with you if possible. please leave reply to Wslms
you can contact ali by emailing him:
jazakhallah Khair for linking this Br Ali, I remember writing the review the day after having gone to the event. It was only the team were thinking of doing a top 5 isoc events of the year i just knew i had to make sure this one got the number one spot.
Can't wait to see you again in London sometime.
wa' alaykum assalams
i watched the show on islam channel unfortunately cudnt make it to london but it was fantastic nonetheless..
keep it up bro and inshaAllah Allah will reward you .. ameen
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