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Friday, April 29, 2011

Guess who's back?? Baba Ali's *NEW* Video!

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

If you like the video, please share it with others.

Support Baba Ali's project by going to http://halfourdeen.com and clicking on the "Like" button (or you can goto http://facebook.com/halfourdeen click on the "Like" button)

Baba Ali's Twitter: http://twitter.com/ummahfilms
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Looking to get married?
Visit Baba Ali's Muslim Marriage site halfourdeen.com

Monday, April 18, 2011

Baba Ali is back! - Check out the video!

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Support Baba Ali's project by going to http://halfourdeen.com and clicking on the "Like" button (or you can goto http://facebook.com/halfourdeen click on the "Like" button)

Half Our Deen Offline (Muslim Marriage event hosted by Baba Ali) - **Next event is May 29th in Long Beach, CA (walking distance from RIS convention). For more info goto: http://www.hodofffline.com

Baba Ali's Twitter: http://twitter.com/ummahfilms & http://twitter.com/babaali

Baba Ali's Marriage Project: http://www.halfourdeen.com

Baba Ali Live- http://www.alistandup.com

New Videos are coming soon inshAllah so make sure to subscribe to this YouTube Channel if you want to be notified when they're released. Please continue posting any of the videos on facebook, forums, blogs, etc.... Let's work together to make a positive impact.
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Looking to get married?
Visit Baba Ali's Muslim Marriage site halfourdeen.com