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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ummah Films on TV?

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,


A friend on the Ummah Films MySpace page advised me to post up one of my videos on Current Tv last Thursday and I did. Basically, the top video of the site goes to TV. With over 2000+ videos on the site, I really didn't think we had a chance because only the top video makes it . Plus, the only way to become the top video, viewers have to give you more greenlights (votes) than another other video. Given the facts that most the viewers are most likely non-Muslims and they have misconceptions about Islam, at one point I thought I was wasting my time because maybe they wouldn't even give it a chance. Alhamdulillah people watch and liked it.

On Friday, when I check the stats, it showed that the video I uploaded, Muslim While Flying, had moved up to #41 and then to #21 on Saturday and #10 on Sunday. I was very suprised since it was the first and only video on that website. Yesterday, as I was driving home, I get a phone call from the TV station saying that they want to broadcast the video (Muslim While Flying) on their channel. They told me it reaches 40 million people. Amazing. Early that day, I thought it was cool that we past the 1 million mark (1 million people viewing our videos since June) but to jump to 40 million is even cooler :)

Anyways, we still have to do the legal paperwork so it won't probably air until a few weeks. All the success is ONLY because of Allah (swt). All we have to do is put in the effort and make du'ah. The rest is out of our hands.
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Friday, January 26, 2007

Ummah Films on Currenttv.com

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

One of the common requests I get is to put these videos on TV.

A friend introduced me to http://www.currenttv.com/, which is a pretty interesting website. If you get enough votes (greenlights) they put you video up on TV so I decided to post up one of the UF videos. If you are on current.tv, please greenlight/vote for it InshAllah. The goal is to expand our audience and get the UF message out InshAllah and current.tv is a huge audience. Your support is appreciated.

For whatever reason, my profile is on their main page right now (maybe because I uploaded the video earlier today) but if you can't find it the video that way, then you can try the link below:


JazakAllah khair
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Looking to get married?
Visit Baba Ali's Muslim Marriage site halfourdeen.com

Saturday, January 13, 2007

New Ummah Films Video - "Arrogant People"

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Ummah Films - Please RATE and leave a comment on YouTube & Google Video InshAllah. We are trying to spread the UF Reminders and when a video gets ratings and comments, it moves up to main page on YouTube. Many non-Muslims have become interested and later converted to Islam after watching the videos even though our target audience has been primarily Muslims. If you would like to help us get the message out, just leave a comment and rate the videos on YouTube. Also, please let your circle of friends know about the new video. JazakAllah khair.

Arrogance is truly a punishment as it is something that blinds you from the reality. With nearly a million views on YouTube and Google, I've been getting a lot of attention and I am trying to be more conscious of keeping my intention straight. None of this success is because of me...whatsover! But rather if anything good has come from these videos is it only by the mercy of Allah (swt). Only the mistakes are mine.
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Looking to get married?
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What's new with Ummah Films?

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

Sorry for the lack of posting. The latest flu going around has had the best of me. Anyways, here is what's new with Ummah Films:

- NEW BLOG DESIGN: As you can see the blog has a new look (compliments of Taqi)

- SEASON 2 PAGE: In addition to the broken links being fixed at the www.ummahfilms.com site, I have added a Season 2 page in the Multimedia section. Season 2 will have 8 episodes InshAllah.

- NEW REMINDER VIDEO: The next video is going to about Arrogance InshAllah and I plan to start it tomorrow night and I hope to have it ready by Saturday InshAllah.

- UMMAH FILM SHORT MOVIES: Before all these video blogs, the idea was to make movies that Muslims can relate to. So the first short, Tomorrow Never Comes, was never completed. I worked on the script and gave it to some brothers to film but for one reason or another, only parts of the movie were filmed. Anyways, I want to start over InshAllah in March and try to film it again in April. I plan to use the blog as a journal so all those who keep up with the blog will be able to see from beginning to end on what it takes to make a short movie. More updates should be coming InshAllah.

- NEW SHIRTS FROM UMMAH FILMS - Please support Ummah Films by buying UF Shirts an wristbands InshAllah. We are going to be using the funds to buy equipment to film our short films.
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Looking to get married?
Visit Baba Ali's Muslim Marriage site halfourdeen.com

Friday, January 05, 2007

New Ummah Films Shirts (both long sleeve and t-shirt) - Helps us film our next movie

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

The new shirt comes in LONG SLEEVE too! Just follow the LINK

Alhamdulillah, the new Ummah Films shirts are finally here! Please support Ummah Films by buying a shirt InshAllah. The shirts come in two different colors (white & black) and this time we are carry both small and medium sizes too. Click HERE to purchase a shirt InshAllah.

We are trying to raise money to buy equipment so we can film our first short movie. We are trying to buy a Canon XL2 camera and a set of wireless mic InshAllah. If you like what you see so far by Ummah Films and would like to help us, please buy a shirt or two, a DVD of Season 1, or even some glow in the dark MUSLIM wristbands InshAllah.

JazakAllah khair for supporting Ummah Films
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Looking to get married?
Visit Baba Ali's Muslim Marriage site halfourdeen.com