RSS Feed on Ummah Films
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
When checking the web stats, I'm noticed that we are getting a lot of hits from the same location. Assumming that these are the same people coming back to see if there is anything new posted on Ummah Films, I decided to add an Ummah Films RSS Feed.
In the right side of this page, there are three buttons: "Subscribe to Ummah Films", "Add to Google", & "Add to Yahoo". By clicking on any one of those buttons, you can set it up so that you are notified whenever there is a new post on the Ummah Films blog.
Since I use gmail (google email), and I have google as my homepage, I clicked on the "Add to Google" button on the Ummah Films homepage and the RSS Feed was automatically added to my google homepage (how cool is that?). Now now, whenever there is a post on Ummah Films, I can see it on my homepage without having to type check the blog (see below)

Google allows you to easily personalize your homepage to show everything from emails in your gmail inbox, to the weather, to even the RSS feeds you have subscribed to. Just goto and click on the personalize button.

If you want to add a free RSS Feed to your site, goto to
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