Ummah Films T-Shirt Design Vote
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
We have been thinking about selling Ummah Films T-Shirts (about $12) to help market the site, InshAllah. In order to keep our costs down, we need to go with one design. Which design do you like best?

(click photo for larger view)
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As-salaamu `alaikum,
This is a hard choice. I personally like 4, but I like ALL the designs.
Salaam Alakum,
I like option number 3.
Option # 2 I like the best, I hope you make these in little man sizes for my kids too! And by the way you have some of the neatest islamic shirts in the vids, where did you find those? In particular the one that says something like Muslim on court and off the court.
I like the second one best.
i like 3 the most!
Assalamu alaykum
I like #2.
Wassalamu alaykum
Asalamu Alaikum WaRahmat Allahu AazaWajal WaBarkatu
Def Da 2nd One Inshallah
-HiBz EsSenSe ©
salamz! i like option #2 the best!
i like #2 the best
O Wow! I like em all..but option#2 is prolly da best
O Wow! I like em all..but id prolly say that option#2 is best !
option 2
Option #1.
Hey, how do you know these anonymous people aren't posting over and over and over.. and.. you know, over again? That would kind of skew the vote huh?
Personally, I like #1 the best... but I'd like it better if it looked something like this:
(I cut up the url since it didn't show up as full on here)
Also, if you guys could get a back and front design, I have some design ideas in mind, though that might already have been scratched off due to budget - wa Allahu a3lam.
the second one
Assalaamu Alaikum :)
Option #2
I like the emphasis on "ummah"
i prefer number 2 over the others
Hmmm I'm stuck between 1, 2...they're both tight masha'Allah. Keep up the awesome vidoes and blog...
Assalamu Alaikum,
Hmm I couldn't narrow my choice down to one so I decided to go with Option No. 1, 2, and 3.
W'salam, Rocky
salam alaikum
#4 its clear and easy to see
I like Option #1. Can I ask though, would it be possible to organise a long sleeve version for the hjabis?
Peace :)
so erm yeah i like three :D
Option number two will make us all look amazing.
option 4
option 2 man
first one
Number #1
I like number 2
Option #2,
option #1 one is nice b/c "Ummah" is in bold. i understand that cost may be an issue but it would be really nice if you could make long sleeved shirts
I like the idea that blessedmuslimah thought up of. When the font is simple and close together, theres more emphasis on the text than when the words are seperated. When people view the shirt, they'll see one simple "word" and read it. You know those weird shirts that say: "10 Reasons why I'm Psychopathic and people are scared of Me"; well they have too many words which are too tiny and nobody can actually read the shirt unless you stop the person wearing it and read it, but who would do that to someone wearing a shirt saying "I'm a psychopath"? Well thats just my suggestion, salam!
as salamu alaikum
i think the ones with the bold font stand out the most - 1, 2 and 4, but i think the 2nd is the best :D
I personally like #'s 2 and 4 but 4 the best because when u start watching the videos when it says Ummah Films it is all on white so i think it would be best to stick with #4 the solid white letter.And just like what rsalnoor said about the long sleeve shirts. I think that the muslim girls that cover themselves will realy appreciate it and Inshallah you will get the money for it. I think a good idea is to do some kind of fundraiser of some sort.
salam alaikum...
Just use the logo..hehehe
salam alykom, i think option #3 is the best,it is more casual and catchy. well all of them are OK and inshallah for the good purpose.
yallah, fe aman Allah
I would prefer wearing (and looking at) Option #2!
i like 2
i like 2
tshirt 2 looks great
Asalamualaikum I agree with the brothers and sisters above that number 4 is best because it looks like a logo for a brand/company....the rest don't immediately stand out as representing something.
I personally like #1 best. Although, I must say, it was a very different choice.
as salamu alaikum wa rahmatulllah, im liking option 4 because the print will stand out from a distance, so u get more advertising and im thinking maybe a smaller logo on front of the shirt and a bigger one on the back because people are more likely to feel at ease having a good look at your back reading what your shirt says when walking down the strret etc. and it gives them more chance to memorise the logo.anyway just a thought, jazakumAllahu khair keep the vids coming insha Allah ta ala. as salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah
Im for number 1...
السلام عليكم
السلام عليكم
Asalamu Alaikum!
I like matches your original design for the ummah films logo.
Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu...
id say i toss up between 2 and 4
Option 4. Definately the best.
no 3
number 3
Option 2 inshAllah
i like number 4 and when is the next video cominggggggggg im addicted ur the best
Option 2
Why: Because there is an element of mystery in having one of the words in bold and the other one outlined.
Having both words outlined kinds washes everything out and having them both in bold is too overwhelming.
Now, why option 2 and not 1. I would personally have the person first notice the Ummah then look closer out of interest and see the word films.
* I realize there are people out there who can see both, but for us poorly sighted folk, squinting is an everyday problem.
2 cents
The last one...
Option #2!!
Option no 2!!!
"Ummah" is in bold white
and "Films" is in balck with white border.
the perfect message, psychologically.
- exactguy
me 2, i like OPTION 2, 4 the same reason as the anonymous oster before me... :D seems 2 be the heavy favourite! go with 2!
btw, plz make sure that there are long sleeve, more feminine styles (preferably with hoods ;) ) for the sistaz...
Option 2!
Greetz from Holland! :D
number ONE!
i vote for the #2 option
no. 2 insha-Allah
From a designers perspective, i say option one.
second choice option 3.
As Salaamu Alaikum Brother Ali,
I would like to cast my vote for #4. The other designs are fine, but number 4 stands out more!
All eyes will be on the prize, and the prize in the store is #4.
Sister Zainab Abdul Kareem
Founder and Director
"Voices of Islam"
Option 1
I vote for the SECOND OPTION, where "Films" is outlined only.
Most Def... option #2
I liked #3 best.
option #2 (cuz "ummah"'s being highlited
InshAllah you are all in good health and iman. Option two InshAllah.
May Allah be pleases with all your works..
I like option # 2 ... because ummah stands out in the solid white colouring and films looks good when it's just outlined...especially the star on top of the 'i' in films
ummm i lik number 1........
number 2 is the best.
print us off one hundred #2 hoodies, scotty!!
#2 is da best - no doubt bout it
I like the second one.
The second one looks the best!!!
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Option #2
As-salamu alaikom,
Option #2. And that's a vote of two in the room.
I like # 2. The emphasis is more on the UMMAH than on the films and that is a cool concept.
Asalamu Alikum,
L.G.M.H. Shakir
Salam alaikom!
I prefer option 2 as the word Ummah is in white which signifies good... Good luck insha2allah
#2 all the way!!! they all rock but #2 is really really nice mashallah good luck
ASalamu alaikum, i fink 3 is d best !!
I think 2 is da best option coz "ummah" stands out..& thats wat we stand for,,,rite.
all da best
I think number 2 is more attractive to the eye for some reason, really..
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